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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Frank, not sure if you noticed, but this is mostly a fact free party. Coming here and throwing around facts will upset our more conservative leaning posters.
  2. Can't have too many....injuries.
  3. Woo you went to whining pretty quick. Unfortunately for you if that's the law that's the law. We know people like you would vote in scum of the earth - you already did. You just bitched about this more than the fake electors. Why? Because you are the hypocrite. You don't give af when your people try to cheat. Huh?
  4. Wasn't super specific but I found what I recall. So, if that's true. Trump getting bounced would be amazing. If Trump wasn't running, I'm not sure I'd be running," Biden said at a fundraising event for his 2024 campaign outside of Boston. "We cannot let him win." Biden's striking self-assessment comes as even staunch Democratic voters express concerns about the president's age.
  5. As credible as Alex Jones.
  6. Doing things by the law vs breaking the law. You seeing no difference says a lot. I don't think it will get held up but it should. Imagine a scenario where he gets held off a bunch of ballots (meaning this is upheld and then other states follow). Trump drops out then Biden follows. Win-win. Biden said he's mostly running because Trump though who knows.
  7. Nobody cares who you want to hear from. A person that supported fake electors should absolutely not be eligible to run for office, even middle school class president. We'll see if the SC upholds it may be a moot point but shove your faux outrage over to your qanon buddies who will swallow it whole.
  8. My name is L Ron Burgundy and I am an idiot. Thanks.
  9. Hmm, the sacks stat I would bet is misleading. Is there a stat for offensive line for allowing pressure? I think that stat is good because of Allen being elusive and hard to tackle.
  10. I've never underestimated a player like I have Cook. I thought he was a passing down rb only. I'm so glad I was so wrong.
  11. Did anyone notice we didn't really use play action? We didn't need to I know but...is that odd? Hopefully that isn't like a staple of Bradys system.
  12. Ah the 'ol stinkfist maneuver. A little more complex than swim technique.
  13. It's c level trolling. We already know how delusional they are about the orangutan so it's fairly weak.
  14. I agree with the sentiment. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, we have enough of those posters. He's going to need at least one ring for a great legacy. I now want it for Josh just as much as for the fans. He's like none other. He plays like he's immune to getting hurt, he'll run through a wall for his team. I worry we don't have the coaching to get that ring. As beautiful as tonight was the Jets and Pats losses could make this game and run to the playoffs meaningless. I hope not.
  15. He threw well actually too. Anyone catch a count on drops? I had 2. Cook and Kincaid. I give Kincaid a pass on one of them, would have been a tougher catch if I recall.
  16. Best full game of the season.
  17. Dorsey didn't understand the run game.
  18. He's undercover maga. No I mean the fbi coerced him to film the porn. Not everyone at the event was ID'd so they must be fbi. That's how this works right?
  19. Why is this a story? If he were an elected official I get it. Fire him and move on.
  20. How real is this story looking today big guy? Looking good? Or like just about everything you magats believe fake.
  21. This is bad. He and Poyer haven't been good this year but we've got horrible backups.
  22. Yes the party of qanon and Jewish space lasers is lecturing and mentions irony. Yeah....put your head back in the sand old man you're more comfortable there.
  23. Lol, let's bet on thus being real or not. How bout it?
  24. So who is next? Who else was pumping this bs at volume 11? I hope they do act grab more $ from more conspiracy loons.
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