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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. There have been like 400 fake lists released at this point. As usual misinformation is a part of the problem.
  2. Yes? What did she say about the f'n bridge? Does it end with you bobbing an orange haired rtard and allowing him to redefine your morals?
  3. Read? Read? What need have they for books when they have pitchforks! For everything except Trump of course, no pitchforks for him. He gets a pass (also another known reader Trump is).
  4. Hmm, you are holding her to a higher standard than the diaper wearing POS you will vote for president, do you find that interesting? And that is because you are a colossal hypocrite. This impacts you 0%. But please, continue to let these things raise your blood pressure.
  5. Lol! There needs to be a reward for this level of stupid. Unless...maybe doc is just an embedded troll, mocking all the right wingers in secret. Like antifa and Ray on J6!!!! Nobody on the left gives 2 f's about this guy.
  6. Nah, I just don't pretend to care about some ivy league twaat like you're pretending to. Keep waving them pitchforks though, this is the highlight of your year!!!
  7. Everyone got their pitchforks and tiki torches ready? You people sift through Twitter looking for stupid shiite to be enraged about. Wtf cares? I'm sure all you flat earth, election fraud touting Mongols are Harvard alumni and this touches you on a personal level and all.
  8. No, the point of the thread is that he is making up BS so that should he lose the election he'll have a built in excuse as to why and a reason to rile up your flat earth jewish space laser Republican friends. He did the exact same thing in 2020. You see that, or do you deny that happened? Genuinely curious.
  9. This should be an easy position to grab in the offseason. The Beasley, McKenzie type are a bit underrated league wide. A cheap FA or draft pick should not be difficult. Probably can't afford Renfrow. Definitely not Godwin. I dream of Josh with multiple offensive weapons.
  10. Didn't Don do this exact thing prior to the 2020 election? Are you able to admit that?
  11. Perfect post. Our recievers can't get open certain games. It's absurd. I watched Cinci stay competitive without Burrow today. How would we look without Josh? The answer is we'd be completely f'd.
  12. Someone just went from 6 to midnight! All 3 inches! You got em now.
  13. Your posts are so full of stupid/conspiracy it's hard to know if it's worth replying. Yanukovich got elected because Russia was meddling- which was not anything new. Fraud/intimidation, you name it. Nothing blew up right away because he basically agreed not to shift hard to Russia and Ukraine would keep going in the direction they were going - toward westernization/being part of Europe. But then once he was elected he broke his promise. That's when the people rebelled. It's likely Yanukovich was threatened by the Kremlin but he may have just been Putin's guy for the $. Dictators since then.....just f'n stupid. You can be against the war without sounding like a f'n Russian stooge.
  14. I bet if you handed him an unlabeled map he couldn't find Ukraine. I would bet every $ I had.
  15. I agree on the likely outcome but disagree that would mean we accomplished nothing. Is it really nothing that Russia's big war resulted in a sliver of ***** eastern Ukraine vs them conquering the whole country? I'm guessing you believe that without our assistance Russia would have all of Ukraine by now yes? And, if they had rolled through Ukraine with let's say minimal West $ (i dont agree they would have but certainly possible) wouldnt you say then they would definitely be eyeing their next target? And no matter what the dead count would be similar. Just a much higher percentage of Ukrainians dead. People dont want to be slaves and that's exactly what Ukraine would be. Your position in terms of Ukraine/US involvement is incorrect because you do not understand eastern europe as a whole. The former soviet bloc nations are, nearly all, thriving as they westernize (which is not to say its going perfect). Ukraine, and her people, want that. The US is not the main driver of Ukraine moving away from Russia, it's looking at Poland, Czech, the Baltic nations all thriving through Westernization (Freedom baby!). You fall for silly conspiracies way too much. You say 10 smart things then go straight Alex Jones.
  16. There's a lot of chatter right now of escalation with Nato. My indpendent news sources say things are ramping up around Estonia. Not sure how serious it is or if just Nato members thumping their chests. The notion that Russa would keep going is crazy, they can't even take Ukraine. The thing is ....Putin is crazy. As intelligent as he's been in the past he is just as crazy now. He's surrounded himself with yes men so all the info getting to him is borsch flavored BS.
  17. Lol. You know about Ukraine because you know Ukrainians? Do you know how absurd you sound? Are you in 3rd or 4th grade? I spent the Orange Revolution in Eastern europe where they were cheering on Ukraine for finally starting what they had done long before. I also spent most of the past 2 years there watching refugees stream through looking for a country to take them in. You know nothing John Slow. Your opinions, as usual, are steeped in baseless conspiracy. Yeah I know your cousins buddy told you the US caused a coup! It's BS. The WEST supported Ukraine. We are just a part of the west. And support means a lot of things, not lead or caused or initiated. Oh did I ruffle your panties?
  18. Yeah those ethnic Russians in the east and Crimea were not clamoring for a return to the motherland, the Eastern separatists didn't rebel until Vlad made some people rich. Only someone swallowing his (your now friend Vlads) propaganda think otherwise. You mention Euromaidan this thread like you're some sort of expert and understand the complexities in Ukraine then (or now). You clearly don't you are just parroting conspiracy. Yanukovich was always a Russian puppet, this is fact. While I'm sure the west stuck their nose in these events they certainly didn't initiate anything. And it certainly pales to the influence Russia had ALL ALONG. But you don't take that into account.
  19. If you noticed the anti war crowd has slowly shifted to pro Russia. Oh those poor ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine!!!! Never mind Putin paid them to first stir trouble then attempt to revolt. These people are brainwashed by idiotic right wing talking heads whose only goal is to crap on every single decision made by dems. Even when it contradicts longstanding conservative ideals.
  20. Should not be a question. If there's proof diaper Don was in on this in any way he should go to jail.
  21. Wrong. I have been critical on dems fighting inflation, immigration. I've said numerous times i dont like Biden. My history is here, some I've discussed this week as a matter of fact. My example for you in this thread clearly shows your hypocrisy. You, like all magats, excuse what T does even when it's 10x worse than what dems do.
  22. I dont know. There are so many of them. I hope you're right. I do meet normal R's in rl they just seem outnumbered.
  23. We're the guys that own the lawns you and your sister/wife mow every couple weeks.
  24. I disagree. It's willfull disregard. They are so wrapped up in Us vs them they ignore when their party does wrong. No matter how stupid or hypocrotical.
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