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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Yes. But I understand his POV. Should Republicans for j6?
  2. Hypocrisy? What about Republicans who defied theirs that's ok? Let's get them all out in the open for the public. But Republicans won't they are too chickenshite.
  3. What's next? Quick ruling?
  4. Yawn. Literally, your perception of reality has been altered. If it were someone respectable I could at least pretend to understand but it's a diaper wearing imbecile you've decided to let think for you. It's pathetic.
  5. LOL! This explains you defending Trump. Baseless accusation to you = a group of people trying to commit the crime they said they were going to on video. You've lost it. You're probably one of those hidden Trumpanzees in rl aren't you? Family embarrassed the whole 9 yards?
  6. No it's clearly what you think despite not coming out directly and saying it (because you're defending scum...still). You clearly have watched very little footage from that day. There's plenty proving 100% what I'm saying.
  7. Omg. Are we in a parallel universe? You are 100% defending them by trying to pretend their intentions were different from the freaking WORDS COMING OUT THEIR MOUTHS AND MORON T SHIRTS THEY WORE. Again I have proof that I'm right. You got nonsense. Bring f16s?????? Was that an option for them? F no! And you know that. Your acting like they're a nation of people instead of ignorant rabble. What they thought they could do is what's important not what's realistic. They didn't have f16s though. These people in this forum are as crazy as j6ers.
  8. Again, their stupidity doesn't override their intent. I have proof. Many of the idiots literally wore their intent on their shirts or are on video screaming it. Your only defense for them (defending scum for the millionth time) is that their objective was impossible. I could argue otherwise through their pressuring of Pence etc.
  9. Completely irrelevant. Their stupidity has no bearing on their intent. Moronic argument. Not surprising from a guy who quotes qanon freaks. Or maybe I'm wrong. If I try and murder someone and forget a gun should I not be charged with murder?
  10. 6-1 after Dorsey. And that Philly game only a loss because of the refs. I'll kick anyone in the nuts that says otherwise.
  11. That one run on 3rd and 13 is the epitome of Josh Allen. One of the Dolphins barely tried tackling him. Because he knew his arse was getting run over if he tried.
  12. Or was it just moving on from Dorsey?
  13. Holy crap. Home field until Baltimore. Woooah. And what an insane game to finish it.
  14. They weren't there for anything but protesting and making their voices heard. The Civil War chants and 1776 chants were pure coincidence.
  15. If we can barely score on this Miami D Baltimore will shut us out.
  16. He's averaging 10 a carry so far. Looks like money is a good motivator. Who knew?
  17. Tell Jets fans that when they a meaningless game and snagged Zach Wilsin instead of Lawrence. Though in general I agree.
  18. He's become the poster child for incels and old men with internet brain. The tendency to do the whole "ohhh look who thinks like me" is beyond absurd especially if you're talking about a football player. We're not talking about an academic or genius but a tool whose a good qb. He's also a Jet now. Bragging that you agree with a Jet is like bragging you caught the clap.
  19. Everything should be studied so we do better next time. Hopefully that next time is not during any of our lifetimes.
  20. He did well with the vaccine.
  21. Yeah screw that fake vaccine, the government should have just stepped aside and let nature run its course. Medicine is for losers. Science is for losers too. Thinking? I bet only virgins do that.
  22. Crazy. Partial From the link- Nearly 17,000 deaths induced by hydroxychloroquine A new study published in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy now estimates the fallout from the drug’s off-label use. Researchers led by Jean-Christophe Lega, a Professor of Therapeutics in the Lyon, France hospital system, investigated studies conducted in France, the United States, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Turkey from March 2020 until July 2020. "HCQ use was associated with an 11 per cent increase in the mortality rate in a meta-analysis of randomised trials," the study noted, citing a meta-analysis published in 2021 in Nature which the researchers used to calculate the number of deaths induced by the drug. https://www.euronews.com/next/2024/01/05/hydroxychloroquine-use-during-covid-pandemic-may-have-induced-17000-deaths-new-study-finds
  23. Zero chance. He's one of the less whacked whackos here amazingly. He got mighty testy the first time I brought it up too. You hit any good restaurants over there lately? I'm assuming you're still overseas. Cmon need to live vicariously through you I'm living in a dead zone for food.
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