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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. The most accurate statement I've made I think in my life is that these people are just too stupid to feel shame. Taxing the rich so that they pay their fair share is a terrible idea! They should be able to pay a lower effective tax rate than people barely getting by! Why shouldnt your hero be able to tax himself and his (few) rich friends less? He's earned it right? Don't you have any Russian propaganda to read up on? What does Vlad think about US tax policy anyway?
  2. If they didn't have fake news they'd actually have to socialize with real people.
  3. LOL. "If they win it will be unfair!" Wow you must be the biggest pansy in real life. " No son, don't worry, if you lose it's because they cheated." "No daughter, you failed that test because it was unfair." I'm sure you're blaming the refs for the Bills losing last night. You are a joke.
  4. Show me proof illegals are voting. In fact you can't prove anything you're saying! All fake talking points lol. You are a mark for a con man. Nothing more. Too stupid to feel shame. I wish I could play poker with you. I'd leave the table with EVERYTHING you own.
  5. I'm naive? You're pretending like the guy trying to sell you gold plated bibles is here to save the day and calling people naive? You are a literal joke. If he cared 1 iota he wouldn't have stuck his fat, stupid nose into this bill that BOTH sides agreed to. Go buy a bible or nft you freaking ignorant rube.
  6. Was his bill bipartisan? It doesn't sound like it was lol. Makes it a crap comparison.
  7. I'd have to read up on it. But based on precedent, likely yes i would have been ok opposing. I have zero faith in the nuke a hurricane, drink bleach guy.
  8. Policies were working? Or was it that little covid thing? You're totally OK with him convincing his pansy acolytes to vote down a bipartisan bill? That's why I said helped. Nothing will fix until the entire system is revamped. It's broken.
  9. You gonna add in anyone who torpedoed a bill that would have helped with this problem?
  10. These are the least creative people you can imagine. Their best come back is always I know you are but what am I. It's truly pathetic.
  11. I picture that role more for Tommy. White incel Erkel. NC I picture painted blue wearing a tinfoil hat married to his sister. Muttering about Ray Epps.
  12. So cool. I wish I could be like you. How do I do it? Do I start with the Russian propaganda, inccest, or shortening my johnson? I'm guessing it's inccest that kicks it off strong.
  13. Of course! It's just proof these people are unserious scumbags. They like Russian propaganda!
  14. The MOST useful of the useful idiots are the ones still quoting and sharing tweets from the paid for Russian assets. They do not care that they are sharing Russian propaganda. Nothing from maga world is sane. It is 100% corrupt insanity.
  15. I said this before but for me the biggest difference is Joe schemes guys open. Aka having great offensive creativity. Josh had very few easy plays last year.
  16. I swear I've thought this about several posters here. One has virtually confirmed I'm right. Who can believe the shite they believe? How can we not have even 2 serious conservative posters on this board? I literally count 1. 1!!!!
  17. Oh so you AREN'T ignoring everyone? Lame old man.
  18. That POS should be in the hall of fame for misinformation. It wouldn't shock me if the person behind the profile is from Russia. No normal person shares that much obvious misinformation unless they have an agenda.
  19. Dan is probably on the list of commies taking money from Russia. Just wait until all the names come out. That won't stop loonies like NC from sharing of course. The whole calling people commies is a simple deflection technique.
  20. You don't think it's sad regurgitating talking points you can't comprehend? I'm gonna disagree with you there. Unless you're trying to say it's pathetic. Then we agree.
  21. No response from him to this one eh? I suppose its hard to admit when you are stupid.
  22. Easy champ. I may decide to ask you to explain some of the absurd positions you take in this forum. We all know what happens when I do that. You know you don't comprehend the talking points you regurgitate and end up looking like a monkey doing long division.
  23. I hope I don't catch up to dementia but we'll see.
  24. I've noticed that the conservative pundits who were taking money from Russia are STILL being posted and quoted here. These people are scum, they don't really know what they believe or wtf they are talking about.
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