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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. It means substitute kill from my previous sentence with any crime. It was a random example. As in, if you commit a crime it makes no difference what you did the rest of your day. The right wants to say look at how peaceful everyone was in these clips! The left is exaggerating they say. But, every violent clip from the j6 committee did happen. Terrible things did happen. The peaceful videos have no bearing on anything.
  2. You don't have to wish I am correct! I'm sure there are a couple exceptions and that is unfortunate. There are exceptions to everything. I don't feel too bad for them because just being there makes them dumbasses. I think left wing protesters are dumbasses too by the way.
  3. Yeah some are getting attention that weren't violent. Like the planners that pushed others to violence. Those that did nothing wrong shouldn't face stiff penalties.
  4. Lol. Who ever defended those protesters here? Us on the left are totally fine with them getting locked up too. We're not twisting into pretzels defending them.
  5. No! It created the only narrative. That some people didn't riot is not relevant. Nobody is after them for the most part.
  6. You didn't comprehend that was just an example? Can't help you. Sub is short for substitute.
  7. That was just an example. Sub kill with any violent, or non I suppose, crime.
  8. Yes! Because if you kill someone it doesn't matter if 99% of your day was peaceful. It is utterly irrelevant.
  9. You are trying to troll now. Did Tucker not cherry pick clips last night? He did. Is it fair the most biased "news" station received the extra hours of video? Nope. Did Tucker and his tanned nads give any attention to the violence from that day? Is he trying to rile up idiots to gloss over the evils from that day? You are being manipulated, not us. The funny part is I actually think you're smarter than them. They are just saying what you want to hear and it's clouding your judgment.
  10. #yawn So weak. Democracy dies in darkness when morons try to overthrow it then geriatrics try and defend them. You were all so excited for this show and all you got is....the shaman didn't do much wrong? They should release him then. Everyone that did violence should rot.
  11. Bolsheviks? Lol name one. So the big thing that got exposed is the shaman is innocent? Ya got nothing else? Is Ray Epps responsible for this event? They prove that at least?
  12. Yes I'm defending criminals, it's crazy. The guy who just said he can't share the country with the other side is cool in your book though. It's a cycle, republicans and their supporters, do crazy ***** and you all then spin to defend them. You grasp at anything to absolve blatant crime and stupidity. Peaceful videos from J6 mean nothing because the violence still occurred.
  13. Great! Gtfo. We're the majority old man. The youth is with us as well. You think Tucker's pansy ass absolves your brethren of the crimes that day? Guess what, a good amount are rotting in jail. And it's oh so sweet.
  14. You say predictable? Oh the sweet irony. Everyone on the planet knew this was just going to be a spree of cherry picking making scum bags look innocent, and sure a lot of people did nothing wrong, those that didn't enter the capitol . Did the bad things on that day not happen now? Don't lie, you know you wanted more out of this.
  15. "I was peaceful 99% of that day I committed my violent crime!!" It means nothing but look how happy the degenerates are. All the old farts think they won something today. Lol what a joke.
  16. Addressing Russell Brand's take he's mostly right but there is a difference. There's a difference between blatant lies and bias. All major networks are guilty as hell of bias. Fox though is blatantly lying. Yes, msnbc is pretty much the lefts fox equivalent. Have they had any issue this bad though? I don't think so. And bringing up instances where they are wrong about something is not the same.
  17. I've had that thought. I go back and forth.
  18. I say who cares? It didn't break our brains for years and try to overturn an election. I say Russia is always interfering, that isn't new and you saying it was made up doesn't make it true. And if the Trump campaign hadn't lied repeatedly maybe those liberals wouldn't have spoken somewhat unresponsibly. I say it's a weak attempt to defend scum. Scum that are now going to shout fraud about every loss they can't accept. I say it's L Ron not Laron. Mocking L Ron Hubbard man help me out.
  19. The fact anyone supports this loon makes anything they say, on this board or in life, suspect. This guy is the new leader of qanon. He is certifiably nuts. He riles up the dregs of our nation with pure lies and fairy tales. There are no good conservative posters on this board. It's fn sad. The occasional good insight from them quickly gets drowned out by something insane.
  20. He pastes that I would think. Another goofball thread that makes little sense.
  21. Well, I think certain people have zero interest in truth. They want to hear their delusion echoed back to them while a steady stream of drool dribbles out. I feel bad for people over 60 who are intelligent, must be hard to find friends that aren't brain dead. It seems to me most of the people that just spew nonsense here are grumpy old men. We know now for a fact Tucker is completely full of shiite. His audience won't change because they'll just ignore reality. It's what they know. I'm glad that 10 to 15 years out this won't be as much a problem.
  22. Good. Need better people at every level.
  23. Agree with the idea but the execution you detail is flawed. Oliver won't get a huge trade, he's just about a bust for his draft position. Maybe we get a 3rd? 2nd if someone loves him? Epenesa probably gets us....nothing. jag.
  24. Strange how all the fox viewers aren't outraged. It's one thing to get stories wrong but getting caught red handed at least should hurt. Doubt it will.
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