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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. How dare you respond rationally. Repeatedly bursting the rights conspiracy bubbles with logic is just mean. You know they don't comprehend logic. They see something they don't understand, like say language on a search warrant, and it's immediately a huge conspiracy on X and parroted here.
  2. Of course, all he needs to do is think in his head' "declassified", and then it is so (actual argument from republicans because they are smart). He would sandwich that thought between, witchhunt, witchhunt, mcdonalds, golf, mcdonalds, nice rack, mcdonalds, diet coke, witchhunt.
  3. Strawman followed by ad hominem.
  4. Strawman. Ad hominem. You literally post the same garbage daily. You put the anal in banal.
  5. Well he literally asked for facts to back it up. Apparently that is a question too far from your pov. Not surprising one bit based on your post history. Or the sources you reference. Or your demeanor.
  6. Yes. Someone may thumb their nose at the law but then they'll smarten up and play ball. Trump doesn't do smart. Not ever.
  7. You are aware that loonies on X in no way represent the left correct? Israel exterminated, wow. You're starting to sound as in touch as our resident boomers. And many of the lockdowns happened under Trump too but I'm betting you don't throw around much blame in that direction do you? This is very true. This isn't a word that just slips in accidentally. It's weird and it makes me think someone did it purposely as a knock on Trump. I'm probably going to start a freaking conspiracy theory but this is really odd.
  8. You aren't going back to talking about covid every day are you? Yikes.
  9. At least you didn't have the temerity to act like anything I listed was normal.
  10. All of them will some day deny supporting this shite show.
  11. Wherever would they get such an idea? Find me 10k votes, j6, fake electors...all conspiracies made up by a corrupt fbi.
  12. Oh the Boomers love this post! Devoid of fact AND has all their trigger words? You are gonna be all the talk at the bingo halls this week.
  13. Agreed but when they show a giant gap it's instinct.
  14. They just love to think this, the reality doesn't matter one bit. 6 months ago polls were showing Biden was gonna lose by 10. Now they show a tight race. Truth is we as a group feel much better than we did. Reality is facts absolutely do not matter to them anymore.
  15. Lip fillers are destroying certain women. I've seen beautiful women become clown like because of them.
  16. A shot of bleach a day keeps the covid away!
  17. 100% true but there are a lot more names to add. Incessant negativity is the glue that binds them.
  18. You trolling or serious? If you think dems help the rich more than Republicans that's just factually untrue.
  19. Then you better hope dems keep the white house. I don't see how Republicans doing everything they can to make the rich richer helps you. Or me.
  20. Ramping up the rhetoric again. A lot of looney R's are gonna go crazy and get arrested again. Then we'll start the whole cycle again. I'm sure there will be posts shortly deflecting and acting like this is normal. It's not. It's absolute lunacy.
  21. Wait, dems buckled under covid? You've gotta be kidding. You may not whine about it yourself but open your eyes to other conservatives posts. It broke them. A lot of Alex Jones type rhetoric here. Oof. This is just boring. You're losing your edge. I notice you haven't jumped on the tough kicker bandwagon. Is it because...it's absurd? I'm gonna assume that's it because, well, it is.
  22. I've been assured by really smart people that kickers are now tough guys. So.....yeah. This is Tuckers fault. Once you start idolizing a pud that wore a bow tie you're f'd. These wankers are all tanning their nads now telling us kickers are tough. Mass hysteria.
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