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  1. The Refs robbed us and the Chiefs from a clean game with an epic finish Instead we are left with a bad taste in our mouth because the refs couldn't make the right call in a crucial game changing spot. Look we weren't guaranteed to win if we got that first, but we the fans were robbed the true outcome of this game.
  2. 50+ easy
  3. BTW is this the first time replay assist was used (the bills didn't challenge the spot) and the play wasn't overturned?
  4. My question is why did the ref who could only see Josh's back have final say on where the ball was spotted. The ref on the other side was clearly marking it a first, had a better visual of the actual ball in Josh's hands but yet they gave the guy that couldn't even see the ball mark the spot?
  5. Forget OT Keep the ball in Josh Allen hands and go for the win
  6. You've never seen one of these? You mean since the rule change. Right? Because we have one of these in our history, in one of the most amazing games ever lol
  7. Who else was glad to see them finally in use in this offense
  8. We can't spend the majority of the game in zone if they are absolutely killing us. They moved to man way way way to late
  9. This is two weeks in a row that he's ***** up an easy sideline grab
  10. Everybody mentioned above... and the Seattle center
  11. Aikman "Josh Allen was good vs the Titans today, but let's be honest he could of thrown 2-3 INT's"
  12. Just hire someone to help him handle end of game management. It's by far his biggest flaw
  13. This shows the rate of success. I'm not denying they are successful when going for it. I have more trust in Josh to make these plays work. But the bottom line is Mcdermott has been bottom 5 in going for it on 4th down in the league. More often then not, he's taking the points over being aggressive. Thursday he did the opposite and I hope it continues
  14. Bottom 5 in 4th down attempts last 3 of the last 4 years I'm sorry but you're completely wrong. We have been bottom 5 in the league at going for it on 4th down, 3 of the last 4 years.
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