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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. He's trolling. No way anyone actually believes that.
  2. This is great, sums up Trump perfectly. There's always the cycle of I'm innocent that shifts to "what I did isn't illegal". And right wing saps eat it up every time.
  3. I dont think it's Shoen, he just inherited a catastrophe. They should have gone full rebuild style. That team seriously lacks talent.
  4. Lol this thread sure fired up the old folks home. Very cruel Tibs. But funny.
  5. When Karen goes to hell he's going to be forced to spend eternity in a small room with Hillary.
  6. Probably the one thing he's said truthfully. No doubt 98% of conservative posters.
  7. Awe grabbing a slogan from your buddy nc. How cute. Lol you are all clones in various states of decline.
  8. That's not even in the realm of what I was saying. Messed up people do think its sexy or else they would not commit the crime or be turned on by watching a version of it. E Jean's statement wasn't rape is sexy but you probably ate up the truncated version like the previous tool discussing this embarrassment.
  9. It wasn't rape. He jammed fingers inside her. Thus sexual abuse was the charge. People do think rape is sexy. Like I said in other posts there is porn centered around rape. People are f'd up. Does nobody remember the amazing Nick Cage flick 8mm?? It's not amazing that was a joke. Boy you morons sure latched on to banana republic and kangaroo court. Can barely go three sentences without one of those. Lol are we sure all you conservatives aren't related?
  10. Holy smokes dude. S&M is not the same as rape porn. Completely different. There is a genre of porn centered on rape/abuse NOT S&M. How do you not understand this? I don't care enough about this to go back-and-forth more. You don't get it, fine.
  11. If nobody thought rape was sexy, or people weren't into it, it wouldn't happen. There's genres of porn dedicated to this crap. Unfortunately it's a thing. Are you sure she made a bunch of other accusations or you believing an internet weirdo who posts f'n qanon garbage? Far as I've seen she's had 1 other accusation. You already partially quoted her which completely changed the meaning of the sentence because that's what you saw on conservative media. And I'm not steering squat. My point is it's meaningless what she's said in the past, short of "I'm going to make false accusations and get rich". Nothing makes her deserving of what apparently happened. He did say he just grabs them by the pu$$y. Why are you surprised when he actually does it?
  12. Nobody? Very much incorrect, obviously. Are you saying because she doesn't take rape seriously (your words) she deserves this? Seems to be a theme in your posts. "She brought this upon herself ". Like I said. Your kinda f'd up.
  13. Sure, who gives a f. These questions will never work like you want because none of us worship Joe. Most of us barely like him or just tolerate him because he destroyed the orange imbecile.
  14. Apartheid Clyde doesn't want free speech. Just the freedom to push conspiracy and lies that he likes.
  15. People talk about owners not interfering a lot isn't that a good thing? I would think Beane would need to make the change many of us want though I'm not sure that's the correct dynamic we have going on.
  16. He did hire an idiot but let's be real she probably followed his instructions. As King Idiot everything out of her mouth was probably put there by him. She could not be THAT bad.
  17. If she's smart she pushes for this test. I would not shut up about it until he does.
  18. Finish your thought then. Specific to her rape comment. How would allowing that comment in the trial help the defense? Let me hear your narrative.
  19. Ah yes, an unsuccessful rape attempt. Much better. Let's give you a standing ovation!
  20. You didn't outright. What direction is your little defense of him going when you think this is evidence absolving Trump? If she said rape is sexy, which we know is a portion of that sentence, so what? She's not even my type......then mistakes her for an ex wife. It'd be hilarious if you shmucks didn't worship this imbecile.
  21. There is a huge difference between saying rape is sexy vs many people think rape is sexy. She's literally saying many people are f'd up. Then again no matter what someone says that doesn't mean they are eligible for rape. I've known many female comedians that make rape jokes. They don't want to be raped. You and your scum bag buddies will excuse anything he does. When he dies people that signed NDAs are gonna come out and tell their stories. And you psychos will defend him then too.
  22. Did she ever say the sentence rape is sexy? Why is the interview relevant? Is your point that if a female says something you can rape or sexually abuse her?
  23. Does that matter in any way whatsoever? If a girl is a bit odd that gives a green light to rape her? You are f'd up. Get help. They dont care. We could find out 1k things he did alongside Epstein and they would just try and explain it away. Or, they'd go the Trump route and attack the accuser or judge. These people are f'n pathetic in every way.
  24. Anything to defend pure scum. It's pathetic. And clearly you have zero standard for president of our country. He destroyed any semblance of standard you probably once had.
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