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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. The SPAM patrol is on high-alert! 232 posts in a week is borderline mentally ill. That's what happens when polls that showed you were a sure win 6 months ago now tell a different story.
  2. Oh this is gold! How does Russia compare to Hamas as a threat? WAIT! Let me pop some popcorn, I can't wait to hear this. Explain to me the parallels between a world power (though admittedly maybe that's bs) to a terrorist organization. You'd better do it quick before Israel is overrun. Then maybe you can add a little color around your hero talking about encouraging Russia to attack Nato countries not paying their fair share? I mean, while you're drawing parallels. “‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” Trump recounted saying. “‘No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’” I feel sorry for you. Desperately trying to defend a political party that isn't just circling the drain, it slithered into the sewer around 2016. Your comparisons are pathetic. Years from now the new younger generation will look at people like you with scorn and contempt. Dems aren't perfect. There's a lot I dislike. But they are light years better than the criminal shite-show you can't help but defend.
  3. Goal posts are moving in 5,4,3....
  4. Yeah you know "somethings up" when he posted last to 6 topics in a row. All rage filled nonsense or Woe is me, everything is unfair crying. I thought libs had the whiners?
  5. He's been rage posting today at a spectacular rate. Something's got his tinfoil hat askew. He may be coming to the realization his hero is primed for another loss.
  6. Omg you're so right! I wish he were out trying to bribe oil execs to give him a billion $. I mean, Israel's probably gonna get run over now right? Yeah you are so right, brilliant thing to cry over. Next headline is gonna be Hamas overruns Israel. Yup. There a bingo or bridge game you missing right now?
  7. Weird. They don't care. Nothing this corrupt sack of orange dyed syphilitic shite does matters. Thankfully the younger generation doesn't agree with these schmuck. If Joe did even a fraction of what this POS did he would be gone.
  8. Idc you clearly support him. There are 10 examples of the right going off the deep end for every 1 of the left. Trump lawyers argued this week to the SC that Presidents should be able to basically do whatever the f they want, including perhaps taking out political rivals. Sound good to you? Normal? All because an imbecile has zero self control and got caught breaking the law. Fake electors. Asking elected officials to find votes. Zero legislation, just getting people like you worked up about comple bs like trans, crt etc.
  9. Why alienate? It's not as if they NEED our help. It's like the dream team playing against Japan in basketball and being upset you didn't do more for the dream team. They're gonna be fine bud.
  10. Life should be hard when you can't keep your lies straight. Why the "should "? Well, when your subjects believe all your bs you can just make up more lies. People like Doc will parrot them. Bundy won't think twice about contradictions (won't think once for that matter). How did yall fall so far? Seriously.
  11. ROFL!!!!! they don't have anyone normal!!! Nobody. They. All. Are. Nuts. How can anyone with any semblance of a brain support this shite show?
  12. I agree with Daz I think most have heard about it. If you are correct that is scary AF. I know most maga are utter morons, the kind that only know conspiracy theory and nothing else. But the ones that vote red that aren't enamored with trump I would guess at least heard about this embarrassment.
  13. 100%. The more he spams the more panicked its clear as day.
  14. Oh look the ignore him conspiracy freak serial spamming everything. How fun. Must be getting nervous about something. Could it be those recent poll numbers that are suddenly neck-and-neck? Hmmm.
  15. The grifted probably wouldn't even care, they only look for news that reinforces their crazy.
  16. Am I crazy or has there been no good answers in this thread? Wow that's sad. Really. Someone please tell me I just missed a post that details the Republican platform.
  17. Sometimes I think a lot of the right wingers here are themselves satire. Think about it, makes sense quite often doesn't it?
  18. We should take some things europe does well; and we can do them better. The Scandinavian countries are among the happiest in the world. Why would you not want something similar? I'm not suggesting massive tax increases but moderate ones where you get a lot back for what you pay in.
  19. 0 for 3 but keep trying. You've done the "I know you are but what am i" countless times. No A for effort. Also, gonna have to point out there's no defending. If i say you shouldn't like group b if you don't like group A there is no defending or absolution in that statement. We'll add reading comprehension to work on once you have originality down. Keep plugging away champ.
  20. Your articulated reply is part of yet another canned response you give many times to many people. Think originality. Help me help you. All I'm saying is if you apply the same standard and dislike a group because the actions of a minority one probably shouldn't be a fan of the Catholic Church. I seem to have struck a nerve. Maybe striking this nerve will elicit an actual original response from you eventually. So far 0 for 2. But I'm rooting for you.
  21. They had what, 1 weirdo, maybe 2? Also, try to mix things up a bit. You have roughly 6 canned responses on this board. If you were a bot, you'd be a terrible one. What im saying is you are more boring than a bot. That's a level of sad even worse than the geriatrics 'round here that have a 99% negative post rate.
  22. Well Trump did have that Healthcare plan that ...wait that was 2 weeks out.... But infrastructure, that was surely a win... Wait I got one, job creation, there were thousands created in Wis through that Foxcon company. Tax cuts for middle class? What that was bs too! Huh, it's almost like...almost like everything he said was bs? Like everything done benefitted the rich.
  23. Wait until I tell you about this group whose pedo ratio is 100x worse! You ever hear of the Catholic Church? You'll really hate them if you apply the same standard look them up.
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