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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I guess it's new to some people that there are weirdos online.
  2. Yeah I heard the same. Might just be what Russia and NK want everyone to think. We'll see soon most likely.
  3. Moderate answer? I guess you missed the post birth abortion comment? Nearly every statement he says is outright lie or absurd exaggeration. You just don't care. You absolutely dont, just like some dems are absurd for not caring Biden is a zombie you excuse absurd falsehoods and exaggerations. Laugh it up, do it while you can. Because long term? Your party is f'd. True Republicans, the ones absurdly called rinos, are embarrassed as dems currently are.
  4. You are celebrating any of this? Anyone not embarrassed all the way around does not give a F about our country. Yep Biden flubbed, he's a walking corpse. You think the orange abortions performance was that much better? Your bar is set way too low. You accept lie after lie after lie like it's normal. We are all losing right now.
  5. I think a few people would win. Taking a centrist would be the wise move. They have to be a great performer too though. I wish that wasn't the case but it's where we're at. Newsome isn't a centrist but as a performer? Yeah he's got that down. Idk. I'm pissed these are our options.
  6. Michelle is next. Then one of the daughters.....
  7. Very true but we deserve to lose if Biden doesn't step aside. Literally anyone semi capable would have destroyed Trump on any level during that travesty.
  8. Biden needs to step aside.
  9. More than Trump yes. More than an average president no. Sad day as a country. That was all around bad. Trump won, no doubt. But he wasn't much better. Just stupid shite with zero substance.
  10. If I were a mummy I'd talk funny too.
  11. Trump called someone a complainer.....wow.
  12. 36 felonies plus more coming. You lose.
  13. A corpse is better than a crook.
  14. If anyone doesn't agree with this they need their head checked.
  15. Ooooh bigly lies right there.
  16. We lost most of our black population? Wtf happened? Insert joke....
  17. Yo, you think Trump wasn't embarrassing for our country? What planet are you from? He was laughed at to his face at an international meeting because the world thinks he's a joke. Joe is senile. That's sad. Trump is a moron and a 2 bit crook.
  18. I'm embarrassed. This is just awful.
  19. So, inflation is down to a manageable rate yes? Yes. Thank you for adding your view after that. Is the inflation spike that occurred the fault of the Biden presidency? If you see it that way, as in Biden's fault, do you also blame Trump for our economic issues during covid?
  20. First, you offered to create the website initially. Now I'm supposed to? You really are mental aren't you? I proved you don't understand how forums work yesterday I'm not going to prove you an imbecile again. As to my side hustle, it's fun! And maybe, just maybe, I have Trump yokels buying gear made in china that in small writing says part of the proceeds are paid to the DNC. I won't confirm or deny. Not ready to go viral quite yet.
  21. Wait till he finds out my side hustle is selling maga gear!
  22. You are a dolt. There are things called statistics. I'm not referencing a website or feelings, the current inflation rate is 3.27. That is a fact, not a feeling. You are all so utterly lost and stupid. Not one of you can explain WHY Trump is good or Biden is bad using facts. So utterly sad. https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_inflation_rate#:~:text=Basic Info,long term average of 3.28%.
  23. Show me a stat showing that inflation is not 3%. Or....do you not understand wtf you are commenting on?
  24. Never any facts just.....bs. Ya'll got nothing.
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