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Everything posted by SUNTANBILLSFAN

  1. TOOOO MUCH PINK please stop!
  2. First off great thing to do!!!!!! but pink and football is a bad combo! Whats next if the quarterback is being sacked and looks like he was pulling the ball down but fumbles it really isn't a fumble ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when did football become flag football! Next you are gonna say a catch isn't really a catch!
  3. Ah thoughtful insight Buffalo class awesome lol
  4. I'll take 12-4 and playoffs by the way we are still 1st in the afc east
  5. If you said we would be 3-1 I bet everyone would take it! That said to lose like this hurts. But now the wounded "dream team" is next and I believe we are gonna kill them! the refs do not like the eagles either so it will be ok. If we go 3-1 each quarter 12-4 here we come. Last remember we almost won this game when clearly our A game was not there! Just think if the worst rule (tuck rule) wasn't in play we would have won. so I'm not giving up lets show this team we are still with them. Go Bills P.s. Chan when its 2 and 3 give it to Fred not C J
  6. Hell ya it does he wasn't passing it forward
  7. Hey Guess you couldn't stand us winning
  8. Please Football Gods you came through last week and we in Buffalo thank you. In case you wanted to know Sunday to Monday night was awesome I watched highlight shows till I fell asleep Work was so easy and for once the sun shined a little brighter. That said this game scares me it is the old trap game. We need to show the world we are the team to beat. This is usually where you guys #$it on us and either concuss or QB injure too many guys! Please I've been so proud to teach my 10 year old son and 5 year old girl about the great pride of Buffalo Bills Football. I know my Grandpa god rest his soul and Tim Russurt (sorry if I spelled wrong) are at some Bills Backer Bar in heaven rooting for their Bills! So as we all found out last week that the Devil called in his deal with Boston ie. Redsox and the Patriots maybe you could continue to look upon us with a smile and help us crush the Bengals. Once again thanks for last week! Buffalo Bills 12th Man
  9. call si help line they will get u bills cover i did they are sending it out
  10. matter of fact 3 covers this week who gets the curse? Payton think not he is resting in peace phillies hope so and Bills naaaaa We are gonna blow Cinci out
  11. cover jinx averted here in fl orlando to be exact the cover is Walter Payton great buffalo article i will be asking SI for the buffalo cover too
  12. Not to sound morbid but with many saying Ralph is in failing health and the team asking for lease extension isn't it the right move to have the County lock the bills in for the next 10 years to ensure the Bills stay!
  13. 51-3 CHAMPIONSHIP GAME The Ralph was so loud it was shacking! week before the same versus the Dolphins! Sounded like that last week Be proud 12th man we make a difference even if its helping the team know we are behind them
  14. maybe it was the uniforms!
  15. so refreshing to have real coaching thank you Chan!
  16. I will continue every week if it helps!
  17. If Dicky was still coach we would have scored right away then given up hugh run back where TB would throw a TD and Bill goes for two and gets it another lose but thank God we have chan GO BILLS
  18. No one I mean no one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!
  19. No one I mean No one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!
  20. Bills and Lions 3-0 the end is near and hey Rich Gannon Brady lost that game for them
  21. Fine now I have to rub a Budda tummy damn!
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