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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Where's the socialism? Let's compare taxes for the last 2 presidents and see who paid more. Wanna play and see how that goes? You have nothing lol. Economy does better under dems too.
  2. Sorry ref. Calling out stupidity frowned upon? Have I violated your delicate sensibilities? I asked a fairly simple question, explain what you mean maybe give an example, and got a nice sized rant about nonsense.
  3. Take your meds biatch. That rant was utterly meaningless bs. Just because you can't f'n articulate the stupidity you put out here about the uber rich in Davos. Conservatives are sad af. Oh and when you post a certain way, everyone can tell your political leanings whether you vote or not.
  4. True, and Bernie should have stayed away from that term. He tried to normalize it. Bigly mistake. Anyone with half a brain knows that democratic socialism is not even close to the same as socialism but the right used it to scare the less than half brain folk into thinking Stalin was coming. Then certain internet brain left wingers started mistaking it and arguing socialism was good, when they meant social democracy. A bit funny but very dumb.
  5. Ok some detail. How are they holding you down? Any proof? Like, give me an example how their greed holds you down specifically. To me it sounds like you should vote Democrat. The left wants the rich to pay their share. The right is doling out tax breaks for the rich hoping some trickles to people like us when in reality that same greed, you and I agree there, prevents that from happening.
  6. So nothing based in reality, gotcha. And you're miserable too, shoot. That's just sad. Maybe if you stop riling yourself up with make-believe boogeymen you'll be happier. Give it a shot champ.
  7. Do you have any belief based in reality? And you talk about awareness? Gtfo. Nope. We just comprehend that everything isn’t a dumb conspiracy. The same people talking about this meeting being evil believe Bill Gates injected them with tracking devices through the covid vaccines. You are all nuts.
  8. Yes everyone is trying to mirror you Debbie Downer. The guy who mutters about left wing pacs and ignores right wing ones. Qanon jack fan. Yup. Nothing but lefties on tik tok....and you huh big guy? I get it, your incel communities are probably there huh? You and all your Nick Fuentes loving buddies post there and commiserate?
  9. Omg you found a clip of a crazy person. Congrats. You can find hundreds of thousands of your maga incel brethren spewing nonsense too. You just ignore those though.
  10. Here's a little tip (just the tip). everyone here is partisan. You are as partisan as anyone. And Trump is thrown out so much because it's a mic dropper.
  11. Why finding qanon? You post q crap here all the time, he doesn't have to "find" anything. YOU are the expert bruh.
  12. They don't even care if it's a grift! He says things they like so it gets copy/pasted everywhere. Even more embarrassing are their Twitter sources- people like Julie Kelly are the least harmful. And she is beyond clueless. Listen if you're calling someone dumb.....best double check no? I mean incels have other problems I know but come on.
  13. Lol! Ad hominem alert!!!!! Love it when someone calls someone else dumb and makes a 3rd grade grammar error.
  14. Some of these simps are incels. Just thought I'd point that out.
  15. Yes please do it. If you must treat it like your old lady when she won't let something go. Pretend like you're sorry.
  16. I saw him slow down then keep running. Could have been waiting for blocks. He's never done a fake slide before so him randomly doing one is unlikely. It's not in his character though I'll admit he does whine to refs more than I like.
  17. I thought it looked bad in the one replay. Like major broken leg, but I hope I'm wrong.
  18. Everyone's blood pressure just went down considerably.
  19. Then call different plays, help Cam. Guys go out adjust your gamelan ffs.
  20. We need to flip the switch and go all out aggression on offense.
  21. Serious question. Could we use this to bring Araiza back? I mean, he's innocent. From his perspective it's a way back in the nfl.
  22. Who is the backup punter? There's gotta be one right?
  23. Maybe he meant the first quarter?
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