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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Make it harder to get guns so that fewer psychos have access. That's a big first step everyone should support. Draw a line (I'm no expert so I won't say where) on which weapons are for the military/police and which for the public. 2 steps that should be supported by all but will not be.
  2. Sooo, no evidence. Got it. Just the usual making stuff up. Sometimes I think it's attempted trolling.
  3. They lied because they broke the law. I'd bet there was a lot more they got away with as well. It's not a conspiracy theory.
  4. If nothing illegal was done, why did they all lie so much? If there was nothing nefarious they would have just told the truth.
  5. Who said this? You constantly quote things almost nobody says. Just because you see something on Twitter doesn't make it a popular opinion. Especially after an incident when people are being ultra hyperbolic. Every progressive poster here has simply called for reasonable gun control.
  6. Even if it's the 2nd or 3rd leading killer shouldn't we want to fix that lol? Cmon literally you make no point. A politician twisted a statistic?!! Please call out the hundreds of Republicans that will twist stats today and every time these shootings occur.
  7. But it's a conspiracy....while they are the party of Jewish space lasers, qanon, and literally daily conspiracy theories. Every day a new one. Zero self awareness.
  8. No I don't see how blm can impact someones political affiliation unless they are intellectually challenged. The organization is virtually meaningless politically speaking other than being a boogeyman to pansies. Not surprised though. When all else fails make ***** up.
  9. This is when reasonable strength from the other aisle comes in handy
  10. Better than saying you'd probably date your daughter were they not related. Couple that with the creepy pics of her on his lap. Nope. Trump edges joe on the creep award.
  11. Lol your post is a riot. You say brainwashing while idiots in your party compare Trump to Jesus. Yeah. Looking for girls from yallqaeda meetings eh? Those tough gals that smell like old hot dog water 'n corn dogs. I dont know how blm riots could cause someone to vote Trump but I assume there's little compute power in that convo. I'm also sure those friends she's referring to terminating probably ditched her.
  12. Yeah this is absurd. I like to hope someone logical will step in to stop it.
  13. So sadly true. And morons will fixate on absurd social issues rather than dealing with our gun problem. Just put a line in the sand for what guns are too dangerous for the public. That will at least be a positive start.
  14. It's a red cu#t hair away from super aids in terms of fears I'll tell ya that.
  15. Agree to disagree. With everything. We should absolutely be aiming to upgrade at least 2 of the positions highlighted. Whether it works out or not who knows. Saying we're deeper is also super suspect. I could argue we haven't improved anywhere. It's not as if we gained several all pros. We signed some ok castoffs.
  16. He said any of the following not all. I think all those players are fair to question at this point. I think we have a lot of holes to fill.
  17. Is the asking price your alluding to a fact though? I haven't seen much on the asking price online but maybe I missed something.
  18. Sure. And pro Ukraine propaganda is extremely effective. But there are plenty of recordings of soldiers surrendering and they are real. You might be able to fake a few well but not hundreds and there are probably thousands now. It's really absurd some of what's happening there. It'd be funny if not for the very real war crimes. I'm more interested in the cultural aspect of the war. Differences in east vs west. It's fascinating to me that Russia is holding their military together with duct tape because of corruption. And that corruption is imbedded in the Russian psyche because of Communism (imo).
  19. I love the stories about Russians rebelling or killing officers or immediately surrendering. The fact that Ukraine created a hotline so Russians can easily surrender is insane.
  20. I have no doubt he's broken laws. Whether any of it will ever be proven I have no clue.
  21. If he broke the law then your point is moot.
  22. Yeah heard it again today. My Polish isn't great but they seem to be saying, maybe just a threat, that they WGner will be moving troops to Afrika. Not sure if that meant current folks on the line or new recruits joining. May be an empty threat to get more ammo/gear.
  23. It's pity not indignation. I clearly indicated politicians are liars. It's not new. 99% of them. What is new is lying every time you open your yap. Although, in Trumps case it's hard to discern delusion from lies. And you'll blindly support his delusion because he's a conservative no matter what. Pitiful really. I don't like Joe. If both he and Trump disappeared it'd be best. On the other hand if Trump runs again I hope Joe curb stomps him a 2nd time.
  24. Oh, I'm shocked you're going to defend liars because they're conservatives. At least you are consistent. At the rate we're going 4 years from now a Santos type will be considered honest among your party.
  25. There's a difference between your typical lying politician and Santos. Or Trump. Lying occasionally vs being a pathological liar.
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