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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Imagine if this were happening to the left how many conspiracies there'd be already just based on missing info. Meanwhile the more sane people are simply seeking the truth.
  2. Perfect example of moving the goal posts. Let's do a recount! Then when you don't get the desired outcome you just make up a reasonable reason why you didn't get your way. Accept it. The election had the usual amount of fraud. Should it be zero? Sure.
  3. No proof is a tired excuse? Lol look at what you type! Recount after recount and still nada. It must be hard living in an alternate reality. No matter what happens you'll just trot out some other lame nonsense which is 100% the reason for the current political climate. Ya'll nuts. As if there was this grand conspiracy, people risking their freedom for an election mind you, nobody would squeal. If what you say were true (it ain't) someone would talk or screw it up. I'm glad at least some of your buddies who tried to shame our country are rotting in jail. Though they're apparently being treated better than they deserve (huge shock you had another conspiracy about their treatment).
  4. You've never added anything to any conversation. I suspect you're just plain dumb. I'd love to hear in your words what, and how, Biden has destroyed. What this has to do with insurrectionist scum (probably some of your qanon buddies) I don't know.
  5. And they wonder why WE mention his filthy name. He still owns them. Omg I'm utterly shocked, flabbergasted, bamboozled. They must be inept! Or wait for it, someone will say fake news.
  6. So anyone see the castration video? Probably the #1 thing I regret looking at online ever. And it's definitely not the first time it happened. The Ukrainians should take the gloves off now. They've mostly followed the rules of war thus far. Unreal. Stuff like this keeps coming out I wonder if other countries won't step in. I highly doubt Russia will make any attempt to arrest the scum that are doing those things.
  7. Dunce cap? You believe in widespread election fraud with zero proof because an orange imbecile who lied to you a thousand times told you so? Who still believes it despite the orange shiite's own people telling him it's all fake? If you'd self evaluate for just a moment you might realize ya look silly.
  8. So no proof just what you feel and heard. Gotcha. Exactly. A better argument can be made for sedition than a slap on the wrist.
  9. Yeah that's all they did right? Always a good look when you side with scum that wiped their own (or maybe other peoples) crap on walls. Zero proof of widespread fraud still. Because morons believe the biggest liar of them all, the man who became king of the swamp.
  10. The sheep are really so similar they're almost clones. Don't like Trump but defend everything he does, despite overwhelming evidence of incompetence (and likely corruption) from everyone that's worked with him. Not to mention the absolute love and searching of conspiracy theories. These tinfoil hat wearing loonies have become the average conservative. Let's be real, any other politician would be toast for the Georgia call alone. Career over, likely jail.
  11. I'm thinking they maybe use Shakir this year on designed short passing plays almost exclusively while Mckenzie and Crowder take most regular duties. Agreed he's been very solid his whole career. He could very well be our #1 slot.
  12. The irony is strong with you. You are fear mongering the right JUST the same. Those scary words narrative, agenda. Yet you've posted literally nothing that shows the world isn't heating up. Why? Is that because you've got nothing other than news stations being dumb? Hmm, show me something of substance since you are the adult.
  13. Keep focusing on the colors on news stations as if that's a big deal in any way....the point is its getting hotter on average. We, humanity, are causing it. Now, I don't claim to have a solution but when idiots make it political things just get worse. You can tell how crazy someone is nowadays when they overuse the words narrative and agenda. Yes some scientists were wrong about timelines and impacts. That doesn't mean we should ignore them on a topic.
  14. Everything is a conspiracy. These loons probably drive by Wegmans and think it's really an AOC run communist base. Literally nuts.
  15. Maybe it's your wording. No chance? Rodgers was crap against SF. Oh there's a very real, very good chance Josh is better.
  16. I'm with you. There's things I like about both sides but being socially liberal, and an avid securalist, I can't stand the current state of the right. The left is a bit of a mess now and they won't close the gap the way they deal with trans and other newer social phenomena.
  17. I wish it were possible. Also wish there were a way to have an overall no confidence vote or something of that nature. I know I'm talking crazy but I think if a way existed to oust everyone currently elected at a high level and start over with new people, old a holes can't run, a good amount of people would go for it. I may be wrong but I feel like confidence on both sides isn't high.
  18. Thanks ref but he can say what he wants too right? A topic was created, bb can create wtf he wants. Derailing this because he has no input serves zero purpose.
  19. That's a rabbit hole? Wtf I thought that was a simple fact.
  20. Yes enlighten us on the real news. Q, OAN, or newsmax? Over Nasa.
  21. There you go, all about religion. We thought so but refreshing for someone to admit it.
  22. Covid broke bb. Dr is just a poor attempt at trolling. What's scary is the conspiracy theories and how often they search them out. The need for those gotcha moments seems to override reason.
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