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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Did he say they were perfect? Maybe I missed it. Me thinks you missed the point.
  2. What part exactly is propaganda? That he didn't play ball? Or Hill and Joe did? You don't even make sense. It's like you can't have a thought or position that doesn't involve conspiracy. Sure, there's shady stuff that doesn't get reported sometimes no doubt. But if you think your conspiracy batting average is good you're on crack. You sound more like Alex Jones every day.
  3. No. We've gone over this ad nauseum. If he played by the rules and gave everything back then I'd agree. He didn't because he's a rich, spoiled, biatch. You seem to want to let him do whatever the f he wants. It's deranged.
  4. Agreed. You do need players capable of fighting though should the need arise.
  5. The team is constructed poorly. We need grinders; tough guys that can score but also check and are capable of dropping the gloves. We are by a mile the softest team in the league.
  6. There ya go confusing logic with delusion again. I don't so much care about the trial in ny but the classified docs? Guilty, 100%. Whether or not he gets penalized he broke the law. On tape the moron admitted it.
  7. Yeah he's on tape you should actually listen to it. Might as well be shouting, "I'm guilty!".
  8. Yawn. The guy committing obvious crimes you ignore for the guy there's speculation about. No logic.
  9. Awe, cute. Getting pathetic bud.
  10. Yup, how could you scmucks elect such an obvious criminal? Not to mention the fact hes a complete imbecile.
  11. Ugh stale, old man, big Mac farts. Makes you wonder if the diaper stories are actually true. I guess if a person is running for president they are above the law in your world. Not sure why anyone would ever take that position. **cue for Bill to insert a cult meme
  12. Yes there will be a democratic utopia with Russian tanks in Kiev. Another stellar take that likely originated in Moscow.
  13. The fact they are fighting so hard does seem to indicate it would be a pretty big change and one they clearly don't want.
  14. Oh he's guilty af. The whole thing is a riot. I only like the side stuff because I know the orange shiite hates it.
  15. Ooof, people that aren't funny desperately trying to be is just awkward. I know you probably have no sense of self awareness but man. Ouch. I thought you were just a regular red ritard but now I get it. You deserve pity. You have mine.
  16. You are so banal it's painful to imagine.
  17. Ooooh the tinfoil hat king of queefs has arrived! Where's Ray Epps??? Fueling the Communist revolution with the uniparty and deep state? Lol everything you say is a joke.
  18. Why did you put fupa in quotes? You slow? Don't know what veiled means random use of quotes.
  19. What exactly is veiled in that post? You using words you don't understand again? Never mind. Don't care.
  20. I would bet money most of her supporters couldn't find it. I'd also bet Trump couldn't either.
  21. I'm sure the guy who likes to make himself look tough, despite never doing anything in his life physically classified as tough, loves this story. That's why his acolytes (aka suckers that likely donate money to his scammer a$$) are getting worked up with Tibs. He has a fupa. Nobody that has, or has had a fupa, can ever be called tough. It looks like the orange abortion is wearing a diaper. F'n pathetic. Every single supporter if his.
  22. Are we really going to pretend the wealthy don't exploit the system? Often it's done legally because they donate money to influence policy leaving massive loopholes. Your reply makes me believe you know this and are conveniently forgetting. The famous example comes to mind of Warren Buffet paying a lower effective rate than his secretary.
  23. I'm referring to the rich who get away with paying a much lower % of their income via taxes. Do you feel it's fair for a billionaire to pay a lower % than middle class people? I'm definitely not a fan. I definitely don't see the relation to liberty either but I'm multi-tasking so maybe I'm off base. You tell me.
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