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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Trump is worse on all accounts. ALL. Biden is just a declining mummy. It'll be your fault if Biden wins again too. He'd fade away or lose if Trump was gone. Shoot if he only gets 1 that'll be a 3pt boost with the gop. He'll wear it as a badge of honor. They'll eat it up like the cheeto dust they often brush off their chins.
  2. He's crushing the only other option though. If you aren't a lunatic Gop won't vote for you anymore. It is a complete circus. It's almost like choosing a corrupt, brain-dead, piece of shiite with zero ethics is a bad thing.
  3. Kayyy! Please post more. Love your input. When the boomers die there'll only be like 6 people left here.
  4. I dont know wtf that is and don't care. I despise all hip hop and all country music. And that swine mixed them as if something good would come of it. Legend my ass. Pick better legends. Led Zeppelin are legends. Pink Floyd. Kid Rock is a diaper filled with used Indian food.
  5. Ignoring Trump...Kid Rock? If that's a legend to anyone we are lost as a nation.
  6. Did you watch it? He absolutely replied about substance. Twitter gets asked, not told, to take down tweets that may violate their terms of service. Twitter replied to pound sand 60% of the time. That's strong evidence? No. It's weak.
  7. Bud, the one and only thing you mentioned that wasn't cultural bs created to divide us was the economy. And that is primarily on covid, not the dems. Though I admit this admin should be concentrating more on fixing it. Please look inward. You sound waaaay more than Hannity than I sound like Biden. I promise, for what that's worth (nothing).
  8. You seem fired up. Calm down. Have a beer or 3. You say you want to bridge the gap but you got fired up without me even trying. Bill might make you have a heart attack. Get out and meet some normal liberals. Those of us that know there's one sex. That don't want to defend the police. You'll learn a lot I promise. I know this is coming off as condescending. It's not on purpose. Might be my writing style or that I'm inherently a diick. At last I know right?
  9. Sure but I was more referring to raw athleticism. If I recall he's a physical freak size and strength wise.
  10. I mean, I hope he's right. Especially about Brown he's such a physical freak. If things can click for him he could be great.
  11. Listen, I tried. Your answer, and buffarukus' typical rambling nonsense, shows to me not that your not knowledgeable or serious. Honoring police is part of your platform? Having a police presence? Where? How you wanna do that? Inflation is a world wide problem. Covid f'd other countries worse than us and we trade with them. It would be a problem if an R got elected too. I expected a better answer I guess. I was hoping for more Ben Shapiro but what you gave was Hannity if that makes sense. I liked your initial thought.
  12. Man, if you don't think you answer is weak as hell... And even were those important issues, as opposed to like infrastructure and Healthcare, how much time will your elected buddies spend on them vs defending Trump and going after Hunter Biden? Honoring police is their platform? Religious freedom is a problem that needs solving?
  13. Ok let's say that's accurate. Is it more so than the far rights influence? I dont see how that's even arguable. Rarely is policy even discussed by the right. Most of what I see is Hunter Biden plus what is a male. So consumed by admittedly stupid shiite that nothing meaningful is even discussed. I mentioned candidates losing elections if they don't claim Biden/dems stole the election. That's insane. They have to ride a conspiracy with ZERO proof to even be considered in many places? Come on.
  14. Ok, so let's be civil. I agree with Bill. I'll dumb it down to the fringe on the left is unbelievably annoying but ignorable. They have little influence, I wish they had none but...democracy. politicians cave to nonsense for votes. The fringe has become the right. Republicans who don't cave to election fraud nonsense are called rinos and often lose elections because of that. I rarely hear normal discourse from conservatives. It's a spatter of inane conspiracy theories. Explain to me how you think that's incorrect if you would. I totally agree that both parties need to elect better people. That may be the only way out. I'm glad that a lot of the most divisive are old as shiite.
  15. Right after your wife had a kid. The ends to which they defend this scum never cease to amaze. But a lot of these guys don't even like him..... Can't even tell the truth to themselves.
  16. Totally agree. If we could shoot into space everyone that gets offended by bs and every conspiracy loving maga moron we would be much better off. I'm not gonna sit on social media all day. And conspiracy nuts aren't going to listen to you, they'll just call you a rino. I'm not sure what normal people can do at this moment.
  17. All the things you blame the left for are mostly true. Most of the rational left despises them as much as we do the over the top conspiracy loving loonies on the right. I've never actually met those looney lefties either though. I just see them on Twitter and maybe Facebook.
  18. You probably are right overall about the morality but this being looked at negatively? Nope. There was zero respect for him outside the US. To them it looks like we're fighting corruption. And we are, even if this case is weak. Don't doubt he's going down for this or Georgia or the files, and deservedly so.
  19. ***** they may be on to our devilry. Bankrupt all of Maga scum through Trump's grift. We swoop in and buy their foreclosed houses, buy the trailers just for the fun of burning them down, and anything they can no longer afford because they sent everything to Trump snd televagelists. Who wants land down south?
  20. Hunter Biden was never elected. Throw him in Guantanamo for all anyone cares. You have our permission to eat his liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
  21. I thought you had everyone that scares you on ignore? Did that fleshy patch grow a pair? Ooooh I am excited for you!!
  22. Nothing you say wasn't said before on Fox or any q forum. Yes the oh so scary war on whites!!! You are so oppressed!! Pansy. I suspect if you were 100% honest you'd share some tiki torch pics from some of your cool rallies. Another grumpy old man spoon fed his news. Your worse than most because you believe Trump. Your ignorant brethren at least know he's full of shiite.
  23. Ohhhh now whose overusing the term racist? Lol. Does anyone else think these guys must be parodies sometimes? I mean, how can people be literally wrong about everything? It's like the old Stephen Colbert routine except it's real! The gall to say international embarrassment too. The guy you support was literally laughed at to his face. The world had zero respect for him.
  24. Yeah I remember something about Jack being pretty much done for because of this. Lost a huge step already. Shame really.
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