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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Exactly. These cases may have the same offence but from there, they are vastly different. Biden should get some sort of hand slap if it's truly sensitive classified stuff we don't want 3rd parties seeing. But comparing his situation to what Trump did is dumb yet inevitable.
  2. No they should be arrested too. I don't see anyone that leans left defending scum like the right does constantly.
  3. We should use him in the slot more. Play some tricks with moving him around and have him be sort of what we wanted in McKenzie. I love McKenzie but he's been off this year with drops. Hines is a beast but only if used correctly!
  4. Our defense is schizophrenic. Capable of shutting teams down when they play and scheme well then other times teams cut through us like butter. Tua has been really good this season. He should not play for his own health but if he does it's a really tough game.
  5. It broke you. I'm still rolling like nothing changed. Oh it's a big conspiracy!!! You are a joke. People in real life see you know it as well. They look at you and they feel pity. Just do what those voices are telling you.
  6. For just a moment let's be completely real. The vaccine didn't work as well as others? Omg! How shocking! It was rushed because it was a once in a lifetime event, are you surprised? You act like it not being effective as others is a conspiracy. It's not. You weak minded looney. You are the type of person your family is embarrassed to be associated with. And you seem to gloat with that fact.
  7. Waaaaaah. You are weak. Sorry to be the only one to keep ot real. Can't wait to see what the next thing you whine about is.
  8. You'll cry 10 times harder? You cried about covid almost every post for a year and a half. Covid broke you. It's because you are weak.
  9. Chase plus Higgins plus Boyd my friend. It's arguable but it's not crazy to say they're #1. And I think Hill is by far the biggest game changer in the league. Should be a great game. We'll finally see if Frazier is worthy of a head coach position. I believe he has the personnel to slow them down enough though I feel this game ultimately will fall on Josh.
  10. Agree with this. Bengals recievers are elite, probably best in the league. Our D has to step up big. Curious what our plan is. Hope Tre uses this game to round out into form. The reason imo Josh is best in the league is that he does more with less. Our only weapon is Diggs.
  11. A documented trail lacking a small thing. Proof. All just conjecture and coincidence. Which is all the right has nowadays. That and defending an orange fraud and his idiot minions that tried to subvert an election. No real plans to make the country better other than railing about the border.
  12. We lost 2 division games this year. Jets had an epic draft last year. All they need at qb is middle of the pack and if they have another decent draft they will be very tough.
  13. If they can lure Payton watch Russ come back Fast. He's not 100% done. I think Hackett was 90% of the problem there.
  14. No. It's Hackett. Russ will be back but not a top tier qb.
  15. People were looking solely at stats. He will still have a very similar rating and qbr to Allen after this game. I personally don't think he's crap. He's middle of the road, he just happens to have a great supporting cast on offense.
  16. Russia invaded for resources, namely natural gas plus shipping routes. Could we have something in place to later get some or all of our money back? I legitimately don't know. I hope we do. Normally you would think there's no way they could pay but they have considerable untapped resources. Apologies if that was discussed previously.
  17. He's such a smooth runner. Impressive lately. Not sure if the plan next year is to have him as our #1 back it doesn't seem likely. Would we look to draft our #1 back? Free agent? I know we're not trying to spend big money on a rb.
  18. I don’t get him at all. Great stretches and then completely invisible.
  19. Scandals about what? Helping them while they had this minority of idiots? General corruption? We have skinheads/extremists too. And ours can get high power weapons much, much easier. Personally I think Ukraine is a shi*hole country but we're doing the right thing. They want to be part of Europe and not another Chechnya.
  20. What's your point? These groups are prevalent there because Russia has been trying to overrun them one way or another since they existed. It was a BS excuse to invade. I'd bet that after seeing so many different parts of the world help, and fight alongside them, they'll change a bit and not be so racist once the war ends. It's an example on how nationalism can turn into racism. These groups started simply having pride for their country and it morphed into something negative for some. Ukraine is not a great place. They are trying to get away from Russian influence and become more western.
  21. Dude, covid utterly broke this man. He's probably holding back a bit on this forum too. His brain is probably straight out of sci fi. I wouldn't be shocked if he believes the global elites are lizard people. Don't even try here there's nothing reasonable only insanity.
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