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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. See - looks to me like we saw the opposite. For once the rich prick didn't get to do wtf he wanted to. Of course every republican, and fake former democrat, will pretend this is different...
  2. I'm confident Elam will be solid this year. It could be said coaching up CB's is there biggest strength.
  3. You would because most 5th graders know more about current events than you. The gazpacho police hag. Yeah for you that about lines up. Lol
  4. Good question, don't know yet, which is obviously bad. Don't underestimate Trump hate, I think that influenced the election more than even covid. It's one thing to have a bumbling old man another to have a corrupt 5 year old. One way or another this story will be big. Wacka you're supposed to inject the bleach into your veins not your brain. Cmon now.
  5. I agree if anyone other than Trump gets the nomination. Just as much as you all love him so much many hate him even more strongly. Even if he squeaks out of this he will come off as an imbecile (again). My opinion obviously. Definitely want to see more detail. It's sounding like he declassified stuff like Michael Scott declared bankruptcy.
  6. Clearly a false flag created to make Trump supporters look bad. The deep state globalist are working overtime today. It was probably antifa.
  7. This is EXACTLY what the illuminati deepstate want you to think. It's step 1 in the deep state's takeover.
  8. Most dangerous thing in our country is right here. Misinformation and rampant conspiracy mongering. It's an easy out to any pickle you get stuck in. You get arrested? Distract with insanity. You don't like any type of outcome for anything at all? Make shiite up.
  9. I dont think any of your tirade answers anything about believing a compulsive liar and not the many people around him. Idiot takes documentation he shouldn't have. Idiot doesn't give them back when asked. Idiot's home gets raided. Why the pitchforks? And you referencing rewriting the script? Well this pos has done things no other president has done so too fn bad. Ya'll are in love with him because your perception is he "owns" the libs but he really owns the right. There aren't any on the left giving the grifter money. In fact, he was giving money to dems about 10 years ago. Beyond is an understatement. The idea is great. The idea that this fraudster would do it is laughable. They mock Alex Jones but they sure as f sound like him.
  10. Nice deflection. I do think Joe's a liar. Your typical politician. Trump lies nearly every time he speaks. How is he believed over every single person that spoke out against him?
  11. I legitimately don't get it. I understand supporting one party over another, even viewing news through those blinders, we all do at least to some extent. But to believe the biggest liar there is, Over allllll these other people is just lunacy. How many Republicans and people close to him said he's inept, compromised, or corrupt? They are all lying but he isn't?
  12. I've always joked that The Handmaids Tale was Pence's wet dream. Never thought we'd see this insanity. Women, not only but especially, really need to stand up more and let their voices be heard. We need to vote out these Christian fundamentalists.
  13. I dont want to get stuck on this since we don't have good detail. But I would just point out your numbers assume everyone buys. My guess is most viewers do not. I would not bet you're right but wouldn't be shocked either.
  14. If that happens our offense will destroy all this year. Plus Shakir as a darkhorse addition? Season can't start soon enough.
  15. I mistyped, it was for parts of 2018 800k a day. I've seen estimates of 50 to 60m a year. The guys a pathological liar too so who knows what's hidden. But there's a lot of conflicting info being thrown around I don't know what to trust. Jones saying he makes little while prosecution saying a lot more. BT could be right it's impossible to determine from the info ive seen. Web traffic plus everything else he does...my guess is it's over 1% by quite a bit. I'm also basing this on the current climate of political discourse. Conspiracy theories are everywhere now, I'm sick of typing the fn word. My thinking is he's a big part of it. We'll see if any Jan 6 stuff comes out. He and Roger Stone could have had some very interesting discussions running up to the event.
  16. Well color me shocked. Suddenly big Dick is on the schitt list for insulting your orange God. I am one again shocked. Dick is a pos but this is 100% typical of the right. I'm surprised you didn't call him a rino or a commie.
  17. This is nuts if it happens on so many levels. If it actually goes down I wonder what the response will be. Will they send elite troops or cannon fodder that would just run away? So many questions to this lunacy.
  18. His website is what I'm referring to. You may know that and are just making a radio comparison but just pointing that out. 80k a day in revenue (from the court case) means selling a ton of crap to a lot of people. That's millions a week unless there are a few wealthy buyers which I doubt. Some fraud meaning the same as every election? Yup. To say there was widespread fraud is being naive to reality. Were there some Democrat led conspiracy, which some here contend, they would have gotten caught. To say they are savvy enough to pull something like that off is giving them too much credit.
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