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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Dude there's an entire thread with transerection in the title!!
  2. You think you're making a point because you named....1 kicker. You dumb. But hey, you're a trump ball washer.
  3. You should be a Trump surrogate. You've got their talking points down. 3/4 of the world is taking Russia's side? We're not replenishing supplies? A few facts mixed in with a lot of fantasy. Russia is a mess right now. If all you read is pro Russia propaganda you'll never hear it. Partisans are roaming virtually free in Russian territory hitting strategic targets. You're not stupid but you are definitely in an echo chamber.
  4. Yes because they are so manly! When you were young you probably had posters of kickers on your wall. Silly argument you're ineptly trying to back up.
  5. Hey I'm all for keeping them barefoot and pregnant. Whose idea was it to let them drive? We've all seen what a disaster that's been.
  6. Nothing more manly than a kicker. One who cried when talking about his wife.
  7. Of course they are, this entire thread and the other similar one are babies trying to troll. How insecure do you have to be? Or maybe the accused points out uncomfortable truths? Idk but this to me wins most ironic thread in ppp.
  8. I agree with you actually. I slip into that kind of us vs them talk because it's such a weird, unprecedented time and many posters here are literally insane. The normal republicans should have taken their party back but are cowards. I dislike a lot about the democrat party right now but are truly the lesser evil. If I were magically an elected official I would probably act more as an independent.
  9. Nuh uh. Ruby Freeman was caught red handed. Thousands of Trump votes were found in a ditch uncounted. Millions of dead people voted. Millions. The gall of you to talk facts. I heard on both Twitter AND Facebook Trump won. A semi psychopath from a trailer park in NC told me too. That's 3 - 1 I win, Trump won. Mike Lindell assured me his inauguration will be held soon.
  10. They should technically hate him more than we do. Dead serious. He completely f'd them. He'll be dead soon, let's be real. The civil war that's going to happen in their party is going to be an absolute riot to watch. The semi human R's trying to normalize the party vs those that try their best to emulate our country's biggest embarrassment (and we've had more than a few) are going to fight worse than r's and d's. He broke a political party and we've just seen the start. They deserve it. For having such a high population willing to believe the absurd constantly, they deserve it.
  11. Yes! Deep state, aliens, Atlantians meddling. Now we got the Trisolarans to contend with? Some might say you're crazy but not me. No siree. You are one of the sane ones. Ukraine war? Faaake. Disconnect from the Matrix!
  12. Yes, done. It was fair. Now let's work on the cro magnons in your party that can't accept 2020 despite failing massively in court 99.9% of the time. At this point it's gotta be the most scrutinized election in the history of our country.
  13. Conspiracy-mongering at its finest. Proof? Why would you need that when you have feelings?
  14. Right? Ha! So you admit it's not Bidens fault! Excellent we have a starting point for real discussion on inflation.
  15. Yes. Being scared is something of a trophy to him. Still looking for Ray Epps and proof the 2020 election was stolen. These people only want an echo chamber. Anything that challenges the BS info they swallow from either Fox news (which is now becoming where normal reps go to get their news, scary thought) to X where they eat up pro level insanity from their favorite Qanon celebrities, is very scary to them. You'll notice very, very little difference between our right leaning posters here. Nearly all seem like generally negative people. Nearly all believe insane conspiracy theories and sort of seem to seek them out. Boogiemen include CRT, anything trans, and the oh-so-scary DEEEP STAAATE.
  16. He's not liked because he calls people on BS. Proof that the right are truly the snowflakes. So desperate for an echo chamber and crying over not having one. Meanwhile.....Jewish Space Laser man and Misinfo Marj have bombarded ppp with record numbers of....bs. This doesnt bother me, let them post 20k in a week, i just get a kick pointing out the irony.
  17. Alex Jones' dingleberry is complaining about other posters and the master of misinformation chimes in to say who he thinks the worst poster is. Niiiiice. And irony dies in ppp for the millionth time.
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