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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. And you think this is normal? There used to be laws in place that governed this. Guess which side worked to abolish them? I'd be 100% for reinstating the fairness doctrine. Guess who will largely not be?
  2. Did you get Tommy's permission before sharing his personal pictures all willy-nilly?
  3. It's going to be funny when this too gets debunked. Not really, you'll be on to the next one....
  4. Yeah, look at my post count and look at theirs. Go ahead.
  5. I'm torn. As a country we need real change here. A lot of what he says on this topic is good. On the other hand, like you said, he's a fookin whacko. Like seriously. He's got loose screws.
  6. 100% They're also setting things up to claim the election was rigged. Amazing, considering the plots in place last time. They literally called themselves fake electors. lol Explain what is weird about it. Everyone sees when the usual suspects rage post. We all understand why. Nervous Nelly's. Their false idol is falling. The religious among you should rejoice. They won't, there'll be violence, but they should.
  7. The party of fake electors is complaining bigly.
  8. Yeah, I'm hoping we avoid Baltimore in the playoffs. Even if we do win we get beat up. Tackling Henry hurts.
  9. Bitterness and rage? I'm having fun. Sure it may seem that way if you don't consider with whom I'm speaking. I'm talking to people who are trying to vote in a rapist as my president. Also, a known fraudster. Also, and they actually mostly admit this one, a complete POS morally. " You're being mean to people ruining your country! " Yeah, and? I'd love to have legit convos with right-wingers here. Find me one who doesn't live in la-la land. Just one. I'd love it. Sincerely. Every time a semi normal conversation starts the right will veer off into conspiracy land crazy. It's a cult. The only explanation that makes sense. Thankfully, it looks like their god will fall in a week. His leg is already giving out.
  10. Ah, I see your confusion. You don't understand that I'm having fun. It's odd, considering your post history. Remember how Bill used to get 5-7 simpletons riled up and posting hate at him at once? Do you actually think they were trolling him?
  11. Hey, got a psych e v a l right on a random trumptard on a message board! My psych education wasn't worthless!
  12. Boring. I wouldn't believe me either if i were you. You think I give a single F? Come on now. Try harder. I'd think you'd be better at trolling after all this time. You've had plenty of practice.
  13. I notice you didn't say I was wrong. Are you lonely? It'd be sad if you weren't a POS. But you are so it's not, it's funny!
  14. Exactly like the border bill! You have zero clue what you're talking about in any way. What point exactly do you THINK you are making bringing that up? I doubt even you know. I'm going to do a little psych e v a l on you. Free of charge. You serve no purpose. I'm betting you're alone in some ***** way outside the city place in WNY. An Arcade or Springville. It's possible you have a significant other, if so she's a slob, but my e v a l says your likely single. You work a crap job for crap pay. You don't really got much going on. You probably speak to friends as if you're up to snuff on current events, hilarious considering how little you know. I can keep going. Neither your mental nor physical health is great. I bet I'm more right than wrong.
  15. LOL! First you stalk me now talking about my D? Cool. I'm sure that's normal in maga world. Review your post history. All you do is interject right wing negative BS into everything. You serve no purpose. When you do try and discuss ANYTHING in detail, it quickly becomes clear you have no idea what you're talking about.
  16. A shell of an angry person? What does that mean? I guess, I'm not angry, I'm just the shell of the angry person right? Very deep thought for you. I mean, the vast majority of your posts are just interjecting right wing nonsense (which everyone knows you don't really understand). This is deeeeeep. Does me just being a shell make you more embarrassed each time I verbally abuse you? Well, that's a bad question on my part. Disregard. We both know you're too stupid to comprehend when you're wrong, or say something that doesnt make sense. Carry on.
  17. The incel has joined the party! Sweet! You're going to cast stones when virtually nothing you believe can be proven? Laughable. You think you're enlightened. I'll give you a tip, you're closer to MTG or qanon whackos.
  18. Yes, lol, because Tucker is not biased right? The people he interviews I'm sure aren't biased either right? How many interviews has he done painting her in a good light exactly? He calls them as he sees them! My god, how utterly pathetic. 1 for you....ha, good one.
  19. You are a dullard. One that absolves the most heinous behavior only to turn around and accuse the other side based on innuendo. She slept with powerful politicians to further her career? Prove that. I'm sure you have the full scoop on these events. You'd fail 5th grade English but you know the inner workings of Kamala's mind right? Throw his ass in jail? Yes, we're working on making him pay for his crimes. But people like you seem to want to let the rich slide and allow them to do whatever they want. It's sickening. In your mind him not suffering real consequences makes him innocent. If you'd taken the time to look into any of these things (considering you're going to vote for him) you'd see he has been scamming people his whole career and most definitely has had to pay fines (even though most would say jail is more appropriate). People just like you have lost everything to him. But I hope you do send him all your social security money. Do it. You don't deserve it.
  20. Wrong on all accounts. Your brain is just to feeble to comprehend that despite disagreeing with Cheney on 99% of what she says we can have a modicum of respect for her because she recognizes a threat to democracy. As for objectivity, I have called out what I don't like about the dem platform. Numerous times. I have called out what I didn't like about the Biden presidency. I'm not going to look but I'll bet you have barely said a word against mein orange fuhrer. Your tongue is so far up his ass you can taste his big macs. I might even somewhat understand if your cult had an intelligent leader with great ideas. Nope, just a pathetic fraud committing moron who can barely string a cogent sentence together. You are either a traitor or so stupid you don't comprehend when someone's taking advantage of you.
  21. This is true and none of the trumptards have any clue. I've not once heard Trump speak about tariffs like he understands them. Not once. Economists overwhelmingly say his plans will be catastrophic. Though he says different things each time he speaks. Elon admitting the middle class is in for some pain soon. Several on this board, the old ones getting SS that didn't save a ton, will get royally f'd by another Trump term. Too stupid to comprehend it so f em if it happens. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/economy-if-trump-wins-second-term-could-mean-hardship-for-americans-rcna177807
  22. Pathetic? I mean, it's the simplest most obvious statement in the world, I guess based on your post history I'm not too surprised it's slipped your mighty mental grasp. Not grasping this means what, you think all people are the same? I think your love for the orange man is slowly (maybe not slowly) making you all dumber. Trust me, you don't have the iq points to spare.
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