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Everything posted by BILLieve85

  1. Sure. Then don’t respond. This board is so toxic. Yes tonight sucked. But acting on people putting feet in their mouth will not help. Everyone has a right to post as much as you do. Haha no. No you can’t. You can’t just get mad because people don’t have the same opinion as you. Stop. Grow up.
  2. No one never said that. Pretty shortsighted of you. Especially for not wanting more, and being satisfied with playoffs. We all want the Super Bowl, but fans like you ridiculing others is not the answer. Read the room next time.
  3. The ‘96 wild card game, and Kelly’s last, vs. JAX was blacked out in Buffalo. Remember having to listen on the radio that day with my grandpa off Eggert Rd. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/12/27/sports/nfl-s-blackout-rule-fills-the-seats-usually.html
  4. I believe it’s the same logic as starting this thread.
  5. So how much do you resign McKenzie for. What’s your offer?
  6. We already knew this. So did the media. Yet you had to start a new thread?
  7. Has nothing to do with that. We need another guard. JA17 is great. He will make any slot guy look great. Please do not fall for your nonsense
  8. Haha keep going. Also, McKenzie is a FA and Beasley is on the books for like $8 mil. So if we keep both, where do we upgrade. Enough with trying to have pro bowlers at each starting spot. It doesn’t happen
  9. Ever hear of Mr. Celery Cap?
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