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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I'm hoping we do something as well. Teams around us are getting better. We are not. There's time obviously but I admit I'm a bit discouraged and I'm normally a glass half full guy. It's the cheap assets that go for lower picks that grind my gears.
  2. He has a verbal agreement with the Dolphins according to Twitter. . ...
  3. Beets, bears, Battlestar Galactica.
  4. Yawn. It says more about your state of mind or perhaps intellect if that's what my statement led you to believe. You really can't help yourselves can you? Pure delusion 24/7. You'd love to blame antifa. Unfortunately "it looked like antifa in disguise" is not even in the stratosphere of proof. Deflect, deny, lie, make up fantasies. The fbi egged them on, now antifa. Tomorrow it will be the illuminati.
  5. Yeah all you needed for proof was someone saying a few people looked like antifa. Wow.
  6. Blind loyalty to a cult or, listening to medical professionals? Nobody was discounting natural immunity. It just hadn't been studied yet. I recall early on that nobody was sure how long antibodies last for. Know how some people get covid soon after having it? It's still being studied because of this. We know a lot more now but not everything. The problem was people making hundreds of unfounded statements before studies were completed. Of course there were repeated issues! Conservatives were spreading disinformation like it was their full time job! And again, a pandemic that hadn't occurred like this in 100 years. If your expectation was perfection you aren't slightly looney as you appear but truly crazy, not to mention you may not understand how science works. I hated wearing a mask. But if it helps even the slightest bit ill do it and not be a whiny, weeping biatch. Last thing because this is boring. Common sense is most certainly not taking what you think is right over medical professionals. It is the exact opposite. News flash. You do not know more than them. Neither do I, so I listen to them mostly.
  7. You not having a degree (of any kind) is obvious. You could have saved a lot of typing and just said "I believe internet conspiracies". The only things silenced were things proven to be false OR, and this is an important addition, things not yet proven to be true. Yes the medical community in conjuction with our govt got some things wrong. What did you expect? This was unprecedented. Ivermectin I referenced because there are still people advocating for it despite peer reviewed studies showing it has no impact on covid. I'd bet this is the type of bs you're referring to. You keep mentioning Trump, I haven't been. You ok? Bill too for that matter, you keep bringing him up. Seem a but obsessed if I'm keeping it real. Maybe you're getting a mild case of internet brain. Take a break why dontcha.
  8. I hope there's a legit attempt I do. I have little faith. Mccarthy had to make a lot of compromises to the far right jokers to get their votes and it seems their very purpose is to obstruct anything remotely bipartisan.
  9. Self awareness is not your thing. Deflection is literally all the right does. What was Tuckers purpose? To deflect from the awful things that happened that day. You sheep eating it up is not surprising at all. "Top med school scientists silenced by covid". That's a devious virus if it can kill people AND censor free speech, yikes. Did it censor high quality info like the efficacy of ivermectin?
  10. Wah. I see him pointing out conservative foolishness more than anything. Ya'll wouldn't get riled up if what he said wasn't mostly true as well. There's fewer left leaning posters here I'm glad he takes the time to call out the batshiite crazy crap from the right. The party you support is in shambles. There's no ideas to improve our country just Hunter Biden, imaginary complaints about Twitter, and culture war bs.
  11. Him riling up all you Karen's consistently would actually make him the highest level of troll.
  12. Yeah sure. A 7th for a good player. What we couldn't have offered a 6th? I'm obviously talking about players a step up from Daquan.
  13. That should be the most obvious thing in the world. But...yeah.
  14. Anyone else annoyed that we don't go after cheap/good assets like this? Every year a team or 3 sells cheap. Rebuilding/salary cap/scheme change. Lots of reasons. We should target players like this. I don't feel like we're a contender anymore.
  15. No I've said as much about releasing everything. I'm saying the one sided nature done by the committee was fine. The point was to show the terrible, borderline reetarded, things that happened that day. The peaceful part is irrelevant to them showing that. Overall it is irrelevant. The peaceful people for the most part suffered only fines. Tucker going one sided in the other direction is irresponsible. Go check twitter and see what most buffoons are saying. It's conspiracy city. Antifa did it. People saying virtually no violence some outright denying any. Fbi caused it. Any insane excuse you can think of rather than just saying those people, violent ones, deserve what they got. You may not be a conspiracy theorist yourself. Admirable and rare for your party. But those people more and more are becoming dangerous, albeit stupid, extremists. It's a bummer, conspiracies used to be fun.
  16. Don't be disingenuous. They were escorted because they were in big trouble had they fought. It was smart. More people would have gotten hurt. And I hope it does come out why they didn't have more support and whomever is responsible pays. Both sides get caught up in hyperbole. I know most there didn't have a plan, that doesn't change their moronic intent. As a country we should all be embarrassed.
  17. Nobody thought everyone in the capital was a terrorist that is in your skull. Was every single one a dumbass? Absolutely. Were a good portion terrorists ( I wouldn't use that word personally) yes. I'm cool with all the footage being released. I'm not cool with it just going to your BFF Tucker.
  18. Jane, you ignorant slut. We all know the committee showed one side. It's meaningless to show the peaceful people who didn't break in. It had nothing to do with them. Would you feel better if they showed those clips? Why?
  19. They have to be able to catch it though right? Getting open is another plus. Gabes catch % last year was atrocious. Do the Chiefs win the superbowl without Kelce, the best TE in the league? They may not have a stud wr right now but they have a few solid #2s imo. We need 1 more weapon imo. Don't care what/where. Improve the line and get 1 more guy.
  20. I'm totally fine with this. There's zero chance it won't be politicized. Both sides of the aisle can't help themselves.
  21. Show me one dem poster defending those idiots. Not one person here is defending them. Whereas all you knuckleheads are tying yourselves into pretzels desperately trying to show jan 6 in another light. You guys keep going to the same tired playbook. Not shocked your getting your news from the incel Tim Pool. Grrrreaaat source there.
  22. Perfectly put. I dont know how to word this to make them understand. And now, as is predictable, most of their base are doing laps thinking there was some sort of revelation. All brought to you by a someone we know blatantly lies to his audience. There can be nothing more ironic. The conspiracies about antifa and the fbi will continue and increase....it's a joke. They like separating themselves from reality.
  23. I know, I know, but they were good once upon a time. It's bound to happen again at some point. If you watched them last year they had some very good games. With awful qb play.
  24. Oof, they really had no weapons though aside from rb. Jets are really good outside of qb. Rodgers just needs to be decent for the Jets to be legit.
  25. J6, no question. But again, lock them both up. 90% of protesters can go straight to hell as far as I'm concerned. The violent people at j6 thought they were overthrowing our government. Other Extremists saw Jan 6. I'm sure they're somewhat surprised how unprepared our government was for that and are planning their next moronic maneuver. The rights insanity with questioning elections and stoking fear continues.
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