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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Awe you've been waiting for that haven't you? Feel better?
  2. Oh look you said big guy and that got the monkeys excited! Almost as excited they get when they regurgitate any story reflecting negatively on Ukraine. Oh how i envy the simple-minded. I don't know what Joe's plan is in terms of getting members to spend more. I do hope he does something. Not threatening to not help Nato members if attacked, I'm not an imbecile, but certainly he has economic and diplomatic levers at his disposal. They'll regret it if there's escalation that's for certain.
  3. There are nations still not meeting their commitments, it wasn't a magical fix. Europe would whoop Russia even without the US but it would be long and costly and crush the world economy. Also nukes throw the whole equation into flux. Slightly off topic from your post... I'll tell you Eastern European nations are expecting war. Poland has been prepping for imminent escalation for over a year. They may just be doing this to mitigate the impact of a sudden, unexpected attack but it's definitely happening. Polands army is considerably better trained and armed than Ukraines. If you start hearing Russia ramp up negative sentiment against Poles, like suddenly Russia accuses them of having a Nazi problem, then this war will get a lot bigger.
  4. The pretzels they twist themselves into, for a criminal imbecile, never cease to amaze. Not much has changed despite concrete evidence he's a crook.
  5. There are a lot of ironic posts around here. Entire ironic threads too. This one should win an award. Wannabe Alex Jones and misinformation spambot are complaining about a poster. Uh huh. Sure. No lack of self awareness at all no siree.
  6. I didn't see the middle eastern protesters until a min ago. I wasn't referring to that stuff. Those should get curb stomped. They might hate America.
  7. Personally I think all protestors are morons wasting their time. Even if I agree with their stance. I'll add that almost nobody hates their country. You picked up a dumb right wing talking point. And I get there's clips of a few students making statements that seem that way at times. These kids are as you say brats, and they are making statements to get attention.
  8. That a yes or no? Genuinely curious and, if so, did you see or hear anything that made you think kids hated their country or were being taught to?
  9. Did you go to college? I'm curious where this hate your country nonsense stems from. Because if it's from a few whacky kids being edgy online it's lame.
  10. Still triggered. Have a beer, relax. Your gonna tempt Goose to post more facts. That's the last thing you need in your life. Did you forget your blood pressure meds? Retrace your steps, we'll get through this.
  11. Triggered. Really quickly tbh.
  12. But, but, but, blue cities...sanctuary something...and Bengazi!
  13. Good point we should probably figure out his 200 yd dash speed as well.
  14. Nazi? I thought we were commies? Yall can't make up your minds. Know why? Because you are all 100% FOS. Your party is in shambles, utter ruin. You have to believe and support the absurd and its become normal. All from being mesmerized by an imbecile. Amazing. You probably never would have fallen for Russian propaganda years ago. Now?
  15. I'm a fan when they show info I like. 😀
  16. It comes from Russia to the easily manipulated, moronic, almost exclusively republican elected officials. Then it gets picked up by the easily manipulated, moronic, republican base. I mean, you see it right in this thread. It's virtually a case study in how well the Russian propaganda machine works.
  17. Idk Rapp is not strong at coverage. That's a nice way of putting it.
  18. Yes we definitely don't want another Stef! Or....maybe we'd absolutely take that. If a freaking safety is our pick I'm sending Beane a dookie in the mail. Wr hopefully. Whomever they think is best.
  19. I'd put him on a prove it deal. Vet minimum. He's old.
  20. I'd be for it were he top 5 ranked purely as a cb. That doesn't appear to be the case. If we get a top remaining wr and somehow grab him later? That's a better outcome imo.
  21. I really hope not with regards to Dejean. If we get him I obviously hope he's great but I do not see him as a difference maker.
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