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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. You know you're lunatics right? There aren't even any true socialists on the left much less commies.
  2. I agree but are aoc or Omar close to mtg and Maddie C? I say no. Though Omar is getting in the ballpark. AOC Says batty stuff on occasion but is at least smart. Absolutely both sides are electing schmucks I would never disagree there.
  3. Enlighten me and name one. Maxine Waters is close but to big Maddie Cawthorns level? I say no.
  4. This is hilarious. As always most will stick their heads in the ground as if the right had some sort of moral superiority. Cawthorn is what the republican party is becoming and it's sad. Does the left have even one character like him Boebert or Mtg? Nope. There are a few whackos of course but nothing to this level.
  5. Yeah because you pay zero attention to the negative crazy shiite in the party you support. Brilliant.
  6. Except that he's really good. Been stuck on crap Jets teams the poor guy.
  7. I bet when Matt Gaetz knocks up one of his underage hookers he'll be changing his abortion stance real quick.
  8. Wokeness in any form. Can't stand it. I think and hope most of the craziness is a stupid phase that will pass. Don't love the freedom of speech repressions but they are trying to combat mass misinformation campaigns. Much of which you can see working on the zombies in this forum. From the right? There's a ton but I'll stick with 2. The religious zealots that control that side and blatant corruption. I don't see any way anyone can say there's more from the left than the right though I know the majority of you will whine more about Hunters laptop.
  9. Who cares about Bidens son? He's not in government. If something ties him to his father officially toss them both in jail. Something fools on the right will never say about the infinitely corrupt trump family.
  10. You are like a soundboard for qanon BS. Anything negative about your party you just swing to usual lines of crap. Use your brain for just 5% of your day.
  11. Yes. other than inheriting his name, he likely did nothing to help. I think Biden is a schmuck but I doubt he is overtly corrupt which this would be.
  12. Except there was likely nothing Joe did to get his son the job. Companies hire names sometimes. It's sad and a dumb practice but reality. If on the other hand Joe did wrong flay his arse.
  13. Tucker is the poster child for the rights masculinity. I don't know if I can think of anyone that exemplifies manliness more than him. Too bad he ditched the bowtie. Tan yo nuts g.
  14. While I don't advocate getting news from YouTube they have a lot of supposedly intercepted calls from Russian soldiers to their homes. Some are nuts. Worth checking out. I know a little Russian and I'm fairly certain they're legit.
  15. The guy is trying so so hard to become a politician it's sickening. First flip flopping on trump then getting cozy to Gaetz and mgt. F him.
  16. Lol dude they're abandoning tanks because they lack fuel. Supposedly some troops are purposely injuring themselves to get out of fighting. Russian troops are going through meatgrinder.
  17. Eh, loved might be a bit much. Ukraine is a fairly corrupt country though theyd been making progress. Were they loved someone would have already stepped in more actively. I know that's harsh but just keeping it real.
  18. After Allen's last postseason saying he's not top 5 is ludicrous. That's all.
  19. Was gonna mention this. Poland and others are making moves to switch to Norway for their gas. In Poland I can say everyone I've spoken with didn't think the war would expand either. By all accounts Ukraine wasn't even sure- they thought Putin was posturing.
  20. I'm still in eastern Europe not too far from Ukraine getting international news. One super interesting thing I heard was about a group of 30 Ukrainian soldiers that helped stall that 30 mile long convoy near Kiev. Sorry if someone already mentioned...They rode 4 wheelers and used drones. The Ukrainians are using some really interesting tactics to make the Russians look absurd. Many east euro nations are worried what Putin has planned next but based on their shortcomings in Ukraine it'd be crazy if they tried for more.
  21. Would probably take someone in his inner circle.
  22. I agree but there's zero way to spin that Putin isn't a gigantic POS. Some outlets siding with him are just nuts. Poles hate Putin (not much love for Ukrainians either though they're helping them) so literally all the news I've seen lately is pro Ukraine. But I mean if you're showing the actual current footage you're bound to come off that way.
  23. Nobody has good Intel right now because both fighting sides are playing misinformation and social media campaigns. The Russians are trying to show they're not inept and Ukraine is begging for help. Some of the Ukrainian stuff has been hilarious other stuff sad as sad can get.
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