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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Who knows? Maybe they can pull out a 1st in 2025 plus another decent 2024 pick. Some team falls in love with potential.....
  2. If they view 2025 draft as better and get a good offer? I'm down. Right now it looks like we're doing a mini roster reset.
  3. I think this is right. 1 year rebuild unless something crazy changes. It's a bummer but may be for the best. The team as constructed could not win the super bowl. I wonder if they see next year's draft as better than this years.
  4. Anything you say will be turned into a negative, even if it had a positive impact. Another ironic thread. 80% of posts by the conservatives on this board are complaints (or straight up whining).
  5. You think Bidens actions are worse? I can't even fathom that pov here.
  6. Not surprised. Also, not surprised at the crickets from his acolytes around here. They'll excuse any and everything from this pos.
  7. Push around? What in the world are you on about? My only point is you are getting worked up about NOTHING. Oh, I guess a correlary is that you all sound like the sissy lefties that used to get offended by everything. Yup, that's you now congrats. And if you don't see it your self awareness meter is busted. Don't be surprised if you wake tomorrow with a Karen haircut and a Trump fupa.
  8. Noticing? That's what's going on? Did Easter get canceled yet? Maybe Biden will execute the Easter bunny tomorrow. You've all become so...small. insignificant. I at least agreed with conservatives about those people that were offended by everything. They suck. Now you're becoming them? They are the worst part of the left. I'd laugh were it not sad.
  9. You see no irony posting this in a thread where conservatives are whining like professional Karen's? Seriously? I'm old enough to remember people laughing at serially offended Twitter twats. And now lookie here whaddya know, conservatives have become the always offended crybabies.
  10. Yes! But why do the non billionaires seem to be doing it too? Get a meat thermometer. Totally worth it.
  11. Oof they are so banal. I bet they all eat well done steaks and vanilla ice cream. Sometimes I think it's faux outrage just to rile up sub humans to vote red.
  12. In terms of made up celebrations??? Yes, meaningless. Utterly. Ohhh I'm sure in your delusional world it's an attack on religion despite him being an actual practicing Catholic. Lol, old farts getting worked up over nothing. But, that's your thing eh?
  13. Ohhh now we care what athletes think gotcha. No more just shut up and dribble. Whiny, hypocritical, pansies lol.
  14. I dont give 2 shites about his tweets. Him being a ritarded criminal I care about.
  15. Is that what I'm doing or am I pointing out absurd behavior? I've never seen bigger snowflakes. Truly. People that look for things to be offended by. And I guarantee all the complainers have bitched about others doing the same.
  16. Why do people make everything about themselves? Zoom out, have just a smidge of self awareness. Who gives a flying F about Biden celebrating some stupid day? That doesn't impact Easter 1 iota. It's meaningless. Some of you literally live online.
  17. Thank you for confirming I was right. A social program does not equal socialism. Ignorant.
  18. Ah so every government decision you don't like concerning how tax money is spent is socialism got it. Is social security socialism? Or not because you like it? You not only fell for talking points you fell for dumb ones, sorry to tell you.
  19. The idiots are the ones who believe the billionaire douche cares. The guy that stains his skin orange and wears a pound of makeup.
  20. I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers.
  21. How many posts have you shat out with literally not 1 constructive thing to say? Just grumpy old man bitching is all you are capable of. It's humorous to think you see yourself as a constructive poster that you can critique others.
  22. Do you actually believe this? It would be insane if you did but I wouldn't be shocked.
  23. The best comparison is that many want what a large chunk of Europe does. More taxes for a lot more benefits like universal Healthcare. It's a huge stretch to call them socialist. You know it. Sure, you can call it socialist but then you can call a lot of what we already do socialist so it makes little sense. Not one person us actually advocating for socialism. Not 1.
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