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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. They've gotten a couple now. Thr hold the other poster called out was blatant.
  2. Brutal. Just brutal. Defense got curb stomped. I want to blame Frazier but guys were in position to make plays and just didn't.
  3. How'd Revis I mean Elam play this week? I didn't catch much.
  4. Here's a hot take we hand Tua his own head on a platter after we play in Buffalo. Too hot for us in that biach of a stadium.
  5. Josh Allen is gonna put the hurt on them. Can't wait to be louder than the fish fans at the game. You know, the ones who probably won't be paying attention by week 13.
  6. Not in the least surprising. Hopefully Russians come to their senses and overthrow this tool. In the past I'd always thought him a brilliant autocrat/sociopath . He's lost now. Health? Surrounded by ineptitude? The more the people are put through the meat grinder the higher the chance he eats a bullet.
  7. I mean impressive start what else can you say?
  8. Might be a lesson to not take your foot off the gas when you have a lead. Bal defense was a but shocking though.
  9. I dont equate mocking to rage. I'm replying more to the start of this joke of a topic, "the beserking left". Scary! Those are the tears I drink from the right's fake tough guy crybabies. But no rage. Maybe there should be? Don't know. The hypocrisy maybe should enrage but I recognize there's enough on both sides.
  10. Hardy har har. Replying to the whining and crying here. I suspect most posters that support the right here are old as dirt because exactly none of you have anything approaching a sense of humor and believe virtually everything from fox. If I'm wrong and some of you are say, under 50, then somehow it's even more sad. Cry about this crap but defend J6 scum all day?
  11. What I truly don't understand is why anyone tough would even consider supporting him. Draft dodging, silver spooned, pansy. Literally nothing tough about that sack of *****.
  12. I savor your snowflake tears. When did old people become such wussies?
  13. It's not Europe so much as the rest of the world. Losing respect matters. Perception is reality. I agree with most of what you said. You go a bit deeper into things they don't know much (aside from intellectuals).
  14. Mahomes is just ridiculously good at it. He can do it more accurately than anyone else.
  15. Mahommes can do side arm stuff Josh can't. Not that I really want him to.
  16. Bills and KC are the class of the afc snd that means the nfl. Lots of time for things to change.
  17. Is it possible the whole qanon thing was started by the government to gain the crazy vote? Oh ***** they got me. I'm one of them now.
  18. 1 game. He sure was a beast but big bad Ed will have something to say. They are all gonna wanna feed on qb meat this year. That didn't sound great....
  19. Not if Vonn eats their QB like a chicken wing (cajun honey butter bbq) before he throws the ball! But yeah.
  20. What about Jordan Phillips tonight? He had a great game that might get overshadowed a bit.
  21. They can't really afford to ease him in. They really only had Coop as a weapon.
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