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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Well you just gave the best example of a right wing position lol.
  2. Let's look for things to be outraged about! You sound like one of the perpetually offended on Twitter. Who cares?
  3. Yes every situation is the same. You would think this is another Iran because you connect non existing dots.
  4. I can find articles on the internet that say chemicals in the water are making people gay. The US supporting pro west factions and being responsible for the ousting of Yanukovich are not the same. Him winning fairly would be like Trump winning New York. He was hated and it was widely known Russia owned him.
  5. Someone from the Cia being there = the US is responsible. Yup. Makes sense. Conspiracy land, you just can't help it. Teach us about Chem trails next.
  6. What would they talk about without conspiracy theories? Never mind the fact that all of Ukraine knew Yanukovich was a Russian puppet, he all but admitted being blackmailed by Russia. But sure the Cia went to Russia and tipped the scales.
  7. I think they helped take down Cawthorn but I'm not positive. I dont believe this necessarily I just think them threatening to sue has little meaning. Boebert is a class A example of how as a country we're electing idiots. She is the Michael Jordan of idiots (or Lebron if you prefer). I sometimes watch clips of her idiocy just for fun. It's entertaining. I mean it's not MTG Gazpacho police, Jewish spacer lasers etc. But fun.
  8. Also, who cares that they threatened to sue? That doesn't mean this is fake. She was going to sue the people that brought to light the call girl past. For some reason she didn't follow through.... Could be fake but with a knucklehead like this who knows?
  9. That's an exaggeration by orders of magnitude. Nobody in Europe is a vassal to us except in your head. Sure we swing a big stick and can get our way at times but most countries have no problem telling us no when our suggestions don't suit them. People outside the US laugh at Americans that think like this.
  10. They have endless supplies huh? I don't think a country with endless supplies trots out tanks from museums. They've sent out troops with rusted gear and no water. You listen to too much anti Ukraine propaganda. Your opinions are not all based on reality.
  11. If Ukraine is disputed lands then so is virtually all of Europe. And the US is not the center of the universe. We're not some harbinger of doom causing and prolonging every war. We've made plenty of mistakes but helping Ukraine isn't one imo. We also cannot force peace. If the US stopped sending arms Ukraine wouldn't automatically fall like it sounds like you believe. Sure things would get a helluva lot worse for Ukraine but they are defending their own land vs the dumbest army on the planet.
  12. How could you possibly know that? The only way Russia would agree is if they keep land. Maybe that really is a non starter for Ukraine as they've said throughout. If you're paying attention you see Ukraine fighting for every inch of land in Bakhmut which has little value. Let's consider it this way, if some country took Florida would you be for just letting them have it and backing down? Maybe during the revolutionary War we should have just backed down because we were up against a superior force right? I thought the right was all about patriotism. You sure don't understand it elsewhere.
  13. I didn't say it's all about democracy. Do you comprehend why corruption is so prevalent there and really most of eastern europe? Did Tucker get into that much detail when he was giving you your new opinions? I'm guessing he didn't. He just riled you up with a few simple mostly meaningless sentences. Pretty easy to do I guess.
  14. The lack of reading comprehension is astounding yet not surprising from your posting history. Saying it's an amazing story in no way advocates what is happening. Its disgusting. Which is why us helping is the right thing. Russia is a f'd up country. They send their own people on suicide missions without a second thought and encourage war crimes.
  15. Nobody told me im able to form my opinions. I'm well aware if the situation in Ukraine and have been well before this war. When one side is democratic and the other authoritarian, not to mention they invaded, well you should be able to tell who the good guys are. I studied in Eastern europe during the orange revolution. I've forgotten more about the region in question than you will ever know. I've also plenty of reasons to dislike Ukrainians yet wish them the best. Yeah I know, Tucker praised Russia so now you pea brains think your opinions are educated. They aren't. There's no reason anyone that supports democracy shouldn't root for Ukraine.
  16. Maybe he's just rooting for the good guys? Ukraine may be corrupt but they're trying to Westernize (hard to do when big brother interferes with everything). We just let Russia run through Ukraine they'll target someone else. Plans already slipped for Moldova and the Baltics (I'm sure the conspiracy theories say it's fake). Besides it's an amazing story. A world superpower is getting b slapped by a tiny country because of superior tech and an utterly inept army.
  17. I have no sympathy for these morons. Darwin wins again.
  18. I like nothing better than having a six pack (of meth) and getting rowdy at Disneyland.
  19. Throw him in jail if he's proven guilty of anything, we've all said so if i recall.
  20. Does A-aron have a lightsaber in this hypothetical?
  21. I'm not sure all those guys are improvements. Kincaid may take a year before he's used regularly. Our defense is suspect now as well. Fingers crossed that you're right.
  22. How the f was that pos president? He doesn't even make sense. Wow. It'd be funny if it were happening to another country.
  23. No. Don't like him at all. But, unlike Trump, I don't believe he I'd crossed the line legally. If he has throw the book at him I don't care.
  24. Did you just get chubb from Carlson again? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  25. I'll bet you just about nothing comes out of that. R's have as much admitted sketchy things but not illegal. I dont think that can happen. Completely different courts. Hopefully a resident lawyer can chime in.
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