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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. But they read on right wing media that the Lira death is some sort of travesty!!!! Gtfo. Imagine your country is being invaded, women AND children being raped and murdered. And some loon is running around yelling crazy shiite, including the war is fake....I'm shocked another prisoner offed him. Shocked. Play stupid games.... I am increasingly convinced people do not understand the internet. I've seen elderly family fall in this trap. Once they fall they're usually gone forever too.
  2. Yeah! Let's trust a worse crook to make it better! It's like ditching Jeffrey Dahmer for Hitler. Maybe I should have reversed those....
  3. That guy on x sends out the most inane garbage I've ever read. It's pure grift (which is perfect if you're aiming for an audience of right wing zombies).
  4. Why now? Putin is making moves that on the surface don't make sense. Why b slap Tucker? He probably could have made him even more strongly pro Russian taking that interview seriously and letting Tuck score some journalism points. Why off Navalny now? Is he showing what happens when you dissent to intimidate soneone in particular? There's a lot going on in Russia that's not being reported on right now. Troops refusing orders, attacks within Russia that may not be from Ukraine.
  5. Yeah simple questions making you ornery is a sign of a stable person with considerable intellect. For sure.
  6. What from his post is incorrect?
  7. I really don't think I could sum it up better than this.
  8. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/special-counsel-charges-fbi-confidential-source-alexander-smirnov/story?id=107275129 The article says Republicans claim this doesn't undermine their investigation. It does. But two tiered justice system!!!!!!! Step 1 of charges against Joe falling apart.
  9. If both just went away we'd be so much better off. I doubt a maga moron would replace THE maga moron and dems would probably run a centrist though that's not 100%. Would be nice. As for people talking about Putin....does it need to be said that everything he says is for show? Everything has an ulterior motive. Even, and especially, his interview with the propagandist Tucker.
  10. That and the punt hitting that dude in the foot. Crazy bad luck honestly.
  11. Rofl!!!! I'm shocked I tell ya. I bet they didn't keep tabs on good Ole Ray Epps during the election though....
  12. Who cares if Greta is saying it??? It makes zero difference it's not her research! She's parroting what the scientific community is saying. Nothing more. Your story doesn't even prove your point you just used a different expert. And that's anecdotal- not that I expect you to comprehend that. Just because your procedure went well, I assume, doesn't mean statistically it was your best option. Finally, I never said I was an expert. I said I trust experts because they've done research. Their research is then reviewed by other experts in their field. You know where the research is showing climate change is a hoax? Nowhere it does not exist. And before you verbally vomit more word salad about money or their funding think about how much big oil would give to a real study showing climate change is not a problem. Probably a little bit right?
  13. He also wants to kill 62 big macs in 5 minutes. Fact.
  14. Yes you know more than scientists because you use Google. Very intelligent. Make you sure you do extra research when you need surgery. Lol.
  15. I missed something. What happened?
  16. That makes you a commie! I mean to freaks here only of course.
  17. Why have evidence when you can let fox news think for you? Oh that's the conclusion? You have any proof or just the usual? Literally, Kay and I ask for one piece of proof showing climate scientists are wrong. The replies are vague accusations against the scientific community. You are all past your used before date.
  18. Your argument is absurd. You let experts deal with things they are experts in. Do you see a banker when you need surgery? Think. Use your brain. Consensus that man made pollution is impacting global climate. From there opinions fluctuate regarding impact and timelines. You point to inaccuracies and throw the entire premise away. It makes zero sense.
  19. Simple. Peer reviewed data contradicting the consensus. Have many climate scientists gotten timeliness wrong and spoken in an ultra hyperbolic nature? Yes, 100%. Does that mean the theme if their work is incorrect? No.
  20. Yes Biden caused the inflation the entire world is dealing with? Very astute observation. Social programs poised to destroy our civilization? Impressive statement if your intent was to come off as ludicrous. You fools have literally nothing other than lame right wing talking points lacking in fact.
  21. That punt doesn't hit dude in the foot the 9ers may win. Lucky pieces of shite.
  22. Their response to just about anything amounts to "If I can't comprehend it, it's not real".
  23. No fire only facts. Joe is weak, as a candidate and as a functioning brain. But Bill posts videos almost every day of Trump blunders. Weird that you all give him a pass. Also weird how nearly all the right leaning clones make excuses for criminal behavior.
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