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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Here's the problem, i don't really care about tucker and putin myself but i see their perspective, Tucker is not a real journalist. Hes not going to call Putin on BS or blatant lies. Oh he'll call out 1 or 2 things for show but mostly this will be full propaganda by someone that does it best. Many ignorant people will eat this up and fall further on the side of Russia. Which is literally the point for vlad. If you don't see this coming from a mile away you are ignorant on both Russia and tucker.
  2. Lol! And watch the idiots here parrot what's said here as if Putin is trustworthy. 100% it's going to happen.
  3. Raises questions sure. You said should have ended it right on the spot. That's a bigly exaggeration. I think he lost because he's borderline reetarded. He's too stupid to stfu. Then again it's very possible he did it. It's literally something he says he does isn't it? Just walks up to women and grabs them....would you be shocked if he actually did something he said he does? I get you'll defend him no matter what but come on.
  4. Stupid + liar yes but bad lawyer no, got it. Rather than saying I've never raped or sexually assaulted anyone he said she's not my type, then he mistook a photo of e jean for his ex wife. Fn stupid liar.
  5. Would you agree with the statement that Trump lost because he's a stupid liar and had crap lawyers?
  6. Dems do have to save democracy. Because the right all sound like this loon.
  7. Remember when Trump said "I just grab them by the pu$$y"? He did what he said he does. Uninvited.
  8. Boring. Same boring shiite. Same banal conspiracies. It's all you have I guess. Pretty sad.
  9. I'll be the minority here but I think the Jets are close to being a playoff team, maybe a contender with a good offseason. Big mistakes were not investing more in o line, giving Rodgers too much power (may have agreed to that to get him), and HACKETT. If they fix the o line and Rodgers is healthy that will hide the Hackett effect. That defense is no joke. Pair it with an offense that doesn't go 3 and out all the time and you have something.
  10. Mahomes is better than Brady. Not much to debate. He's got Brady level accuracy but also he's mobile and elusive. Might not be at Brady level at reading defenses but the rest makes up for it. Josh is better but has never had the same level supporting cast.
  11. He's talking about AOC here, still wrong though.
  12. Work? Wtf do you think this is? You lost? This is a Taylor Swift thread in a f'n Bills forum.
  13. Again, your knowledge on her is 100% based on conservative media which will only show her blunders or edited clips without context. If I judged you solely on your mistakes how would you cone off? How would anyone?
  14. You are a conspiracy theorist. You don't think the reigning Superbowl champs had the ability to elevate their play? They have the 2nd best qb in the NFL. The best coach. Now a top defense.
  15. Not equally, i understand what you mean but I'd bet the farm on AOC destroying Boebs on any topic. AOC has unusual moments but also has intelligent ones. Your search algorithm wont show you those im sure. Boebert has never had an intelligent moment and was very likely a call girl. I have no problem with call girls in general but when they then play the Christian card it's absurd.
  16. Literally nothing I care about less than Taylor. Idk one song. It's hilarious it riles up grumpy old conservatives. But Boebert riles me up because she's an elected official. She's the poster child for the fall of the republican party. She's an embarrassment.
  17. Well it was true the first couple pages. And they are definitely trolling.
  18. You are replying to a sub par troll. One who whines about sources then uses the all time worst when they say something he likes. It's not worth your time.
  19. Let's get more embarrassing. One conservative Twitter Allstar said the right already had their own Taylor Swift in......wait for it......wait for it....Lauren Boebert! Rofl. You know, the hooker. The one groping a dude during a play. Unreal.
  20. It did? It's mostly geriatric conservatives posting. Left leaning posters chiming in to laugh.
  21. Man I wish they'd both take the same cognitive test and release the results. My guess is we would never hear from you again about Trump. Not that I think Joe is smart, I just know the other guy is that dumb.
  22. Ditto for the orange imbecile. Except he has a life of McDonalds and pornstars that will hasten his demise. Joe is taking care of himself at least.
  23. See I don't know thar he is. He's always said sub moronic things. He's always blathered sentences that made no sense. Yeah he's doing it more but it may just be dementia. He's gonna fade faster than Joe. He's a fat POS. Joe looks healthy. Like a healthy mummy.
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