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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. The court case has determined he's been pulling in a lot more money than previously reported info shows. I think a lot more than 1% of the population listen to him and supports him by buying his trash online. Neither of us can prove our opinions but his net worth could be released soon which would provide a clue. The right loves conspiracy theories nowadays. They pop up here all the time. Shoot, election fraud is still being looked into in states Trump won with ZERO evidence.
  2. That is completely and utterly incorrect. He has millions of fans. He's made hundreds of millions of dollars despite being kicked off major platforms.
  3. Uhhh they were supposed to vet what they sent. Only stuff related to the trial. They didn't and sent everything on the phone. They asked to be able to mark things confidential now but that should have happened loooong ago. Can't wait to find out what crazy stuff Jones and Stone spoke about re JN 6. He's the definition of a pathological liar. And he has a huge base. Which is why I find it hilarious when conservatives say the left shifted to the extreme. He's a big part of the problem in our country.
  4. Anyone paying any attention to the Alex Jones trial? Well it has been amazing if not, check it out. How is this related? Well Alex's lawyer screwed up and gave EVERYTHING from Alex's phone to the prosecution. J6 will subpoena that info, they'v easked for it already . I'm guessing there will be some crazy stuff released between Jim and Stone soon.
  5. Turned out it was just 1 sentence removed, nothing was changed. It was 100% political theater from the right. They lied and people blindly believed them. Stewart said, and this sounds very plausible, that Toomey pushed for the rest of his pals to block this under false pretenses and now they're pissed at him because of the blowback.
  6. Cmon man he's funny! The draft speech was a riot! Enjoy the good press while we got it!!!!
  7. Lol! I dont know what is more sad. That you thought that was funny or bman giving a laugh emoji. You guys are so unbelievably lame. It's so not funny l laughed a bit picturing a 40 yo virgin typing it up. I mean, the guy had a signature that said the sons of liberty if I'm not mistaken. Funny now?
  8. Awe, you triggered precious? Did I hit a sore spot? Someone posts a pretty interesting story and your immediate reaction is to cry because they mocked your hero. Cool.
  9. Until he doesn't own your party it's fair game. My guess is once he finally settles into his syphilis riddled sunset the left will stop talking about him....well, eventually.
  10. I dont think you're right about the money being spent but time will tell. Military personnel made the decision on the pits but I get your point.
  11. It went through. Good stuff. For all the bs we spend on this is actually something good. Now I'd like to know why we were so dumb as to have these close to our troops in the first place but that's a question for another day.
  12. Well then mon frere please point it out. Should be easy no? Just a quick copy/paste. If I'm wrong- I will admit it. It's easy (not around here but I suppose when your whole life is conspiracy maybe it's different).
  13. This is true but I do wish the left would ease up on some stuff. We have to be able to attract some conservatives to vote blue. We lose potential voters pushing for change a lot aren't ready for.
  14. Nothing. @Doc Brown summed it perfectly earlier in this thread. Reps voted for it before then 1 sentence was amended that changed virtually nothing. This is all games from the right (this time, the left certainly plays their games too). Another wonderful example of monkeys throwing crap at the wall plus misinformation.
  15. You've got nothing. The right look like jokers here for voting this down for nonsense then lying about it. You defined discretionary for me earlier can you define hypocrisy? I'm thinking that may apply to someone that says think for yourself but blindly gargles Ted Cruz's sack. But define it for me so I can be sure. We shouldn't just blindly give money for anything, even vets, but our military's dumb decision messed these people up we should probably help them now.
  16. I don't like this. Russia is putting more blame on us for helping Ukraine, who knows if it's true, and now we're stirring the pot with China. The last thing we need is conflict with both of them at once.
  17. Ah so now the pork is gone and it's just your opinion that the money won't be used as should. Aka, you were wrong. The discretionary piece was wanted, in Cruz's own words, by Republicans. We need at least to be able to agree on facts. There was no other spending in the bill, if you read it then you know that. What will happen later I don't know, I haven't commented on that. Some here are very quick to jump on misinformation from Twitter, blast it out on the forum, where the sheep then jump on it as fact. If I am wrong feel free to point out what money will not go to vets in there.
  18. Me thinks you are incorrect. Ted wants the funding as discretionary not mandatory. Watch the videos pal. It was payback. The political theater is coming from the right this time. Also just because something is discretionary doesn't mean it won't go to vets. We overspend all the time this is one area I don't mind. The fist bumps were cool though.
  19. This is a complete lie. Nothing was in the bill not related to vets. Reps are just backtracking because of the blowback.
  20. I mean, we may not who knows? New oc is a huge question mark. However, we play like we did in the playoffs we should be just fine.
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