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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Are you being serious? You're a conspiracy theorist. So is the OP (not to mention always wrong and consistently abrasive). The lowest rung of the totem pole. People that require ZERO proof (just tweets) to base their positions and beliefs. If you don't like it, go to the safe place that was created for scared little kitties like you. When did you wake up? Just happens to align when you started swallowing whole misinformation? You are funny. In the most pathetic sort of way. Goose tell me they're not all like the people we see here. Because lately, these loonies are all I'm hearing from. How can people base their positions and beliefs upon zero proof? Do you know? I don't. I can't even begin to comprehend it either.
  2. "When were you fitted for a tinfoil hat?"
  3. Trump probably does too! Though we know his #1 target babe isn't on there. She's married to Jared. The gender stuff really messed with them. They use that example all the time. Very insecure.
  4. Says the guy who regularly posts misinformation, of course! Facts exist unfortunately for you and your incestuous ilk. Curbing misinformation doesn't necessarily require censoring but of course Mr Ray Epps is fbi wouldn't think of that! If someone fact checked your post history you know exactly what would happen. You'd look like the fool you are. Of course they have, not sure where you're going with that. I admit I don't have great answers here. I'm pointing out an obvious problem that is continuing to get worse. Community notes may be a good answer but need a lot more of them.
  5. Reality. It still exists. Facts still exist. When people advocate dangerous cures to covid that are proven false that's dangerous. I am pro free speech but I also think we need to curb misinformation.
  6. Tina Peters. How many loonies like her are in positions of power?
  7. Talk to me when you have proof she ripped off a charity. Or started a fake school. Or if you want more recent examples, if she starts selling bibles or nft's. Got anything like those examples? Would you like hundreds more? Personally, I don't care too much that he's a bad person. If I thought a badasz would be good for the country I'd be for it. I'm more against him because he is the least intelligent president in our history and knows nothing about economy (see him speak on tariffs) or the world outside the US. He's an absolute embarrassment at every level. You'll say the same of Kamala with a few examples of goofs - I'm not saying she's smart- they compare nothing to him.
  8. It's crazy right? Now she's going to be president! Your president! Maybe, I don't know, you guys should not vote for moronic life-long criminals? Seems logical but I don't know how you guys work with logic. You knew about Trump University right? And ripping off a charity? I think it was more than one but not sure. But yeah, maybe try to...elect better people?
  9. Ooof, good one Huckleberry. Your intellect is astounding. I've got what, 5-6 of you absolute chucklefuks commenting to me and NONE of you has any defense for your master. Just banal comebacks, not one of which has an ounce of creativity. Y'all are a sad lot. The grumpy old men unite!
  10. i know what a woman is! Someone who holds their hand over their drink when you walk by! (assist from Chigoose)
  11. Ah the cavalry is coming! Maybe 8 of you morons combined equals the iq of one normal person? Is that it? Not one of you addressing facts of course, how could you? Facts don't exist in magaworld. As for sticks up asses, keep that to the right wing transerection thread you right wingers got going. I'm not judging though, you do you.
  12. Ugh, now that is a pathetic deflection. Just another stupid, ignorant MAGAT. I get you're all caught in an echo chamber but, any critical thought at all? Let's see some of Donnies covid lies. You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. Spot on Donnie! China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control. So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. Great info, or another lie? We know he was told it was going to be a problem and spread soooo.... It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that. That was March 2020. You think that's what his advisors told him? Want more? There are hundreds. But you ignore anything negative about The Supreme Fupa. It's sad. Really. I feel sorry for people like you.
  13. Uh, are you high? I gave you substance. I asked if you held it against Trump when he said the virus would be gone in a couple weeks. The ensuing discussion has been you dodging. Literally nothing else. So come on! I'd love to hear more. How was that not a lie but Biden's comment you referenced was?
  14. Cool story. Sill nothing? Pathetic.
  15. "I still have nothing to say because I stand for nothing. I am embarrassed you pointed out my blatant hypocrisy." Coward. Spoken like a true magat. Someone comes with facts, you tuck tail and run. Are you all pansies or just like a really high percentage? I mean, you worship a guy that wears more make-up than a whoore that has a massive fupa. I guess that's telling.
  16. Cool. You probably have zero reason/facts/statistics to back that up though. Just a whole lot of feelings, influenced heavily by a con man.
  17. "I have no legitimate response to your retort. I will humbly exit the conversation now." That's how your comment reads. Truth hurts little fella. As does it getting revealed you are a hypocrite.
  18. He was also the worst president in the history of our republic. A criminal. A con man. So why?
  19. LOL! OK, so I take it you hold it against Trump saying it'd be gone in 2 weeks? That was a lie then right? If you're being consistent. And we all know I can add a lot more but this is boring because you're being absurd. PS I am Thor, God of Thunder. Also virology and poontang, not a lot of people know about those 2.
  20. Nico Collins is a beast. Will open up Stef. Both will have good games. Texans 31 Bills 27
  21. Your question is VERY gray. I accept the spirit of the law but then you can go on and say everything a president does is official, which is patently absurd, and exactly what Trump lawyers are arguing. Fortunately the imbecile wasn't president when he broke this law. Black and white, 100% guilty. He's on tape saying I can't do this now, I could have when i was president.
  22. It is. Review the posts. Are you going to try and tell me now you're well versed on inflation? You going to tell me you were aware at that time that it had fallen to a manageable (even preferred) %? How about this. I'll stalk your posts. And call you out every time you are spewing a talking point you dont understand. I'm betting you'll be calling me names quick because you have ZERO information to back up the talking points. Sure you'll do a little googling after I do. But that won't save shite positions.
  23. Len, you LOVE comparing things that are not comparable. To you a flick in the ear is the same as being hit with a sledgehammer. Both are assault! A fart in a shared elevator is as bad as getting acid thrown in your face. Sorry this is fun, i should have stopped at the first example. Trump is on tape admitting he should not be showing classified documents and showing them anyway. Not comparable to anything anyone did before. This one isn't grey. It's black and white. Intent to break the law. Spin however you want but it isn't reasonable to reasonable people. It's not in the same ballpark, stratosphere, or universe.
  24. Are you stalking me? lol, looks like you are the one whose got a bit of a problem there pal. You can be jealous about the wifey. Many are. I don't blame them. I'm a good lookin guy but hardly deserve what I got. We can start with our convo not too long ago about inflation. And how you had literally no clue what you were talking about in any way, shape, or form. I provided evidence showing inflation was down ~3% and you were coming back with "look at the prices". You post on topics you do not comprehend. I can go back and find more. Probably every other topic you chime in on. You know talking points. Not much else. Please don't cry again, it was just sad watching you call me mean when you jumped into a convo.
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