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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Yes Biden caused the inflation the entire world is dealing with? Very astute observation. Social programs poised to destroy our civilization? Impressive statement if your intent was to come off as ludicrous. You fools have literally nothing other than lame right wing talking points lacking in fact.
  2. That punt doesn't hit dude in the foot the 9ers may win. Lucky pieces of shite.
  3. Their response to just about anything amounts to "If I can't comprehend it, it's not real".
  4. No fire only facts. Joe is weak, as a candidate and as a functioning brain. But Bill posts videos almost every day of Trump blunders. Weird that you all give him a pass. Also weird how nearly all the right leaning clones make excuses for criminal behavior.
  5. We're on the brink of war? Stop main-lining newsmax. Russia is reeling and zero Americans will lose their lives. You see nothing because people your age have no clue how to consume news. Biden passed an infrastructure bill , the chips act, the inflation reduction act, and more. I dont think Joe has done great though. I just know the alternative is an unmitigated disaster and clown show. Lead by the most corrupt politician elected in our country. One who is manipulated by simple compliments. Just as senile as Joe and half as intelligent. And Joe was never Einstein.
  6. How would you even know? You and your buddies at the old folks home ignore 100% of Trumps blunders. All you have to do is whisper a topic like dei and you have a new boogeyman to be scared of and distracted by. It's all good though. Even if the reetarded rapist gets elected ten years from now the country is ours. We have the youth- you have depends.
  7. He'll just not reply now because his position is indefensible and absurd. The law apparently agrees with us.
  8. Yeah you left the part out where he lied about having them, weird....? And the part about showing random people without clearance. That's no big deal for you eh? Wow you people are lost.
  9. Yes, he kept a great economy headed in the direction the previous president had it going in. The one who inherited a republican caused recession and turned it around. Trump did well with the economy. Big assist from Brarack. It's not hard to comprehend, what is it with you Fascists?
  10. So many comments when Biden says dumb things, crickets when Trump does. And he says insane shiite every day virtually.
  11. It makes zero difference. If we were to find out Trump was selling secrets, and he was on tape doing so, they would still defend him. These people are gone.
  12. Your welcome. Signed, Barack Obama He gets credit for keeping a great economy moving in the direction it was going. Not much else.
  13. Trump is change? Wtf planet are you on? Are you actually telling yourself he's gonna drain the swamp??? Tell me you aren't THAT gullible. That's send money to a televangelist type delusion.
  14. You better hope not. She will smoke your big orange daddy.
  15. More infrastructure attacks in Russia. Is it Ukraine or the crazy Russian separatists we heard about earlier in the war? Almost no media coverage. Very strange.....great strategy though. Russia is trying their best to suppress the news but individuals are posting videos.
  16. Still slow. Outrage would require giving 2 f's I give zero. I'm calling out what's going to happen. The circus around this is beneath my contempt.
  17. He is the best at it. #1, Brady level. He's fully aware some right wing stooges will swallow some of his poison too.
  18. That is 100% the insinuation. I get nuance may not be your thing. Let's assume I'm wrong, what exactly would be the point of the interview? Gonna ask his favorite Taylor Swift song? No. The right thinks this is going to be old school journalism! But it's just a tool to Vlad.
  19. The post I replied to. If you didn't get that insinuation.....
  20. Nothing, did I put anything that indicated so? I couldn't care less. But acting like Putin is going to reveal his real intentions is sub moronic.
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