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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I say who cares? It didn't break our brains for years and try to overturn an election. I say Russia is always interfering, that isn't new and you saying it was made up doesn't make it true. And if the Trump campaign hadn't lied repeatedly maybe those liberals wouldn't have spoken somewhat unresponsibly. I say it's a weak attempt to defend scum. Scum that are now going to shout fraud about every loss they can't accept. I say it's L Ron not Laron. Mocking L Ron Hubbard man help me out.
  2. The fact anyone supports this loon makes anything they say, on this board or in life, suspect. This guy is the new leader of qanon. He is certifiably nuts. He riles up the dregs of our nation with pure lies and fairy tales. There are no good conservative posters on this board. It's fn sad. The occasional good insight from them quickly gets drowned out by something insane.
  3. He pastes that I would think. Another goofball thread that makes little sense.
  4. Well, I think certain people have zero interest in truth. They want to hear their delusion echoed back to them while a steady stream of drool dribbles out. I feel bad for people over 60 who are intelligent, must be hard to find friends that aren't brain dead. It seems to me most of the people that just spew nonsense here are grumpy old men. We know now for a fact Tucker is completely full of shiite. His audience won't change because they'll just ignore reality. It's what they know. I'm glad that 10 to 15 years out this won't be as much a problem.
  5. Agree with the idea but the execution you detail is flawed. Oliver won't get a huge trade, he's just about a bust for his draft position. Maybe we get a 3rd? 2nd if someone loves him? Epenesa probably gets us....nothing. jag.
  6. Strange how all the fox viewers aren't outraged. It's one thing to get stories wrong but getting caught red handed at least should hurt. Doubt it will.
  7. Boring too huh? Scared, boring old man. Really do feel sorry for people that seek conspiracy because they've unable to comprehend the world around them.
  8. A scared old man that acts like he's 4. Unfortunately your type of crazy has become typical of most conservatives.
  9. Oh I guess if one thing is fake it's all fake. You're so gullible I actually feel sorry for you. Everything is a conspiracy I know.
  10. Azov exists because Russia has been planning this for a long time, well before 2014. They are just an ultra nationalist response to a larger country constantly f'ing with them. Russia stepped things up when their puppet Yanukovich got overthrown. I'm sure we were involved in small ways but the majority of Ukrainians wanted to ally with the West. Their pre war demographics were fairly simple, west Ukraine was pro Europe/west while the East were for Russia. Most of their population is in the western part of the country. Nothing was engineered by us. We don't have that much influence there. Maybe we will now but I doubt it.
  11. Lol there you go, you're proven wrong as is normal and you resort to its all fake. Maybe you are just too old for the internet? 1 min on YouTube and you can find multiple videos on the war. You saying they're deep fakes is the cheapest cop out there is.
  12. Our government is probably getting a ton of info, shoot we're helping with strategy. The public doesn't need to know anything more than we already know. Ukraine is trying for peace. They will negotiate as soon as Russia backs off their land. It's not complicated.
  13. They will be open to negotiation as soon as Russia backs off their land. Maybe your cool with people stealing from you, they are not. Wow you really do just throw absolute crap from Twitter here. There's tons online everywhere. Even horrid stuff Russians are doing.
  14. It's desperation. He's shown nothing that indicates he's corrupt but even if he were "blackmailing" I wouldn't blame him for trying. They are faced with annihilation. If that's the average Americans opinion your opinion of them is not high. If the US was in their position I would expect our leadership to do everything they could as well.
  15. I dont think the pro Russia people understand what Russia does with the countries under their thumb. Former eastern bloc nations, aside from Serbia, despise Russia. It's a good point to question whether Russia invaded due to Nato expansion but these places were begging for protection so as to not return to the old ways. They want to westernize and get away from the uber corrupt Russian way.
  16. The really sad part is fox wont lose any viewers. Nor will they comprehend the level of sheer BS being thrown at them. Yes, most news outlets are similar sadly. Fox is the worst of the major ones. Unfortunately where could conservative viewers go? They won't watch the others because they can't take news that leans left.
  17. Poland now, unbelievably, has probably the most powerful army in Europe. Russia would be crazy to try at this point. Who knows though, Putin seems like he lost his marbles, he certainly wanted Poland. Too many yes men around you seems to lead to horrible consequences.
  18. Timing can be unfortunate but if it's a penalty in the first minute it's a penalty in the last. Anything else gives refs even more subjective power than they already have.
  19. With all the conspiracies the right has its curious nobody is touching this one huh?
  20. If you like your girls to look a little like Charlize Theron and a lot like Dog the Bounty Hunter, in Greens case. Straight up white trash.
  21. Wouldn't there have been a cheaper way to do it? Even unarmed those would cost a bit no?
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