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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. He really owns nothing but that's how they think. His debate performances have all been atrocious, but when you have zero regard for facts they seem great. His prep is likely akin to "just keep saying ........" which has no basis in truth.
  2. They do think so because their master said it. US historical scholars, they had representatives that lean every way politically, actually did rank Trump the worst president in our history. He's getting in front of it by lying. And, you figure about 75% of the bone heads that vote for him will just believe it.
  3. Sure. I don't think it's a conspiracy or bad advice being urged not to vote for the worst president in the history of our country. No matter how many times he says that's Biden he gets to wear that crown of shite. Also it's probably not conspiracy or bad advice to not vote for a guy that incited a mob to insurrection. That's pretty logical. But you got feelings and deflections, you do you.
  4. Won the case in Florida? Biggest joke I've ever heard. They literally said nothing about his innocence, NOTHING. because he is 100% guilty.
  5. Rambling mostly nonsense. They'll say he did great.
  6. That's Alex Jones' dingleberry you're talking about. Just like AJ...just a bit shittier.
  7. While I get your point, he is not a better human. He is a rank POS. That he's willing to go against every moral he formerly had and try to help elect someone he considered like Hitler is unforgivable. He's not like the rubes we speak with that have convinced themselves the fantasies they believe are true. He's an intelligent man. He does not get the benefit of the doubt. There is the sliver of a chance that he's doing this to babysit the moron emperor, he will likely say this later too, but it is doubtful.
  8. He's just not very good at being fake. And he is the fakes mofo out there right now. Nobody goes from Hitler to ok to run the country. It's the biggest pile of BS in politics.
  9. Omg! Good thing they always have their pitchforks at hands reach. Or maybe tiki torches took their place.
  10. I'm telling you, in the not too distant future, when this cancer is dead, they'll be shouting loudest that they did NOT support Trump. In the distant future these buffoons will be looked on with scorn by all.
  11. I dont understand how these cases aren't getting more attention. Do you know if anyone has connected Trump? That he gave instruction?
  12. The Republicans we knew are long gone. In their place we have Twitter bots owned body and soul by an insurrectionist that they pretend is a savior. Who would have thought 10 years ago they'd be eating up Russian propaganda and asking for seconds? In this thread they amplify ANYTHING negative about Ukraine. Its almost comical.
  13. Yeah I didn't get that either. They're damned if they do damned if they don't. If Ukraine was more western they'd be in nato and this wouldn't be a conversation.
  14. Mercenaries? Not really your point stands. Conscription is a nasty business. But life under Putin will be just as bad if not worse. History has shown this repeatedly. Otherwise eastern Europe wouldn't have such a deep seeded hatred for Russia. You really feel bad for rich brats clubbing while others fight? I empathize a bit but...watch some of the front line clips they are extraordinary.
  15. Lol. You've been wearing a helmet for years in preparation. Now who's the dumbazz?
  16. Ycharts. Sounds reputable but who knows. Yours is the one i saw first but the one i shared is easier to read. 3 vs 2.97. It's completely irrelevant. I don't care which is right, they are both showing rates have gone down. For now. Where does YCharts get its data? Up to 50 years of history for more than 25,000 indices. Sourced from Standard & Poors, Bloomberg, MSCI and other reputable firms, covering US and global markets.
  17. I'm going to take you completely avoiding the question as you have no answer. Not surprising. Run along now child, run along. There were several acceptable answers/positions, you not being able to express any of them in any way shows me I am correct about you as a poster. No substance.
  18. LOL, how do you know yours isn't false? We both grabbed them from the internet you imbecile. And it's within the margin of error compared to other sources it just was the cleaner graph to share. You still can't explain your position. Not even 1% of an explanation. I bet if i went through every post of yours in this forum i'd get the same. Empty words with zero fact backing it up.
  19. I don't care. It's in the 3's range according to all the data i've seen. It makes no difference. I ask how Biden caused it and you have nothing. Because it's an absolute empty talking point.
  20. June 2.97%. Do you want to keep doing this? If you had even half a brain you'd tap out. You know you don't know what you're talking about so why? Why do this? Yes. Because the inflation is impacting most of the world. Ultimately, he will pay for not fixing it faster. But did he cause it? Not really. You could have argued his spending didn't help. But you didn't.
  21. Inflation went down to 3% you just can't comprehend it because you have no clue how these things work. If you want to go back to that discussion, how was Biden responsible for the rise in inflation? You never gave anything approaching an answer. Listen, you get your opinions from headlines. It's very obvious. You have zero substance for any of your positions.
  22. Lol, which part was incorrect exactly? Lame deflection fail.
  23. Please don't make me ask you to explain. We know what happens. It's embarrassing. i actually get embarrassed for you. He kept the stellar economy Obama created headed in the same direction. Great, he does get points for that. Otherwise it's a shite show. An absolute circus. Though maybe we coulda nuked that hurricane that hit last night....
  24. Pre covid, sure, but he had literally nothing to do with it. Then the wheels fell off. Worst in the history of our country. Don't take my word for it. That's the bar for his presidency. It is unbelievably sad you are so brainwashed by right wing media that you want to bring that back. Fact is any normal republican wins this election, no doubt. Good. What works for California does not work for the country. I'm glad she sees this.
  25. Also, the worst president in the history of our country. I know it's easy to deflect when you can just say psyop or TDS. But it's bs. Scholars who study presidential history, us politics, they said he was historically bad. They agree with us. F Kamala but she's the better option (unfortunately). If you whackos elected a normal republican he'd win.
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