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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Let's make sure Kelce is covered. Probably important.
  2. Romo is great but yeah. No Josh and we're the Jets offense.
  3. What a difference an OC makes. It feels like we just replaced Nate Hackett in here.
  4. He's freaking amazing. That's a sack on so many qbs.
  5. Dude he had fraudulent businesses. F Biden too but go talk to someone from Trump University. He's a pathological liar continously ripping off the gullible.
  6. In real time it looked like he should have had it I thought. Slow-mo just a nice break up.
  7. Nah I get that. They're all liars for sure. The difference is Trump is the Barry Sanders of lying. Side note I don't even think a politician would get elected if he or she were 100% honest. I really don't.
  8. It's hard to believe he'd hire "the best people " and so many would turn out to be shady. I don't think the easiest explanation is that they are all lying. Plus Trump is a known liar. I don't think that's in dispute.
  9. They could have written books that sold well that told a different story. Conservatives would have bought them. Everyone is lying except the one guy....
  10. Seriously. Him getting them to the playoffs last year was a small miracle. That was and is one of the least talented teams in the league. Them bombing out is the best thing for them. Hit on some high draft picks to bring some talent in. Need a qb too, giving a contract out to Jones was not great (though he has almost no weapons).
  11. What i consider liberalism? There are many types. None conform with maga. Maga only touts freedom of speech so that they can spread misinformation. See; 90% of the words trump speaks, J6 and the roots of why it occurred, conspiracy-mongering conservatives who believe a cabal of pedos is controlling the dem party (it gets crazier but i'll stop there) etc etc etc etc. Oh Jewish space lasers, i have to include that. Western society was not built on Judeo Christian values otherwise we'd be governed by the bible or the torah and slavery would be very legal. Western society took much more from the greeks than Judaism/Christianity. That's a line Shapiro and Peterson use to pump up the masses. Specifics that Christian Nationalists push for aside from abortion are prayer in school, opposition to lgbt rights, maintaining religious monuments on public property etc. It always starts with small things then progresses. Their goal - some do not deny - is to incorporate Christianity into our government. Some of this is hyperbole but that doesn't matter. These convos are all the same to me. I point out the worst in your party. You guys point out the worst in mine. It's a bit banal. The guy you're running for president has suggested suspending the constitution. And you seem to be cool with that. Or at least not in the least indignant.
  12. Yes, comparing Liberalism to Maga/Trumpism I find disturbing. There has been no bigger liar in the history of our country as that POS. And I have believed all politicians are liars for as far as i can remember. To say anything like that you must believe some or all of the BS he is spewing. In terms of Christian Nationalism....I hoped my answer would suffice so i didnt have to type out a novel. It's surprising you need to have reasons spelled out on why having a religion elevated over others is wrong in our country. I'm against historical revisionism - we are a secular country period, and I certainly don't want policy or law being aligned with the Christian interpretation of morality. For Christian Nationalists, being American is closely tied to being a Christian. They often may see cultural and religious diversity as a threat to our national identity. I could go on, and on. The very idea being against the principles of our country should suffice. For the bolded above, what do you want to do about misinformation? Freedom of Speech is tied in here and if you look close you'll find an alarming rate that the people that cry most about freedom of speech just want freedom to lie without consequence. Worse than J6 will happen if we don't figure something out but I dont claim to have an answer here. Curious what you think. I mentioned my feed because I had something flow through, a video showing J6 was completely faked, everything including Ashli Babbitt. It was good production value too not some POS garbage. I mention this because the comments had plenty of people believing it, and calling for revolution. That there is a problem.
  13. You are shouldering a burden you have earned and are earning. Perhaps I earn it too by being hyperbolic but i thought you'd comprehend hyperbole. Let's review. I say you can't blame Biden for the economy without also blaming Trump. You interpret that as meaning I'm saying Biden is above reproach. Ah, no. That isn't what the words I used mean or meant. Now in reference to which party has slid more off the deep end. If I say far left twats are mostly online trolls does that mean they all are? I even mentioned that's what I see which is anecdotal. But at no point have they- the far left (i keep typing fart left)- committed acts similar to J6 - and it's not because they are smarter (though they probably are). It's not because they are better people, here I assume they aren't. It's because the loonies don't have the numbers with us like they do with the right. Politicians on your side can't even get elected sometimes unless they play the role of election deniers.
  14. Jets fans are hoping this drama leads to them cleaning house. Their boards are insane now. Here's my opinion of the Jets. They were on the right track bringing in Rodgers. Had he stayed healthy, they'd be contending, which is all those guys want after their putrid ~10 or so year run. Where they went wrong is bringing in Rodgers' buddies. That was a huge mistake. They brought in several useless players along with Hackett. Hackett has the most boring offense I have ever seen, and with a really bad also injured offensive line they have crumbled.
  15. Huh, strange. Saying things are not the same is completely disregarding? I question your comprehension but perhaps it's my wording. All the left wing rioting/civil disobedience was wrong - all that broke the law should be jailed. Still, it is not even in the same stratosphere as the damage from J6 and the new conservative party of alternative fact/conspiracy mongering. The right's loons are more numerous, and far more dangerous to our democracy. Thankfully they are observably stupid so you can usually see them coming from far off.
  16. You used a lot of words to not say much. Saying you can't blame the current guy in charge without placing blame on the last guy in charge doesn't mean...well never mind. As for conflating J6 with other violence/rioting/stupidity etc. Well we know that's silly but that's what the right does. "Oh the left said 2016 was illegitimate too!". Just, without inciting a group of neanderthal neckbeards trying to overthrow the government right? "Trump just did what Gore did challenging the election". It's humorous. It should be beneath you (the collective you) but, well, we haven't hit paydirt there yet have we? You people will get there when orange McJesus actually suffers consequences for breaking the law. Or croaks. A pack of cross eyed hyenas picking at a big mac carcass.
  17. They really do try hard. It's weird, truly. I would go independent so fast if dems did something like this. If you can't stomach the other party that doesn't mean you have to defend insanity. All for a fat silver spoon POS infant. But hopefully the story will change soon with him rotting in jail. No idea how likely that is but he is caught red-handed on the stolen documents so if there is any fairness in the world his money will not get him out of this.
  18. I said it's unfair to blame Biden but absolve Trump. I don't think it's the fault of either to a great extent it being unprecedented times. But, I will say it's disappointing we haven't done a better job with it this admin. With regard to the crazies it is not the same number. Otherwise the left too would have stormed the white house when stolen election hyperbole was being bandied about in 2016. Or perhaps you just think the left is more intelligent? You have certifiably insane people being elected because maga has taken the party over.
  19. You really comparing older liberals to MAGA? That's....gross. If all you have is cultural BS then you don't really have much. What you can and can't say in the workplace? I mean, are you upset you can't call anyone and everyone anything that pops into your head? Again, that isnt much and frankly I don't care. I mostly agree with the sentiment, some of these changes regarding sex/gender don't make sense to me. But government hardly controls that. In terms of Christian Nationalism there is a lot wrong with it, and most of it comes from the crazies on your side but I'll boil it down to one thing because nothing else should be necessary. Religion should never mix with politics in the US. We do not have a state religion, so favoring one over others is against everything the founding fathers stood for. It's antithetical to the very idea of our country. Everyone that mentions god a lot that's in politics is grifting/manipulating. Last, about freedom of speech. Take a good look at those that gripe about freedom of speech the most. You'll find a lot of them just want the freedom to lie. Since Elon took over X my feed has been bombarded with right wing garbage. The people that gripe the most about it have conspiracy laden BS they either have said or constantly say easily found. You saying conspiracy has lost meaning is, well, meaningless. People believe crazy, insane shiite. Yeah once in a blue moon conspiracies end up being reality. If you're batting .010 you shouldn't be proud of that.
  20. I'm pretty sure this isn't even the first time he said something like this. Maybe it wasn't caught on tape before but I recall something similar.
  21. I agree with a lot of this. I'll expand that I think most posters here don't like the extremes to the right/left. Most of the arguing on this board is the left thinking the crazies on the right have more control of their side and vice versa. I dislike the far left as much as any conservative. The difference is I only see those people (far left) online. You won't believe me but they truly are a small, small portion of dem voters. While conservatives.....Qanon has hundreds of thousands of....whatever the F you call them, fans/advocates i guess. You have religious zealots openly advocating Christian Nationalism. Conspiracy theorists EVERYWHERE. Reps have to say crazy shiite just to get elected now. It's humorous to me the people that say the far left has more inflluence than the far right. Also part of what has our trajectory screwy, I'm not saying bad or good there's a lot of both, is still covid related. While we are in good shape mostly other countries we trade with are not. That has a negative impact on us. So it's a little unfair those that absolve orange guy for the economy post covid blame Biden 100% for something like inflation (biggest complaint I think right now). He is not blameless but worldwide we are doing well. Rant over.
  22. Would anyone be surprised? He's a petty, vindictive infant.
  23. I dont give 2 shites about the site, are you not comprehending? They are correct here, that's all that matters. Plenty other sources picked this up today. And again, your hypocrisy astounds. The Pizzagate guy is good enough for you lol.
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