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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Still very good. Doubt he'll drop much though he obviously played like *****. Don't forget Josh had some tough games too. Don't get me wrong Tyreek can help a qb a whole helluva lot.
  2. Him being mvp really isn't a stretch. No Hill and this team is no threat imo.
  3. A big reason I want that bye First, kc playing in Buff. 2 not playing these guys the first playoff game. Bosa and Mack going after Josh? Tough, assuming they're healthy.
  4. LA is playing great football. Doing it without 2 defensive superstars as well makes it even more impressive.
  5. Look at his stats! They are insane right now! People are stuck on previous years opinions. Though I think it's mostly a product of Hill/Waddle you can't deny he's having an excellent year. Hopefully he slides a bit. I know it doesn't mean a ton but I want Allen to get pro bowl And mvp.. Nobody is more important to their team. Not even Mahommes.
  6. No. One of the things I don't like about football holding. First I'd make it 15 yards to discourage it. Then I'd speed the penalty calling process up so it doesn't take so long to call one. I think the game would be even more exciting if they rolled like that. Crazy defensive plays would happen with more frequency. The hope would be severely limiting holds obviously.
  7. Could it be a secret weapon for the playoffs thing? I feel like that's crazy but...swear Daboll did it last year.
  8. Bingo. Normally you can grab a quality safety in later rounds. Line plus WR.
  9. Yeah, I really think there's some disappointment in a few areas on offense (not that we're bad overall). They expected big things from Gabe and it hasn't worked out. Had we gotten Davonte in an imaginary scenario we probably wouldn't have punted this year.
  10. Imo. We need to change our style of play and go all out aggressive offense. Josh can handle it. Wrs need to step the f up.
  11. Is that what he said lol? I believe I was mocking his mistype.. Greatest in what sense? Smartest? Most powerful? Certainly culturally we win, our music and movies are everywhere and copied (poorly). Where else are we greatest? How is this defined? Mind you I'm overseas right now and homesick so I probably agree on most fronts. But my contention is we suck at certain areas and we should be much better. Just saying we're the best is ignorant. Usually the people that shout this loudest have never been anywhere else.
  12. Saying ambitious people end up here you know is somewhat outrageous. Some do some don't. There are plenty of ultra ambitious that care nothing for the US. I think a lot end up here more for comfort/cultural reasons than ambition as well. My assertion isn't we should be just like them. My assertion is we should try and emulate the things they are doing really well that we aren't. Education first and foremost followed by healthcare. They generally pay high taxes. We can pay less (than them) and get most of the benefits they enjoy. There's no reason for us to be so far behind in these areas.
  13. I dont get the not trying to be successful part. That's an individual trait. I don't think it's fair at all to say people in those places aren't as ambitious. Yeah you don't sound dumb at all. Murica!
  14. Why? Brown shirts gonna beat my door down when I get home? Our 2 party system blows. Both parties are at their lowest points in forever. We have a mummy for a president and a crook owns the other. Cool. No, right now things suck. Less than the last term but still.
  15. I've spent years over most of Europe so I'd say I'm well traveled. To put them in a box and say they're all happy for the same reason is ignorant. They like their government by and large. Can any of us say the same?
  16. Mediocrity? Generally they have the happiest people ( according to polls i assume are somewhat accurate) and are nearly all at the top education wise. I wouldn't characterize that as mediocre.
  17. It's absurd only because we have so many hopelessly moronic people in our country. They are highly educated and some of the happiest countries in the world. Most of what they've implemented government wise were ideas from us.
  18. No blinders here. I dislike our crazies just as much as your sides generally. I simply recognize them as an extremely vocal minority. The gender psychos, nutjob feminists, they can all jump off a bridge for all I care. I want what the Nordic countries have or as close to it as we can manage with hopefully slightly lower taxes. Improve our education and our country will thrive.
  19. Yes grasshopper. One of your saviors Tucker Carlson certainly exemplifies masculinity. The imbalance part is spot on. The rest is cray cray.
  20. We're talking bs but do you honestly believe this? I didn't even mention the religious nuts who would gladly have us be a Christian version of Iran. Jewish space lasers bro.
  21. Exactly! You all knock the few nuts we have while defending the hundreds of thousands on your own.
  22. Yup, I made them up. But I would bet my last dollar between qanon, election deniers, proud twats etc your crazies absolutely outnumber ours. I doubt it's close.
  23. I love that the 1% of loonies on our side bug you more than the 30% on your own. Ours might be freaks but at least they didn't make a ######ed attempt at taking over the government.
  24. The people who knock you and Bill scour the internet for the dumbest garbage they can find. Sometimes I think they are parody profiles. Then I recall conservatives lost their fn minds when they elected Trump.
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