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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I'll say, I got a ton of whacked right wing stuff when Elon took over. I just muted a lot and it mostly stopped. I still see people advocating hdc and ivermectin for covid, which is insane.
  2. You say strawman a lot. I don't think you know what it means. You certainly don't use it correctly. Lose, not loose. We're not discussing your imaginary wife. You make so many errors I legitimately wonder if english is your 2nd language. Keep peeping at d's and trans pics on X then coming here to mock. Real normal behavior. But I have a bias right? Gross boomer behavior.
  3. I didn't see anything complimentary of Dick, though he did shoot a republican in the face who then apologized to Dick! Craaazy. I think Tibs just pointed it out. This is much more relevant than the story about Walzssss 8th cousins voting for the orange ritard.
  4. Loathed? That started when she went against ze orange Fuhrer right? Coincidence?
  5. It's always the people throwing this word around most that are weirdos.
  6. But they have Walzsss 4th cousins!!!!
  7. Yes, because the whole 100 counts statement was maximum hyperbole, you know this. Pretending otherwise is laughable. Hillary can rot as far as i care. But you had little on her, you have nothing on Joe. I know losing ALL the time SEEMS like it's conspiracy. It's not, you're just supporting the corrupt and their incessant lies. Don't take that as me thinking dems are completely clean - I agree they aren't. And Trump is 100% guilty. NY case and the one in FL about classified material. I agreed initially that the NY case was BS. It's not, he broke the law. Is it a funky law? Yeah it kind of is. For classified docs, you can't even make an argument he's not guilty. It's a dream case for a prosecutor. Because you support a complete moron you'll deflect and make up a lotta BS. The dumbest prez we've ever had and it's not close. Lying nonstop does not constitute intelligence.
  8. ROFL! You disgusting boomer. You realize X works on an algorithm yes? If this is popping up on your feed that means you must be either doing some serious searching for D's or ladyboys or both. LOL! How does your fictitious wife feel about you spending so much time looking at this? I'm sure you'll deflect and say left wing this and that, fact is YOU are searching for this filth.
  9. Oh they found 100 counts! You left out the part where they also said no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. It's almost like most of it was bs that got amped up in the right wing nut chamber. But no, it's a conspiracy against Trump. LOL! Don't you get tired of not having proof for anything you believe? The moron is literally on tape talking about showing classified docs he shouldnt be showing. But you apparently support the 2 tiered justice system that lets the rich do what they want. Way to go!
  10. Then surely you can prove something? Anything? Or just the usual right wing feelings? Say it ain't so.
  11. Well yeah, you can't come within a mile of even articulating an accusation of a crime on them. But otherwise great comparison!
  12. Well I must say that flew waaay over my head. Lol, my bad
  13. Cool. I'm not objecting to questioning anything though, if im understanding you. I'm objecting to the idea that you can cast off swallowing Russian talking points, which right wingers provably have, by simply saying, "well the government wasn't honest!". Has government ever been honest?
  14. Obsession? This hasn't been a popular topic, in fact I see your ilk bring it up sarcastically more often than anything. And whaddya know, it's true! And you yourself have fallen for said disinformation so of course you'll downplay its significance. This position is absurd at every possible level. Americans being divided by a disinformation campaign led by a foreign power isn't something to be concerned about?
  15. Ah there he is! Is he blaming Ray Epps for his mouth pieces being bought by Russia? That damn Ray. Antifa/fbi/insurrectionist all in one!
  16. Really strange. Righties avoiding this thread. I wonder if any of them actually feel any shame? Nah just kidding, they're still going to use these sources.
  17. They do not care. Especially THE misinformation spambot.
  18. All he did is lie constantly! I won't give him points for this. Nope.
  19. It's not brilliant. It assumes your constituents are morons. It's f'n utterly sad that it works on so many people.
  20. Perfect example. Trump committed more crimes in his 4 years than Biden did in his career. You think he's an idiot right? Wouldn't an idiot have made a tiny mistake by now? All the investigations led to literally nothing. You should question why the majority of the information you consume cannot be proven/verified. Tough day for you champ. Just put yourself on ignore and pretend it's fake news. Always a winning formula for Republicans.
  21. Yeah but there's very little corruption coming from the left side of the aisle. A ton from Republicans. Proven. Yet, you seem to believe the opposite DESPITE proof. Something like this story should make you evaluate where you get news from.
  22. What's funny is he did a long sit down with a youtuber recently and admitted he knows very little about American politics. I don't think his international political knowledge is better. Not surprised. Brainwashed. "Everyone that says something I don't like is corrupt ". You seem like a nice guy but that's pathetic.
  23. This is hilarious. "The Russian collusion hoax" indeed. First ones to abandon the cult will receive a free sticker and less ridicule. Does that matter? If this all turns out to be 100% true. Will you even care? I think you are an example of someone so brainwashed you won't.
  24. English your second language? I know you are but what am I again? Lol. Try something else, anything else. Come on. You can do it. Help me help you!
  25. Ugh, again so painfully banal. I know you are but what am I is your only reply. If you are married, which I highly doubt, your wife must be the most unsatisfied woman in this country. Probably hasn't been satisfied since the Bills ran the K Gun. You are a constantly negative, banal, hypocrite. Zero outrage at the fake story. It's become the norm for you. Sad at every level.
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