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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. So he's not a pos? I think it's pretty clear here in instance 5000 of him being an utter douche tool. I can't get over him id'ing her as his wife then saying she's not his type. He's not even smart enough to have his lies make sense. Will any conservative here give him crap for this? Probably not. If it's Trump he gets a free pass for everything. Simple DNA test would have cleared things up....there will be some doofus excuses for that.
  2. Did you actually read the reply? And two morons gave their thumbs up to your comment joining in the merry moron group. Yall are dense.
  3. It's civil....nothing to do with a da. He guessed she was his ex wife from looking at a photo, then said she wasn't his type....he is a pathological liar. Yet predictably conservatives stumbling over themselves to defend him. Utter clown show.
  4. Lol whoops. I haven't been able to say it yet. McDaniel is a great coach. They almost got us with their 3rd qb. I hope they suck but Tyreek is a game breaker.
  5. Their qb was on his 43th concussion. I hate them but they're good. When Tua was healthy (rare as that is) they were great. They'll challenge us for the division for sure.
  6. Man I just imagine what Josh would do with top 5 weapons. That's why I hate when he gets compared to Burrow and Mahomes.
  7. Yes. I'm a huge Maher fan, watch most of whats out there. He may not call out all of the left's weak points but he never stopped calling out stuff he disagrees with or thinks is problematic.
  8. He never stopped calling out weak points on the left. It's amazing that hating Trump to you means he'd changed.
  9. Out of curiosity, why would someone like Cinci fear us? They crushed us. Thoroughly outcoached and outplayed. We don't have a better def or better weapons. I put Allen above Burrow but that's it.
  10. Yessss! Exactly what we needed most on def. Feelin better about the d now. Hopefully White is back in form along with eventually Vonn and we're a top unit again.
  11. I hope you are right. Like the op said though it wasn't just the Bengals game. We barely beat the Dolphins 3rd string qb. We seemed like we couldn't catch our normal rhythm or something.
  12. No, totally different. Completely stupid yes but not a conspiracy to overturn an election. Jail all that broke the law, nobody on this board says otherwise.
  13. Yes no difference at all right? Pure delusion. When did dems set up fake electors?
  14. Building the roster through special teams?
  15. Hope you're right. But the trailer home masses with fewer teeth than brain cells are stuck on him. And meth too.
  16. This has to be a faked fake....it's hilarious if not.
  17. Very true. Still need to do something and it'd be better if people of your knowledge level on this were making the decisions. As in, ban these, restrict these etc. It's just a matter of days before another.
  18. Did I create this monster? No I popped in to mock it. Who knows maybe some of these dog the bounty hunter looking girls are your thing. I won't judge. Oh alright I will..
  19. That is insane. Haley picking up steam too? Yikes we need better candidates. Sad this is the best we can do. It's almost going to guarantee Joe runs (and wins) again which is also not good. Need new blood desperately.
  20. I don't like it either. It's a stupid issue that divides us unnecessarily. For such a small % of people it's all very silly to me.
  21. Sweden is not a good comparison with us. Population alone makes that comparison invalid imo. NYC alone has nearly their entire population. Having people so spread out makes things a helluva lot easier.
  22. In your trailer park what kinda pics would we see huh? You'd be doing worse to your sister wouldn'tcha?
  23. Probably came from there. Don't think it was 100% determined last I checked. Research was done there that we funded, on covid19 though? Not sure.
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