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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Yeah I'm betting a lot of people have thought along those lines. Simulation theory is cool. You get twisted up like time travel stuff.
  2. Ah Republicans. Your best source for legal analysis is a house wife. Your #1 witness for the biggest bullet in your legal arsenal is a Russian stooge. In the future they're going to make movies about how utterly inept the party you support is and how gullible rep voters are. I figure it will be like Airplane meets Idiocracy.
  3. I've been a big fan of Goldman. He could be the future of the party. He eviscerates the right on a regular basis. If Biden drops out he'd be my #1 choice though I don't think there's a chance he'd run.
  4. Technology is getting pretty good. Would you know if you were?
  5. This is a riot. Dems when there's an accusation: show us proof if guilty he's gone. Reps when there an accusation: He didn't do it it's the deep state. Later when guilt is verified..... Oh he did it but it's not a crime but really it's the deep state. Remember Bengazi? Ray Epps. Bill Clinton. Wake up. Republicans are toast. Elect better people. Get rid of anyone that talks about election BS. People with a platform and a plan good, people that focus on culture war nonsense bad.
  6. What happens when their lies get exposed? More lies. Some of them are literally insane. Case and point above this post. Caught believing lies? Lie harder!
  7. I liked it thanks for sharing. Didn't agree with everything but it was reasonable.
  8. So Russia took Avdivka. Ukraine tactically retreated. Some estimates indicate Russia may have lost 47k (this may be off but even Russian sources are saying the losses are astounding) troops since about Oct taking this small city of little strategic value. Why? PR. Putin needed a PR win. Unreal. I've seen more clips of soldiers refusing orders, they know officers care nothing for them. The injured usually are often left to die. Russia can't keep the pace forever.
  9. Cool, ignore everyone and just gtfo now. There's plenty of safe places for snowflakes like you.
  10. I knew at some point you'd reply with conspiracies you believe. To you they're important but the problem is you stopped listening (and thinking) once you heard what you wanted because you love this shiite. im gonna take time to reply to the Fauci ones then i dont care. I don't particularly give 2 f's about Fauci but I'm familiar with these a little. It took a long time for info to come out on natural immunity (because studies take time tight?) and even now its fool-proof as the vaccine is. Meaning not fool proof. You can get covid even if you have antibodies. Fauci didn't lie about masks. People took that from a portion of one of his statements out of context. Statements which boiled down to free masks help a little good masks help a lot.
  11. Except there's a huge distinction between being wrong and lying (making the distinction can be very difficult). And when you default to lying consistently without proof - which you clearly do, well then you yourself are your problem. That's paranoia.
  12. For everything no. But I'm certainly not paranoid as you clearly are. You may be questioning the government but then you put your faith in sources kooky as a football bat. You speak like you know DC like an Insider when your probably more on par with an anti vaxxer thinking they know more than doctors because they saw stuff on Facebook. Yes the government has done things shady AF. That doesn't mean everything they do has a nefarious agenda (Cheney, the dick variety and Trump are exceptions). There are bad people in every industry. When they get power it's more problematic.
  13. What do you expect? You've seen his posting history. Less than zero credibility. These right wing nuts have crap for options really. Every popular right wing poster on X is a loon, littered with deep state conspiracy nonsense or straight qanon delusion. It's a problem. Who do they have that's normal now?
  14. This thread was like unintended prophecy! Rofl Now what? Uhhh but we have all these feelings that he's guilty! But, but, but money from China, Bengazi, Hunter, Hunter's dik.... When your bs narrative dies just say deep state or some different version. Pathetic. Ironically the left would have listened if you had something real. But as usual you strike the f out.
  15. That's what I said. And yet, you and your concussed elderly clones have invented several to justify your position. From how the war started - Ukraine was killing ethnic Russians in the east- to conspiracies about Zelensky and Nazis. Now Lira. My point is be against the war if you want. Don't roll with insane conspiracies to justify it. But you've all slid so far down the rabbit-hole of internet brain that's probably not an option. It's now habit for you.
  16. The irony is beyond astounding but you don't have the intellect to comprehend. You are a poster who has not once posted anything in this forum that isn't a right wing talking point. And now...which part is incorrect? Let's hear it. Use your words to explain.
  17. Lira doesn't deserve a word. The fact that right wingers think they're making a deep point when bringing up that whacko is comical. Have whatever opinion you want. Having it based in reality, if only occasionally, would be nice. Everyone against the war in this forum seems to think they need conspiracy to justify their position. The Ukraine war thread is littered with goofball conspiracies from Ukraine instigating the war, Nazis, to Zelensky being an autocrat.
  18. I dont think it's true on defense. I think refs are biased towards offensive stars. Guys like Garrett and Parsons get held a LOT.
  19. The conspiracy is that Lira died under nefarious circumstances. People are fighting for their lives and their families lives and that goofball is running around spreading moronic fairytales. Russia treats their own troops like crap how do you think they treat enemies? Gee now, why did Lira get whacked...hmmmm. Comparing Navalny and Lira is idiotic. Comparing Putin with Zelensky equally so. You people can't take a position without making it crazy?
  20. Yes very deep meaning from a guy constantly tweeting anti Ukraine pro Russia propaganda. Talking Putin posting Lira wow what an amazing comp. Do you seek the BS? Or is it waiting for you? My bet is your algorithm is so f'd you open x and have 10 pieces of insanity waiting for you. And you gobble em up like a fat kid eating cake. You don't need conspiracy to be against the war. You can just be against the war.
  21. Do you seek misinformation or is it right there when you open social media? Also, any critical thought at all? How many times have you posted debunked BS here? Do you ever post a reply saying my bad this wasn't real?
  22. Lame, lame, and lame. Not only are you all delusional, you are so boring it's painful.
  23. I have a family member that sounds like ncbills fan had a baby with Alex Jones (very plausible btw). When talking about all the commies in the US I mentioned that surely she could name 1 if there were so many?? Of course not. They operate utterly devoid of fact. They are manipulated by idiocy. Show me a conservative poster here that isn't the same. I'd love to see it.
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