Yeah 100%.
And listen all msm is pretty bad. But the difference is the left is ultra hyperbolic and the rights msm use targeted lies to manipulate old people. That's obviously a generalization but I'd argue it's true.
I think many know it but not all. Some, and I mean here too on this board, have straight up internet brain. The ones that will just ignore straight up facts because it shatters their delusional mindset.
The left could give 2 shiites about Hunter Biden. We are all fine with him suffering consequences for his crimes. There is likely nothing tying him to Joe.
How did the Bidens make money? Joe and Jill made money from book sales, speaking engagements, and investing I suspect.
I know. I am right.
You started it I'm finishing it. You are just angry because every time you turn you and yours are getting b slapped.
Elect better people.
Lol! Sure thing Erkel. Don't you have more misinformation to share?
You and your fellow lemmings are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Trump has played this game with every single accusation. How many times did you call that out?
You are a joke. Back to the basement incel.
Well that had to be hard to defend in court lol.
I get pings in X from some tool whining about being a political prisoner from Jan 6. Looks like he might have a new cell mate soon.
Maybe. But maybe some people want to fundamentally transform some aspects and not everything. I don't know, I wouldn't say I want fundamental transformation on anything except immigration. The system is truly broken there.
Can you tell me something you believe that isn't a typical right wing talking point?
Trump ran the country like a business alright. Like his charity he ripped off or the casino he bankrupted. National debt exploded (pre covid) and tax breaks mostly for the rich.
Lol, you are a walking, talking joke.
The guy that cheated on his pregnant wife with a pornstar stands for common sense and decency? Reetard. Trump University, the charity scam? I could go on. But it doesn't matter. Facts mean nothing to you.
And somehow you get worse. This is why you're the boards incel. If there were any justice in the world Chris Farley would rise from the grave to slap you in the face when you try to make a joke.