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  1. I think the last big thing I broke in here was that Richie Incognito was joining the team. I was working at a local watering hole at the time and Rex himself tipped me off to that one. I got flamed pretty bad until it came true. I still hear some good intel now and then through various sources but typically keep things to myself.
  2. Hearing from a good source that this Sunday’s game will be flexed to 4:25 start time.
  3. Exactly… until they realize they can monetize that… and there will be high top tables there for a premium
  4. I asked the same question about “the ring” around the lower bowl. My rep said they will not be having tables there or selling seats there. Also said the lower bowl concourses will not be restricted to lower bowl ticket holders. I was not pleased that there aren’t any 100 level/lower bowl seats that are truly covered by the roof.
  5. I also find it a bit strange That I (and likely many others) just got an email from the Bills trying to drum up interest in in club seats.
  6. I just considered that a premium baked into the ticket price. There was no ownership… no ability to resell… no lump sum up front.
  7. Fair points. I guess there’s one point you made that I am skeptical about… whether or not there’s actually a viable 30k waiting list. It’s in the Bills’ best interest to have us believe that list exists. It’s also in their best interest to have us believe sales are very strong. There’s some info out there (somewhat anecdotal) that makes me believe otherwise. I know of many friends/family and even some corporate sponsors who have reduced the number of seats they own… some have bailed outright. The Bills want us to believe that there are 30k viable accounts (at at least 2 seats each on average) waiting in the wings to commit to these new prices. Yet these same individuals didn’t previously own seasons tix when they were roughly 50% less per ticket and didn’t require a PSL. I get it… new stadium etc. but I’m a skeptic.
  8. Anyone considering waiting until one year after the new stadium opens to gain some true market info before attempting to buy PSL/Tix? Could either be on secondary market…or potentially unsold PSLs directly from the Bills? My parents and I each have two seasons tix accounts in the lower bowl with 60+ years seniority. I can still access games if I decide to be patient with my own tix and bail on my account. I feel like being patient for a year may be worth it for someone like myself who absolutely plans on keeping the tix around forever to pass along to my young kids. Buying at the price set by the bills really doesn’t allow you to get a sense of the true market for PSLs. In my opinion there is ZERO chance they go up in value… and may lose a significant chunk of value after the first year or two. In essence PSLs are a 30 year membership providing access to buy tix… every year that passes, PSL value diminishes. I sense that some people don’t want to miss out on getting tix for the first year in the new stadium because a good sales pitch made them believe there is going to be scarcity of ticket access. The Bills hold all of the information in this process, and it provides them a significant advantage. The moment PSLs hit the secondary market, or the bills are stuck with unsold PSL’s the dynamic shifts. I also think back to when I bought a different set of season tix 3 years ago… club and premium seasons tix were available. That was pre PSL…there’s no way they become completely scarce with the PSL and increased ticket added to the equation.
  9. As a follow up I should say that the DBs probably could’ve had PI flags thrown on them nearly every rep for this entire drill… refs didn’t seem to be there to call penalties…they were there to confirm possessions in bounds (TDs)
  10. It was a clean catch with both feet down… I was right there about 20 feet away and have a video… both referees with perfect angles signaled a touchdown as well. Not sure how to add photos but I have them…says my files are too big to upload.
  11. Thursday sept 12 @ dolphins.
  12. For what it’s worth Dorsey and the other coaches do absolutely make their way down to the locker room during halftime. I see them on a golf cart driving thru the stadium. That being said I don’t think there’s a whole lot of time to make any drastic changes at halftime especially adding in the commute from the booth to the locker room and back.
  13. I sat in the end zone with a friend who played for both the bills and bears…he took my wife on the field pregame because it was bears alumni game and she was the only one not wearing bills gear. Th game winning field goal almost hit me in the face… I have a great pic of the ball about 6 inches from my phone camera lens. Great weekend in Chicago… I wanted to do a repeat this year but the proximity to the holidays made it a non starter
  14. Josh’s girlfriend was posting pics on Instagram last night… they were with Christian Kirk at dinner. 👀
  15. I used to live in Orlando and became friends with a neighbor who trained at the Tom Shaw academy at Disney with Matt Milano. My neighbor was training to be an Olympic bob sledder. As soon as we drafted Milano I got a text saying we got a great athlete that works his tail off... heard the same thing about Gabe Davis when we drafted him. Give the Shaw performance academy a follow on Instagram... they train an interesting group of athletes from all different sports.
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