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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I would argue there was never a time he was mentally fit. Every transcript from every speech is eerily similar. A rambling bunch of words mashed together with little reason.
  2. What do you think they do with their pitchforks when say, dropping the kids off at the pool? Pitchfork in one hand phone in the other?
  3. Anyone else says anything like this they are finished. But the king of the rubes won't miss a beat.
  4. He's an amazing speaker. JD is not. JD is also straight up boring. Walz is going to crush him. It's gonna be funny.
  5. Yes. Because people googled and think they did research. That's how some people function nowadays. They read 3 articles and they are experts. They then spread their poison on X, Facebook, insta....
  6. It's been like this the whole time. Team pro Russia chooses to ignore the thousands of videos showing Russian atrocities. There was a castration video a year ago. Worst thing I've ever seen. Stupid me didn't think it was real.
  7. Oh no not me, a genius anti vaxxer sold me a vial of gypsy tears I wear around my neck. Protects from aids too.
  8. Sure thing Rosey. I'm sure it was hilarious. And won't mention you were interjecting in a convo between Gene and backintheday. We know you don't really comprehend how these message forums work.
  9. Holy crap. Did you think this was funny? Seriously. How sad.
  10. Lol, the guy who posts nothing but negative bs says this. You have Michael Scott level self awareness.
  11. Mostly agree. I think I just differ in that Trump is a known worse prospect. Can Kamala be better than the worst president we've had? I believe she can. Wasn't happy she was picked though.
  12. Actually....the right should really hope he gets replaced, look at the boost Kamala got. If they pick anyone remotely normal they probably win. Not JD of course, hes a joke. A normal republican centrist likely wins.
  13. You don't like it when he does it but you lap it up when Trump does the same. Pathetic. Seriously.
  14. I raise you airports during revolutionary War.
  15. Me, a++++++++ Exactly. He's done nothing to that level.
  16. Must be a conspiracy then. Where was Ray Epps? Since we know 1000% he is fbi/antifa.
  17. Anyone arguing that Trump is smarter is delusional. She passed the bar. He has done not one thing in his life that difficult. You wanna say she's not intelligent have at it. The alternative is much worse.
  18. Well you have a housewife on the trail. I'm sure an answer is forthcoming.
  19. Look at the source? Partisan hack. Even conservative media reported his slurring. Man what love does to a human brain. Remarkable. When do you think you fell for ol Donnie? The cheating at golf? Maybe crappin his pants?
  20. Right? When we could have the guy mixing up political asylum for people from insane asylums. The guy who rambled about revolutionary War airports. Who couldn't point to Ukraine on a map with 10 guesses. Let's get that guy, he's smart!
  21. Let's hope this is true. Put the crook away at the ballot box then all this insane, nebulous legal support claiming he has immunity from everything will dissipate and his court cases can proceed with a dose of reality.
  22. You think this whacko will take more votes from Trump or Kammy? I think Trump tbh.
  23. Totally normal. For them.
  24. The funny part is he's admitted he's not really into politics and doesn't really know much. He was on a call with a youtuber last week and readily admitted it.
  25. Tell me one thing she's said dumber than Trump talking about taking over airports during the revolutionary war. She may not be bright but passing the bar in CA takes more brains than anything Captain Bonespurs has ever done.
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