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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Tulsi would be the smartest pick. The rest are just your average sycophants.
  2. Yes, any interview at a maga event will show people even nuttier. Those liberals are whacked too. At least they don't worship a Pos.
  3. His contention is that Russia would fear the fupa.....
  4. Nowadays it's even about wanting to return to the good 'ol early 1900's. Yawn. This is projecting at a professional level. I don't even know how you equate calling you an old man to whining. Whining is crying about the deep state. Whining is constantly saying unfair or calling people cheaters without a shred of proof. You a joke son.
  5. You can be 38 and act like a grumpy old man. I mean, it's pathetic, but you do you.
  6. Lol, proof is in this forum. You are all slightly different variations on a grumpy old man who loves conspiracy theories.
  7. Except I didn't say I don't believe them. They said the contents are real, fine by me. I care nothing for Hunter nor the circus around him. He's a private citizen.
  8. So now we trust the doj/fbi? When they say what we want right? Ahh, I see how this works.
  9. Sure has. Has what's in it been authenticated??
  10. You say this and yet your opinions seem to line up 100% with what Putin wants us to think. Odd, no? How does it work? Are you being purposely naive? Misinformation. Which the entire right loves. You choose to believe Russian propaganda over legitimate information because it feeds into your narrative that somehow we instigated this war. Or that Zelensky is corrupt. Or that Ukraine has a terrible Nazi problem. You are all so banal. There's no legit discussion of the war from the right. Just, "Ukraine bad".
  11. We have some doctors here right? Someone get this man some anti psychotic meds. Please.
  12. Glad you agree. Only the most naive would disagree.
  13. ...said the 14 year old.
  14. Any of it. Deep state. Joe's bribes. You have proof of nothing. Ironically same as the Republican agenda, nothing.
  15. You should seek help. Thinking lies are being told is fine. Russia took over immediately?? That's insane. You not realizing that's insane, also insane. I used to joke covid broke you but that shoe is starting to fit.
  16. I'd ask for proof but I doubt you have any for anything you believe.
  17. What's the next conspiracy gonna be? Notice nobody from the left really cares. He's not an elected official.
  18. Not much difference between those homers and the ones around here constantly using Marxist incorrectly though is there? Shoot I would not be shocked if one of those guys was from NC.
  19. If the anti Ukraine stooges got out of their bubbles they'd see Russia is losing troops at a staggering rate. Defection is rampant. Yeah they'll keep throwing troops. Losing 1k troops multiple days in a week is not sustainable though.
  20. The words his clan used right? How do you even know Trump is real? You see him with your own eyes?
  21. Yeah I'm fine with letting them not pay taxes but this is better. We're the only country that does this. And I HATE when I'm asked to tip outside the normal situations. I end up tipping and wondering if I'm the sucker.
  22. Cool. That proves the war is fake alright. You are nuts. Literally. Not a figure of speech. You lost your mind at some point. And I guarantee Twitter isn't helping.
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