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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Blah I always thought him overrated. Chiefs can go ahead and snag him. I wouldn't rate them much better.
  2. Teams game plan around him. The Panthers offense is absolute garbage after him. Put him on a team with weapons and his stats will be great.
  3. If Beane thinks it puts us over the top? Get it done. Should be a way without sacrificing too much. If you have to give a higher pick get a lower one back.
  4. Please. Seriously. Stop. You are not funny. It happens. I'm sure you have other stuff you're good at. Bridge? Solitaire?
  5. I was thinking that I don't believe this chick is nuts ala mgt. I think she made a calculated decision to start talking crazy to make bank. I could be wrong.
  6. 27 - 10 Bills We play down to competition sometimes. We'll also try some new guys and new looks out.
  7. Oh? So what is it? He's trying to clean up the swamp? Next step is you talking about a cabal of pedophiles. He's a joke and so are you if you have even 1% faith/belief in him. Until he's gone for good he owns your joke of a party which is plain sad. Can't wait for the fireworks between him and DeSantis though.
  8. Assume we keep Tremaine, which I'm for, how are we creating cap space? We definitely need some. I know magic man Beane will move things around. But we can't pay everyone.
  9. Your point is what. He isn't part of the swamp that's why they're after him? Wake up. He's a threat either due to corruption or plain old stupidity.
  10. Some are loyal. Not all certainly. If a real referendum were held in the east I'm confident most would not want to secede.
  11. He's THE biggest swamp creature of them all. History isn't going to judge any of us kindly for the past few years but especially Republicans who continue to support and absolve this ass for everything he's done. Every offence he called out he did and worse.
  12. I hope that's the reason. Having an anemic run game will hurt in the playoffs.
  13. They won't keep it up. They kinda suck. Good on Daboll he's making the absolute most out of that roster.
  14. I like Singletary but our run game gets way too many runs between -3 and + 2 yards. A lot is blocking. This may be nuts but I hope we can iron it out in one of our few easier games. Need to see if Cook is for real too. He may be a guy that just needs more reps. He also may be a jag.
  15. That doesn't make sense exactly but fair enough. I mean , one normally wouldn't be thinking about how they could draft a guy like that unless you thought of him in that way. To me he seems like a quiet dude but I'm guessing based on little I've seen on TV and interviews. I want him to succeed so I'm definitely biased. Our run game (and blocking) has been horrible. If we can get him going it would help a ton.
  16. That's all conjecture. You have no clue if he doesn't have passion. He looked extremely bummed after his drop and previous fumble. You could be right but that's 100% your opinion right now.
  17. Everyone just about dropped one today. Our rbs have been dookie. I say we try actually giving him some decent playing time and see how he does.
  18. Crowder had at least 2 drops. Not good. Gotta give Shakir more playing time for sure.
  19. Yeah even with that. The sack was a great play on one of the most elusive players in the league.
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