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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Mike Pence finds this show (and book) aspirational. No doubt some serious kleenex gets used up when this show is on in the Pence home.
  2. Yeah both sides need to stop using deaths to advance their agendas. Just use statistics. This crap will just be a never ending loop.
  3. Ha. Your expectations for this interaction is where you went wrong bruh. Listen to NC. They do their own research! Actually I think I just realized something of grand importance. Republicans are like sovereign citizens!!!!
  4. Free Russian battalions are attempting to take Belgorod. Smart move by Ukraine arming them. Russia has virtually nothing protecting their own lands. Not surprising. What madness will this cause?
  5. Wait, what?!!!!! I thought the D was dominance....docs words make so much more sense now.
  6. No, there are aspects of Cali that are crazy. Any time one party has too much control things get screwy. That's why we need a strong R party and not the joke we see now. You pick what you consider the best red state, why not Arkansas? Most red states are piss poor hell holes.
  7. Anything, and I mean anything, is better than a ritarded con man. An old dithering moron included. Dems have problems but they may actually fix some of them. R's are the epitome of a shite-show. It's a circus. I don't know what to say if you can't see that except you are part of the problem.
  8. Most of our country is dumb but bud, one of the examples you tried to throw at me presumably why not to vote Dem was....Dylan Mulvaney. If that's not dumb I don't know what is. Make sure you write that check to the RNC. Lots of legal fees you and your genius brethren are gonna end up paying. Really, really smart.
  9. You sure are thinking of Dylan Mulvaney a lot. In fact, the only time I've heard that name is from angry old men. Why in the world would you care? I know. If you did too you'd be much happier. I bet the algorithm on every device you have connected constantly serves you up more anger pie. Every time you log in. Break the cycle bud.
  10. I'd vote R if it were someone normal. Normal gets you called a rino nowadays though. I can't think of one normal R off the top of my head.
  11. I'd rather have an ancient, run of the mill politician over a con man. Put his family in high positions in government and now the rnc. It's the most obvious grift our country has ever experienced. But define woman right?! As if I care about the freaks crying about gender or sex on either side. I used to think covid broke you but i was wrong it was the internet. You have no ability to weed out Hyperbole vs outright lies and propaganda. This world has passed you by. You will lose.
  12. There's never been a lower point in the Republican party's history. Not a chance.
  13. The war is spilling onto Russian soil. Hopefully the mirage of Russian power will soon crumble. Could not happen fast enough. Really? Soldiers in danger? During a war? Man I thought it'd be like balet.
  14. Yup, not surprising. His posts are a hair away from that insanity as it is. Half his x sources are no doubt huge Alex Jones fans.
  15. Allen would already have 7 rings and the ufc light heavyweight belt.
  16. Erkel, back to saying blue anon. "Why are the dems always bringing up Russia?!!" "Well, didn't one of your people admit to working with Russia to push lies against democrats?" "I just don't understand why!!"
  17. Hey now! There are videos of these people walking peacefully only hours earlier. That absolves them of their acts accordingly to the right. They are heroes.
  18. Aka: I don't care what illegal or immoral things the guy I'm backing does. Better send him some money. And don't think of yourself as a sucker. You are definitely not. Sending a criminal fake billionaire money is totally normal.
  19. See now I think the disinformation that never gets corrected is considerably more problematic.
  20. I've seen the same in Eastern Europe with varing degrees of success between countries. It's very interesting in their case the impact communism had on their mentalities collectively. But the change you see is amazing. I remember years ago a friend bribing a cop to get out of a ticket. That was normal in the 90's. In this case it was with a bottle of vodka. That doesn't happen anymore really. A bit of a different time frame in my experience of course.
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