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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. YES. I've wanted a gigantic 1T forever. A Ted Washington type (i know he wasn't 1 tech but I want a giant like him). This 100%. Most feel that way even though he's hurt already? I dunno if this is accurate.
  2. Yo mamma? BB whose claiming all sorts of crimes were committed?
  3. No answer? Ah, I get it. It's a failed troll attempt. Carry on. Go check some of Bill's old greatest hits, he was the best troll. Getting 5-9 people all riled up at once (usually just by telling the truth). Reading his past posts will help you troll better.
  4. How many posts on this? About an snl skit? They said they wouldn't and then they did! You apparently hold SNL to a much higher standard than the guy you want to elect as our president. Weird. Very weird. Explain the strong emotion this has elicited because we don't get it. At all. Normally I can at least see the magat POV (admittedly it's mostly just crying about cheating/life's unfair bs/absolving a pathological liar) this time i got nothin.
  5. Nobody cares except you and and a guy who clearly needs a psychiatrist. Maybe they couldn't make schedules work but later could??? They thought it'd be a ratings boost? Maybe they just don't want a rapist to be their president, is that a horrid thought to you? They are in NY, the state that knows him best and hates him most. I cannot believe you're crying about an snl skit. Next thing you know the right will be crying that white people are being oppressed. Oh wait....
  6. It's also happened before I believe. I wouldn't be shocked if Dumb Donnie had his own invite to do a skit.
  7. Right decision. Bass has a big leg, struggles notwithstanding. All in all that game was too close. Our D didn't look great at times.
  8. Do you understand why their panties are bunched over this? I have no clue. Well, I get bb, he's mentally ill. He can't even begin to fathom that Elon paying people to vote in swing states is many orders of magnitude worse than any skit SNL has ever done. But again, mentally ill.
  9. You're going to complain about this while Musk is buying votes in swing states? Makes total sense.
  10. LOL, please tell me you're BSing when you say you're a teacher? A constitutional republic is a form of democracy you imbecile I'd hoped you'd learned this from the last time you spewed your ignorance. This is why maga is hated. You vomit incorrect talking points because you know nothing about anything. Find me one reliable source that agrees with you. When you eat up these idiot talking points and then spew them elsewhere maybe you should think for just a moment if your source is BS. Here's a little education for the "teacher" from AI. I can also cite scholars and academics though not many answer such a low brow question because it is so utterly devoid of sense and understanding. Is a constitutional republic a form of democracy? Yes, a constitutional republic is a form of democracy, but it operates with specific structures to protect individual rights and limit government power. Here’s how it works: Democratic Foundations: In a constitutional republic, officials are elected by the people, similar to a democracy. These elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the public, embodying the principle of representative democracy. This system ensures that citizens have a voice through voting, an essential feature of democratic governance. Constitutional Limits and Rule of Law: What makes a constitutional republic unique is that it’s bound by a constitution, a guiding document that defines the powers and limits of government. The constitution protects individual rights (like free speech, due process, and equality) and ensures that laws apply equally to everyone. This system limits the potential for "majority rule" to infringe on the rights of minorities, a risk in pure democracy. Checks and Balances: In a constitutional republic like the United States, a separation of powers among executive, legislative, and judicial branches prevents any one branch from becoming too powerful. These checks and balances are designed to safeguard democratic principles while protecting individual freedoms. So, while a constitutional republic has democratic elements through elections and representative government, it differs from direct or "pure" democracy by emphasizing constitutional limits and the rule of law to safeguard rights and maintain a balance of power.
  11. Dumb, irrelevant comparison. If you say certain types can't be proven without voter id, ok, that makes sense. But you knuckle-dragging imbeciles have claimed fraud time and again with examples that have nothing to do with voter id. Dead people voting require voter ID? Counting votes multiple times? There are hundreds of ways to cheat that aren't impacted by voter id. The guy who doesn't even comprehend that a constitutional republic is a form of democracy shouldn't call ANYONE stupid. Unless he speaks of himself then it makes perfect sense. Don't protest too much, that would mean he still has 3 on you.
  12. 30 - 21 Bills It's not as close as the score indicates. Miami goes down the field easily on their first 2 drives but then our Def adjusts and shuts down their offense. Josh has his typical fins performance.
  13. You can't prove fraud unless you have voter id? Why? If true then why have your people posted literally of hundreds of election fraud stories (all debunked)? The reality is of course you can prove fraud without voter id. There's just no evidence of widespread fraud occurring. Plenty of evidence of idiots presenting meaningless videos and misinterpreted statistics. No proof that passed the vetting process. You seem obsessed with this. You lost. You lost in a fair election.
  14. Ah I forgot the new republican mantra of anything I don't understand is communist/socialist.
  15. Based on your history here, you're kidding yourself. You just posted 8 moronic right wing talking points in one post none of which had a glimmer of independent thought. You're no different from the other posters in this forum who have more in common with Alex Jones than Ronald Reagan. I on the other hand have called out dems plenty of times pointing out what I dont like/things I wished they did differently/better. You may not be as looney as some here- some are likely mentally ill to various degrees- but you've jumped on the same train as them. I think that was Greek. Definitely not Russian assuming that's what you were thinking.
  16. They find anything yet? Or are they 0 - 100001? These people have no shame. I'd be embarrassed if I posted so much BS.
  17. I didn't list any opinion. Only fact. I get you stopped recognizing those so you'll never comprehend any of this. I don't watch CNN but I guarantee, 100% chance, they are more accurate than where you get news/info. My opinions are at least my own, yours were clearly fed to you as your entire post had not one original thought. If you were in a lemming olympics you'd win gold.
  18. Well done you swallowed the right wing load successfully. I assume you're wearing the red hat and camo? How are you doing with believing conspiracy theories? Have you found the elusive voter fraud all your zombie pals are looking for oh so hard? Yes the dems are cheating (even though your guy had a literal plot to overturn the election) ! I'm just going to address the dumbest of the dumb. This below. Kamala has no platform? She's the only one that has one and outlined policies for it. I know once you swallowed the truth ceased being important to you. This is mainly for those posters who still live in reality. • Most importantly, you don't need a platform when you have 90 percent of the media and Hollywood campaign for you at no cost and smear the other side. When they want the opinion of the masses, they will give it to them.
  19. Look we got them! Someone said so on X!!!! Well, no. 0 - 10000. Pasting this may show a little funny: The claim of a "143,379 mail-in ballot dump" for Joe Biden at 3:42 a.m. on election night was debunked by multiple independent fact-checkers. This claim, which gained traction online after the 2020 presidential election, stemmed from confusion over the way vote totals were updated and reported by news agencies. Here’s what happened: Batch Reporting of Mail-In Ballots: In states like Michigan (where this claim first appeared), large batches of mail-in and absentee ballots were processed and reported all at once, often in the early morning hours. Due to state laws, Michigan and other states could not begin processing these ballots until Election Day, resulting in delays that stretched into the early hours after the polls closed Counting Transparency**: Data from election night showed that Biden received a higher proportion of mail-in ballots compared to in-person votes, a trend seen nationwide due to Democrats encouraging mail-in voting as a safer option during the pandemic. These updates appeared as large “dumps” due to reporting practices but were simply the result of processing mail-in ballots separately from in-person votes . Eication and Clarification: Some initial data reporting errors, like a clerical mistake that temporarily added a large number of Biden votes in Michigan's Shiawassee County, were corrected in real-time and clarified. This error, once identified, was corrected within minutes, and it was noted that the reporting error did not affect the official vote count or results Nope. You lose. Again. The claim that overseas ballots arrived "in sequence" (or with consecutive serial numbers) as evidence of fraud in the 2020 election was also debunked. This claim, often cited alongside other allegations of election irregularities, misinterprets standard procedures in how overseas and military ballots are handled, particularly in states like Georgia where these concerns were initially raised. Here’s a breakdown of the findings: Ballot Processing Procedures: Overseas and military ballots are typically printed and issued on demand, meaning they’re produced and numbered consecutively as they’re sent out. These ballots, especially in states with large overseas populations, often have sequential numbers because they’re processed in bulk batches. This is standard and not indicative of fraudulent activity. . Investigations and Recounts: In Georgia, a state that faced scrutiny for election procedures, ballots underwent multiple recounts and audits, including a hand audit of the entire vote in a statewide risk-limiting audit. No evidence of fraud, including claims about sequential overseas ballots, was found in these audits. Both state and federal election officials confirmed the legitimacy and accuracy of the results after thorough examination. Evidence of Manipulation**: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and other oversight bodies confirmed that the 2020 election was one of the most secure in U.S. history. This finding included verifying ballot authenticity, the integrity of counting machines, and the procedural soundness of how absentee and overseas ballots were processed. In short, sequential numbers in overseas ballots are a normal aspect of election logistics, not evidence of fraud.
  20. Jlo still looks good? How in the hell? Isn't she like in her 60's? Man society is going to get mega weird if there are 80 year old hotties some day.
  21. You don't have to be more clear. It's irrelevant. It makes no difference as long as people see it as news or treat it as news. Another thing to consider ask yourself; do some X accounts claim to be real news? Obviously yes. Do many others get treated like real news? Again yes. Your premise is completely flawed. Unfortunately the same discernment you describe as needed on X is needed for MSM consumption but this has been the case as far as i remember. They need to be burned to the ground? I'm for it. What should happen to X if it's worse and doing more damage? The MSM is not a propaganda arm, the right has the most popular "news" network that's just foolish. Have you ever asked yourself why things are the way they are? I bet you haven't because you'd be much more upset at republicans who envisioned fox news manipulating voters long before it was created. I'm for bringing back the fairness doctrine. Are you?
  22. How is that relevant in any way? Your perception (and the knuckle-draggers in both parties) are what's relevant. How X portrays itself is meaningless if people use it for news. Which is clearly happening. You yourself likely use it as a primary source. You've admitted to getting burned by bunk stories, I've seen you do it. As have I. Using it for information is stupid but it's happening, more and more. Your statement is the highest form of hypocrisy because of this.
  23. You literally think the place that generates the most fake news is the best place to get news. By any matrix, X reigns Supreme. For misinformation.
  24. And you think this is normal? There used to be laws in place that governed this. Guess which side worked to abolish them? I'd be 100% for reinstating the fairness doctrine. Guess who will largely not be?
  25. Did you get Tommy's permission before sharing his personal pictures all willy-nilly?
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