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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Your "research" is google and X. Your proof are videos taken completely out of context and already debunked. I'm gonna learn ya something old man. I'm doing it for your benefit before you send money to Nigeria because of a fake family member dying. Everything you read on the internet is not true. Your right wing bubble where you get information from is rife with lies/misinformation. Facts are sometimes hard to accept. Try for your own benefit.
  2. Me: Facts, proof. Right wing posters: Feelings. And let's think about this. He attacked another poster. I hit back, only because the sheer level of hypocrisy and delusion. Did I throw the first stone? Use your brain. Just once.
  3. You know you interject in convos all the time right? He doesn't need my help. He may not even like me as a poster even though we're both of the left.
  4. Biden is still president. You have ZERO proof of widespread fraud. Nothing was stolen, you just believe a conman. Do you think people take your posts seriously? Other than other conspiracy whackos of course the answer is no. Your belief system is not based on proof. Or facts. Or...reality. why should anyone take someone like you seriously?
  5. Aren't you one of the suckers that think the 2020 election was stolen? Despite, you know, incontrovertible proof otherwise? I may be mistaking you for a conspiracy whacko apologies if so.
  6. Nah Christ hated illegals too. You just have to read between the lines.
  7. I'm not sure I'd want to do it if we're just feeding them crap though. And I'm sure that's what would happen.
  8. You ever see what kids get in like S Korea or France? I'm sure the examples I happened to be shown were top of the line but I'm sure their average is way above ours nutritionally speaking. You ask me one of the ways we are failing youth is through diet. Parents partially to blame here too.
  9. Sad part is I think he will win.
  10. He's a pile of mush. Question on Google and he's talking about them being bad for him? Every world leader will exploit him.
  11. Is the conspiracy still brewing here? Is it that his post history is fake and he's really a lefty? Or he was sent by the deep state?
  12. I don't give 1 single F about him. Throw him in jail, don't, I don't care. He certainly isn't FBI though like many trumptards thought. There were MANY other conspiracies about him too. Um, you are completely misunderstanding this poster now too. He's simply saying they don't consider politics before following an order. He can correct me if i'm wrong. He's then referencing more trumptards that thought that, for example, capitol police wouldnt do their job because they yelled Trump gibberish during J6. Tell me the difference between him and 75% of the posters here. They believe the same crazy shite this trash believes.
  13. Was that a question or in addition to politics are you also confused on how question marks work?
  14. More joy, I love it! Maybe it's mean, mocking the mentally handicapped but, as usual, you interjected your worthless 2 cents. Then had zero facts to back anything up. I don't know why such a low information person such as yourself even approaches topics on politics. You know your knowledge level is zero. Stick to what you know. 5$ HJ's.
  15. I was referring to the poster, Gene. You mischaracterized what he said. He just referenced Epps as an example of a conspiracy. The conspiracy was that he was fbi etc. That he egged people on is irrelevant. He is just another magat. Angry? Carving up your dumbasz does nothing but bring me joy. Get back to giving those 5$ hj's before your pimp sees you're not working.
  16. You probably wouldn't reply this way if you knew how much I love it when you do. It's the same as waving a white flag. I come with facts you come with....duuuuuuhhhh. You are too dumb to understand that just as you are too dumb to be ashamed for being a Trump lover. And this applies whether you are voting or not.
  17. Yes, it's the only explanation for your behavior.
  18. He did just as well with that as he did with transportation for that rally. The worst presidency in the history of our country. How was that infrastructure deal he was gonna pass? Fail. How was the healthcare plan? 2 weeks away! Fail. Border wall? Fail. Covid? Fail. Face it, the biggest positive he had was a carry-over of the Obama economy. I'm not sure why i typed any of that out. You comprehend nothing unless it's a right wing stooge lying to you.
  19. So what? Who said he didn't say that? Is he FBI? Show proof that conspiracy is true that Epps is in the FBI- that's the important/crazy part of the conspiracy. Not that he goaded people. Are you slow? Show proof that the election wasn't a secure election. ZERO proof of fraud on any scale that would impact anything. Gullible is you that would believe youtube videos or X. ZERO, nil, nada for proof. Just like Trump accusing Ruby Freeman, you see a video and interpret it the way you want to. These things have been reviewed. We know how bad you want to believe there was fraud. Too bad. Reality cares not.
  20. I read about this yesterday. Freaking hilarious! I didn't know they stopped picking up people on purpose. He can't arrange transportation for a rally but can lead a country? Sure. Anyone Trump rips off moving forward deserves it.
  21. Everything i mentioned are right wing conspiracies. People that vote your way thought them up. There were less of them, or they were a lot quieter, before you all started loving a make-up wearing orange man with a fupa. I don't even know if a godzilla sighting is worse than sending government made hurricanes. Maybe?
  22. That's not what he said. Gullible are the masses of right wing asses that believed Epps was an undercover FBI agent who is responsible for the rioting. Or the myriad of other insane conspiracies around him. Gullible are the morons who still believe the 2020 election was rife with fraud despite ZERO proof. Or that the government is sending hurricanes to red states. Or that illegals are eating pets. It goes on and on and on.
  23. Daniel Jones not Mac!
  24. Well one seems to be starting right here in this thread let's see what the crazy wheel lands on! As for past conspiracies j6. Fbi was egging on trumptards to break in the Capitol. There were several variations iirc. I dont see any of this would make one gullible... I've noticed from several posters in this forum that they lean to conspiracy when they don't comprehend something. Hundreds of examples in the global warming thread.
  25. Most people in the fbi are conservatives too but that doesn't keep y'all from whipping up insane conspiracies about them does it?
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