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L Ron Burgundy

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  1. Cool. Let's get another slow asss cb. Only want him if he's like 4-5th cb.
  2. You went from football to that? What Golden Girls wasn't on?
  3. Oh my bad. Read these too quick sometimes.
  4. Hopkins 2? He may retire. He didn't do much with the queefs.
  5. I know it's anecdotal but every single time I watch him play he has a fumble.
  6. I dont think he's that good. I think he feasted because teams keyed on Chase.
  7. I'm down for either Hollywood or Dyami Brown. Tee is way outta our price range. Not worth what he'll get. Chin would be great too.
  8. Without checking stats. This guy fumbles too much for us.
  9. We had other good defenses during the drought. Did jp Losman get it done? Rob Johnson? Tyrod broke the curse. I don't care that he was mediocre or his play was so cautious it drove us nuts. He may have been instructed to play like that.
  10. Tyrod (spell check hates his name) broke the freaking curse. The disdain some have for him is insane. He should be revered just for that.
  11. Didn't read the whole thread, hoping there's love for the beast Aaron Maybin? Qb craving, Maybin.
  12. I love Cook. Not at 15m. 10 with a lot of incentives get it done?
  13. I never understood why we're prude about boobs. It makes zero sense. I know some places overseas that show them in commercials. Society doesn't crumble. If you're a baby have at it, but then hide them around older children? Parents are so afraid to speak with their kids about boobs? How the hell do you speak about more serious/personal topics if you cant even broach this?
  14. I don't think that's true in this offense but maybe that changes with a burner like Brown.
  15. Oh jeezus your post touched on what I consider to be one of the seven levels of hell. No. NO!
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