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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. They're going to have problems. Birth rates in Europe are really bad and have been for some time. Now factor in people who left because of the war not coming back because they settled elsewhere....it'll have to be a creative solution.
  2. Russia had horrible demographics before the war. Now its a catastrophe. Win or lose the war I wonder what they'll do.
  3. You look at weird ***** online bro. Anyone ever sees your history they're gonna think you a freak.
  4. Totally agree.
  5. Uhhh that's definitely socialism.
  6. The original post on this thread was about this group protecting the constitution, one of their not so creative goals. I'm saying their interpretation of many things likely will differ from mine. In other words I likely won't agree with these guys on anything other than standing up to agent orange. That takes courage nowadays for the right. Example one this thread.
  7. I'm more a Michelin star guy than fast food but I won't knock what you like or where you take Mrs Len on date night. The constitution comment was in reference to what the group claims to represent and where I'm positive I differ from them. I'm sure there's more but I don't care enough to check. Righties, conservatives.... Whatever. Most of you attack anything that attacks Trump.
  8. When I said time will tell you took that as they ring my bell? Huh. That's unusual. Plus, and this may be foreign to as closed a mind as yours, I can respect one aspect of a group or ideology while despising the rest. Not that I despise the constitution, but their interpretations. But by all means, keep blasting away at any negativity toward the orangutan king. I know anything even hinting at negativity toward him is worthy only of derision from the not cult right.
  9. Righties here will mock it because it's not maga enough. They will be called rinos even if that makes zero sense. Sounds like real conservatives attacking Trump. Time will tell if it's legit.
  10. This is one of the most painful threads I've read in ppp.
  11. Those damn socialist nazis can get mighty confused.
  12. This thread would be funny if it weren't sad af. Knowing that the Nazis called themselves Socialists but were definitely not Socialists is something you should have learned in 8th grade. Propaganda....using socialist rhetoric...holy f.
  13. Ok it's made up right? ......right? Wayyyyy too ironic.
  14. I dont think it would. He has built in excuses and they aren't bad.
  15. Except at the start of just about every game where we let teams walk down the field and score.
  16. It feels like the Bengals will score every drive so nice to get a stop.
  17. The one thing I saw so far was a Bengal drop in the endzone but I hope you're right.
  18. Dunno about Taron but Dane yeah.
  19. Hate this defense.
  20. No kidding, didn't know that. Zuckerberg would have whooped Musk, it would have been a real funny event. Surprisingly he takes mma fairly seriously.
  21. Which of course makes you a huge part of the problem. Above the slime at j6 but not quite by enough to comprehend your utterly being duped (by someone so, so, so utterly stupid). Not that there are great alternatives...there are not. I desperately hope that changes. I'd happily take a normal R (not christofacist) over Biden/Trump.
  22. I was referring to politicians i should have been more specific. Yes there's an occasional insult by a poster but ultimately he will have all your votes. If roles were reversed and he was a dem we would have crushed him. FAST. I'd be helping anyone else campaign against him and politics isn't high on my give a crap list. You and your doppelgangers wacka and Unforgiven bring nothing to any convo. You pop in, insert a negative blurb from fox or newsmax, or whatever, then bounce. It wouldn't be bad if it were funny or original, but it's Hannity type bs made for an audience in depends.
  23. You see the irony in saying this right? Please tell me you do. Your entire party is afraid to say a word against the imbecile. You at least see that much right? It'd be like me cracking on Trump for being old.
  24. ....said the Boomer gargling the orange man's cheeto dust covered sack....
  25. Wacka with another post with zero substance, knew we could count on you! You old farts are all the same. You all only care 1 iota because you're desperate for anything that makes j6 seem unjust for the freaks that went crazy that day. It was antifa! No, it was the FBI! No it was Ray Epps! What about the pipe bomber!?! I would distance myself from these freaks you imbeciles want to defend so bad. When left wingers broke the law I said throw them in jail- like they deserved.
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