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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. No, absolutely not. Debunking all the absurd election insanity made it all worth it. Should they examine that one facet? Absolutely. There seems to be this prevailing idea that because most people were peaceful the whole event wasn't a big deal. Imagine if Pence doesn't do the right thing...terrible things may have happened.
  2. How does it not compute? Some that were there were peaceful and along for the ride others, oathkeepers and proud twatz had a more sinister agenda. It's not that difficult. A lot of detail still needs to be provided, certainly why more security wasn't present.
  3. Hindsight, they didn't have a clue at the time. This is conjecture but we'll find out. That's crazy, it's clear the Jewish space lasers were involved. And antifa of course.
  4. I think the most logical explanation for why some of those scumbags were let in is just as you pointed out, they were already outnumbered and overrun. There was no way they could have kept people out. Of course I'm sure we'll hear 10 more conspiracies about what happened there before all is said and done.
  5. Lauderdale is a lot of fun the days before the game. Great places to stay too. Usually enough Bills fans in the past we'd take over bars a bit.
  6. Thank you for taking some off from watching the view to post. We all know how hard that is for you.
  7. Well if he's mostly sitting his butt on the bench hopefully won't be an issue. Unless he slips on a banana peel. Hey if he looks bad in practice they'll cut him.
  8. I think he's purely here for depth and from that perspective he's a great signing. We're due for bad luck so if a wr or 2 get banged up I like that we have a guy like Austin there who can step in and be reliable.
  9. Please let this be serious. Wonder who would take over should this come to pass.
  10. You were watching the view? Lol. That's worse than getting caught singing along to Celine Dion in the car.
  11. I suspect you're being facetious. Not quite my point there. They stole gold reserves and anything they could get their hands on of value. Many of a certain age in formerly occupied nations hold a grudge still while the young look to Germany for work. Former eastern bloc countries had it real rough it's hard not to have some sympathy there. For Poland, Czech, Slovakia which didn't exist then, Germany either invades or is gifted lands and pillages resources and kills any who dissent. Then what do they have to look forward to? Soviet rule which wasn't better and certainly not wanted. It's a wonder some have recovered as they have.
  12. A few in the east are raging dumpster fires because they were under the ussr's thumb for so long. Not easy to rebuild after that. I've been to a few of these countries shortly after communism collapsed and the difference between now and then is immense. And one reason Germany is doing so well is because they looted a lot of countries they invaded in ww2. Gold, art, you name it they pillaged it. They've made some amends but only a fraction. As to Russia you may be right. I suspect their aims are not quite so high (bit unrealistic) but could be. I think as Putin finally admitted they are trying to get old lands back and he's blowing off some fireworks before he croaks.
  13. And they wonder why Nordic countries are moving to get into Nato. Hopefully Ukraines neighbors will get more financial help from the eu and elsewhere. Poland for example has absorbed a huge amount of refugees and they aren't exactly rich.
  14. Lol so during a proceeding showing some conservatives clearly trying to take power by force your conclusion is that dems are un-American. Brilliant. I'll say it again covid broke you. You make some good points sometimes but then you go off full batshit or conspiracy peddler.
  15. They're mostly Ukrainian nationalists using Nazi symbolism. Of course they gained popularity because some shiite-hole neighbor has been trying to take over part of their country. But yeah there are Nazis there. I know some Nigerians who were there for schooling and got stuck were not treated very well because they were black. Ukraine may come out of this stronger and with more equality. After seeing women, LGBT, and some black volunteers from overseas one would hope some of the racist sentiments would subside. Who knows though?
  16. Gohmert and smart have never and will never belong in the same sentence unless smart is preceded by the word not. I couldn't believe what I heard even knowing beforehand this orc took the short bus to school.
  17. I don't know that was pretty good. Summed up the right's insanity and borderline obsession with Clinton pretty well. I bet the next Hillary bombshell will have it's own pointless discussion as well.
  18. So change nothing? Gun access is 0% of the problem? The rest of the world thinks we're nuts and they may be right.
  19. Does it matter? Sounds like a matter of time before that blows up. Do you really trust a politician getting money from the gun industry to make good faith policy decisions?
  20. Fair enough but it seemed to me he wanted to blame anyone or thing other than the gun industry. I don't think anything he said was crazy but it also wasn't a revelation of any kind. In an extremely over simplified way of putting things we have the most guns and the most gun violence (by a bit right?). So why don't we figure out a way to be sensible about who can get guns?
  21. Society and culture they enabled? Wtf are you talking about? Are other countries that had covid lockdowns experiencing the same shootings we are? Tucker is full of ***** as always. How you people fawn over this tool is repulsive. Stop tanning your nads your hurting your brains.
  22. It's not communist. It's a dictatorship under the guise of a constitutional republic. I think people are getting caught up with them wanting their Soviet Era land back and thinking their government's system is the same.
  23. At the end of the day both parties are just arguing that the extremes of the opposition are taking over. The irony is most of us in this forum are pretty close to the middle (excepting the fear mongering conspiracy theorists). You've got more knuckleheads threatening violence and civil war than before but that could just be my perception.
  24. Ironically eastern Europeans despise Russians and Russia. I was in Poland when it was communist when I was young. It is so different now its hard to articulate. To this day I like to discuss the weirdness of that time with family that lived through it.
  25. I'm wary of disinformation. You should be too it sounds like your Schumer made it up gag is horse crap. I don't care enough to check further tbh.
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