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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. That's nuts. That has to have repercussions outside of western businesses (hopefully). Who'd want to set up shop there with the risk of that happening?
  2. Oooh you learned a new word, naivete, nice. Were idiots screaming hang Mike Pence? I think an effigy becomes a bit more serious with that in mind. Think of what you're defending for a millisecond. Even if some aspects are overblown by the media. ***** on the walls dude. One of the bullet points if your lazy like me. Even if it's not accurate only the scum of our country were there (sounds true though). https://www.businessinsider.com/capitol-riot-custodial-staff-cleanup-janitors-maga-trump-white-supremacists-2021-1
  3. So that protest would have turned into Jan 6 if not for the police? Cmon. Antifa is a joke. You guys are scared of whiny emo kids. They cry, break stuff, then run. Nothing new though you say? Rubbing their own crap on the walls of the Capitol building was new I think. Building gallows and chanting to hang the vp is new, no?
  4. When was that concession speech given? It wasn't. Only a lame statement that there'd be a transition of power. I don't equate that to what, to my knowledge, every president did before him. All the while he still touts the election was stolen.
  5. Sure exactly the same. Gore riled up his base until they snapped too I forgot about that. If the orange simpleton had simply requested a couple recounts where the vote was close then conceded this thread and all the others on Jan 6 wouldn't exist. I'm all for bringing in new blood to buck the system. But Republicans brought in the worst crook to fix a crooked system. Why did dems fight Trump so much? They knew he was a moron and corrupt to the bone.
  6. Yup he gets overhyped sometimes. If I recall he'd often miss an easy pass or two early at home by putting a little too much on the ball.
  7. Unfortunately that's how it goes for many people watching fox or msnbc or any other crap news station we have in our country.
  8. You're either hitting a crack pipe or being disingenuous. Just because...Gore eventually conceded your orange master did not. How anyone can continue to support or defend that utter imbecile is beyond my understanding. I wish we had a healthy republican party, we need one. What is going on now is a circus. I'll say that goes for both sides but hopefully you guys nominate someone with more than one brain cell. Then with luck dems will then nominate someone other than Biden.
  9. Trump didn't get recounts? There were multiple recounts with nothing changing unless my edibles are stronger than I thought. Florida's recount for Gore was stopped by the Supreme Court. These are not remotely similar.
  10. Are the 2 events comparable? They are not, not remotely. All he wanted was a recount if I recall correctly. Trump still hasn't conceded and you're making a connection. Trying to. Laughable. You guys twist yourselves in knots trying to defend the indefensible.
  11. Nope Tibs is correct. The fox talking heads peddle this crap. Of course they don't use the phrase/term but they like to scare their ignorant audience. That's because your heroes on fox don't use it. Instead they cry that white people will be the minority in the country and other ideas that scare old white people.
  12. You are delusional. Not even in the ballpark. He challenged a close election and once he lost the challenge conceded. Wow. Comparing apples and dildos here dude.
  13. Unless his arm is feeling 10x better he needs to stay retired. Watching him his final season was tough. He seemed beat.
  14. Yeah I agree but was replying to someone trying to pin this on the left. Neither side should do this tempting as it might be. Crazies are everywhere.
  15. Sooooo nada? I can't imagine being someone who downplays what happened jan6. I know the left overhyping some aspects is annoying, that's politics nowadays, but with everything factual that has come out its unreal to me that some just stick their heads in the sand. But keep harping on hunter biden.
  16. Did you read the whole thing? Sounds like he was into communism when he was 12 then veered the other way. He was whacked, both sides need to take a hit for this nutjob- not that it matters. He's fd in the head.
  17. Let's hear an example there doc. Unlike you and your army of clones I'll call out my side when there's BS brewing.
  18. You see no problem with this? How the f does that work? Actively urging cheating and people with sway doing it not just Joe Shmoe. This crap keeps getting worse but the right just wants to pretend it's no big deal.
  19. Looks like OAN now has more integrity than many posters here.
  20. Lol that's odd just about everything you post screams the opposite. This thread makes zero sense. The left are commies because of blm....ahhh ok. The left has its nutcases but it's a small, albeit loud, minority. The right is full of crazy bastards including the defacto leader of the party.
  21. I guess. The entire premise makes zero sense. The "commie left". Why? Because of blm? The premise is just moronic. It's like saying the Bills are bad because their practice squad is weak. Blm the org is irrelevant. But as usual you get the same knuckleheads echoing each other.
  22. I've never heard of anyone giving a flying f about the blm org. I'm gonna guess most people, like I said, support the premise blm but know little about what the org is.
  23. Except there aren't any communists. Stop listening to Alex Jones. Those frogs aren't gay my friend. Maybe you're buying too many of his supplements and it's dimming your wits? Do you have nightmares of communists? Help me help you.
  24. So let me get this straight, this is your example? No actual elected officials eh? The left was behind the concept blm. Like let's stop killing people based on color. This organization? I know nothing about them nor do I care. I've no clue how communism fits into an org like this but again i don't care. Your red scare is bs. Look to your own side with mtg, Cawthorn, Boebert. Your sides crazy level is substantially higher. The left isn't perfect at all, I'd like to take anyone that ever got offended on Twitter and send them to Mars, but the right has actual lunatics. Really fn dumb ones too.
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