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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Moreover, if I ask right leaning posters here to explain positions I usually get no answer or nonsense. People reading a headline and that becomes their opinion. Do left leaning posters do it sometimes? Probably.
  2. You don't see that from right leaning posters? You are blind if you don't.
  3. You don't have an original thought says the guy being manipulated by a shoddy right wing fear campaign. England is lost!!! Batten down the hatches! I'd hazard a few if the posters here have never been overseas but a few X posts...experts!
  4. I mean, they clearly don't see they moved the goalposts across the planet.
  5. I get that you know the details. I've seen enough on social media that I don't think most do. She has a *****. A lot of people would say she's a woman.
  6. Um. That's uh....I guess I'm not surprised.
  7. Exactly, nothing is Trumps fault. Sharing classified docs with a random wench? He thought "declassified " to himself when dropping the kids off at the pool. Pressuring Raffensberger to change votes? That was Brad's fault. Totally correct, absolutely nothing wrong.
  8. I bet most just read the headlines and think she's trans.
  9. I mean...he's a complete moron, what else can be said. Anyone else and people would drop him like he were radioactive. Almost half our country is mesmerized by his orange gravitas.
  10. Eh, this won't be remembered even by tomorrow. Come on, it's a vp pick. It's like getting overhyped for a number 5 rb for having a good preseason game.
  11. Or, now stick with me here, this is a non issue that impacts a tiny percentage of people that simply isn't important. Just another boogeyman for conservatives. Gays were the same boogeyman long ago. Now it's trans. Woke is just a dumb cultural fad. It would die faster if it didn't rile up you old folk so much. You haven't noticed but some of these left wing nut jobs are trolling. Everyone that went into the Capitol should be forced to wear that.
  12. You could live 100 more years and wouldn't know how to do research. I'll give you a hint. It doesn't start with Google.
  13. Sure. Ya'll really are weird.
  14. Is there a chance they were just reading normal stuff to kids and you assumed it was inappropriate? Or the reporting was inaccurate? I wouldn't take my kid to anything like that but I have a feeling you've been duped by crap conservative reporting. Designed to rile you up and vote red even though this issue has nothing to do with you or really politics in any way.
  15. If she's born female though who cares? You gonna start monitoring test levels in women and banning even if it's somehow natural? Doesn't seem fair.
  16. The single example your discussing with Roundy seems in doubt. Like she was born female so....I think you're wrong. Women have testosterone. She could just have freakish high levels or be doping.
  17. This thread is weird. I haven't seen anyone that leans left agree with former men competing with women in sports being alright/fair. Yet yall are trying to argue as if we were.
  18. Except the majority of us don't support this. That part is in your head.
  19. When did any of us say those 2 were normal? I haven't seen one person say that but please correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Whoa, take it easy on the tren bruh. I see you righties complaining 10x more than us. Some of you have never posted anything other than negativity.
  21. You think YOU were the one trolling in this thread? HA!
  22. Seemed like a quick Google and a copy/paste. That's trying hard?
  23. Yes a great judge of normal you are. 👏
  24. Winner¡!!!!!!!!!!
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