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Sugar High JA17

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Everything posted by Sugar High JA17

  1. I think this second half of the season will say more about this D, to many easy teams this first 9 with bad QB's! Still i like the fact this D played great up to this point! I think Ranch Dubois, chill charlie!, Mellow Mike, do-Dad, Pimple Pete, Chucho Calderón, Ramadam Steve, Right Dude Here, McNuggs, Stephany Nuggs, Bangkok Dangerous, Lady Godiva, and even Simple Simon, would all agree .
  2. -OL Spencer Brown has been placed on the Reserve/COVID-19 list. And some great news for your broken hearts! lol -WR Jake Kumerow has been activated from the Reserve/COVID-19 list.
  3. Thats pretty radical right there but i aint gonna sweat it dudes. We got this!
  4. "punched his ex in the head several times before violently tossing her into a TV" Great use of words, Throwing instead of tossing seams to fit better! time to mellow out dude!
  5. Sorry dude i just stepped away like 420-minutes ago w/that
  6. Cheers ill drink to that, you’re kinda like a hoverboad-er
  7. Thats pretty radical right there but i aint gonna sweat it dude. Kelly once said "Imperfection is the secret to perfection" Josh is New-Wave Rad also
  8. Whoa, man. Time to mellow out, Jim Kelly was hella gnar gnar too
  9. Whoa, Back-to-the-Future trip man ! Those Bills were hella gnar gnar vs the Jets Sunday, lets ride that wave against the Colts!
  10. Whoa man, i don’t make mistakes, Just gnarly accidents... Sorry if i wrote that wrong Surfing slang - The rapture a surfer feels in a big tube is intense, an exaltation of mind and feelings.
  11. misses the point of what was going on with Bills in 2018 Look at the Patriots last year & that mess too Facts are Mac is the better QB 10 games in... thats it So what we got Josh & will kick the pats a** for years to come no matter if/when mac gets better
  12. In my world that is not a troll, its a open-mind without favoritism
  13. Im a huge bills fan, not a troll, just a guy who hates the patriots as much as anything! I post facts and call it how i see it. Jones looks really good up to this point and the #'s define that
  14. emojis? really? Wow just sad
  15. He was the 5th qb picked this year. Numbers and wins dont lie If he was so awesome then why did 4 teams over look him? He's looking pretty darn good & you and all the people on this site, who hate to admit it are in denial
  16. Lets start hoping he gets worse! Mac Jones Vs Josh Allen - first 10 starts. Jones Allen Per. 69.0 % 53% yds 2,333 1,655 TD 13 6 int 7 9 QBr 94.1 68.2
  17. for sure man, im not gonna sweat it too dude, I live in the now also, Some call it a hologram in the sports planet
  18. I botched the whole thing pretty radically, some will say i farmed it, by saying the Bills will lose again earlier today. I can admit when I'm wrong but it's hard man, living on a plane of existence untouched by mortals
  19. Bummer when i heard the jets stealing Wildgoose , i was like Ah, Harsh. Wow, Man.
  20. Most far-out dream last night, guys. My bed turned into a eagle, and i was getting tubed, and i was like “whoa"! Then i see some numbers, 30-24 Bills win on Sunday fellas. time to mellow out
  21. It's the Illusion here , reporting somewhere on spaceship earth just jamming through the solar system Killing my mellow on the 4-3 talk !!!!! Do my low-frequency beings agree? Why trap us in this hologram any longer
  22. I like beasleys attitude this year, I understand him when he says "i never know who i am when i wake up in the morning" I cant find his bowl cut Maintenance video before he was growing his hair out for charity - It was funny
  23. It's time to wrap our heads around the fact it's gonna be cold, and yet the sun is bright! Sunday Highs 42.0 partly clear
  24. Diggs & Sanders if healthy, Thats pretty radical right there but i aint gonna sweat it dudes
  25. He wont be on this roster next year, Average Slot guy at best! Could see him on some southern team like Atlanta or Jax...Fits in better where he belongs
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